Welcome to the May 2023 issue of Credit Insurance News Digest.
This month's issue is sponsored by SCHUMANN.
- Trade credit insurance for risk protection for banks and financial institutions by Robert Meters, Director of Global Business, SCHUMANN.
- Predictions for trade credit insurance in the UK and globally in 2023. Videos from SCHUMANN and Company Watch's recent joint event in London. Featuring: Ian Selby (Nexus), Simon Philpin (Markel), Craig Evans (Company Watch), Richard Wulff (ICISA), Sean Edwards (ITFA) and John Beaney (HSBC).
Credit Insurance News
Trade credit insurers' loss ratios remain far too low, but this looks set to change. WTW has published its latest Insurance Marketplace
Realities 2023 Spring Update, a summary of rate predictions, forecasts and market insights
for WTW's 30+ lines of insurance across North America. The report advises that in 2022 there was significant growth in the trade credit insurance market as more companies looked at ways to protect their receivables.
WTW also notes that loss ratios currently remain far too low for trade credit insurers but suggests that, as all economic signs point to a deeper recession in the second half of 2023, this looks set to change.
Cash flow constraints and access to liquidity will lead to higher insolvencies, which are expected "to bleed into 2024."
To read WTW's summary and download a copy of the report go to https://www.wtwco.com/en-US/insights/2023/04/insurance-marketplace-realities-2023-spring-update.
Implementation of Basel 3.1: Unintended consequences for credit insurance?
Trade Finance Global's (TFG) Deepesh Patel recently discussed the implications of Basel 3.1 for trade credit insurance with International Trade & Forfaiting Association's (ITFA) committee board member, Silja Calac.
TFG's article notes that as part of Basel 3.1, the Prudential Regulation Authority is proposing to restrict the use of the Internal Ratings-Based (IRB) approach for calculating banks' capital requirements,
a move which could impact banks' use of credit insurance. While ITFA supports the use of a specific IRB approach for credit insurance providers, it warns that "the proposed restrictions may prevent credit insurance policyholders from reflecting the true risk of non-payment in their capital requirements. This could lead to increased costs for banks and reduce their use of credit insurance,
which could result in higher risk and financial instability." To read TFG's article go to https://www.tradefinanceglobal.com/posts/implementation-of-basel-3-1-unintended-consequences-for-credit-insurance/.
Allianz Trade expands its XoL offer in Germany, Asia Pacific, Spain, and Brazil.
Following the successful growth of its teams in the UK and the US in the last ten years, Allianz Trade has announced that it is expanding its Excess of Loss (XoL) teams with additional resources in Germany and Singapore
and by investing in dedicated teams that are physically present in Spain (with Solunion) and Brazil. Allianz Trade warns that as insolvencies rebound, companies will need increasing support and protection against potential large and
unexpected losses in 2023. Allianz Trade's news release notes that its XoL solution currently supports over 300 companies.
To read Allianz Trade's news release go to https://www.allianz-trade.com/en_global/news-insights/news/allianz-trade-expands-excess-of-loss--xol--reach.html.
What's causing instability in the trade credit insurance market?
Insurance Business has published an article exploring some of the factors currently causing instability in the Canadian trade credit insurance market.
According to David Dienesch, CEO of Allianz Trade in Canada, the current credit squeeze is creating demand for coverage, which is positive for trade credit insurers.
In addition, several high-profile bankruptcies in Canada have increased the demand for trade credit insurance, and the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank "has had a ripple effect on the market."
However, despite the increase in demand, Dienesch cautions that "we, like everybody else, are also starting to think, 'should we be taking on credit? Should we be tightening up?'"
To read Insurance Businesses' article go to https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/ca/news/breaking-newswhats-causing-instability-in-the-trade-credit-insurance-market-443088.aspx.
BExA publishes its latest Guide to Export Credit Insurance (2023 edition) to provide an impartial explanation of credit insurance.
The British Exporters Association (BExA) has published a revised and updated Guide to Export Credit Insurance — a revision of the original 2007 booklet edited by Richard Hill.
The guide's aim is to explain credit insurance for the benefit of members of the British
Exporters Association and UK exporters in general. Its authors are Jennifer Donaghy of WTW, Neil Ross of AIG, and Susan Ross of Aon.
It contains the following chapters:
- What Is Export Credit Insurance?
- The Export Contract And Terms Of Payment (With A Focus On The Export Of Goods)
- Risks Covered And Not Covered
- The Credit Insurance Market
- Pre-Credit Risk (PCR)
- Managing Your Export Credit Insurance Policy
- The Insurer's View
- The Financier's View
- Letter Of Credit, Credit Insurance, Payment Guarantee or Others?
- Claims And How To Make Them (Succeed).
To download a copy go to https://bexa.co.uk/BExA/BEXA/Policy-and-Publications/BExA-Guides.aspx.
Trade credit insurance market to grow from $10.3 billion to $11.2 billion in 2023.
Trade Finance Global (TFG) has reported that analysis from the Business Research Company's research on the trade credit insurance market forecasts that the global trade credit insurance market size will grow from $10.3 billion
in 2022 to $11.2 billion in 2023 at a compound annual growth rate of more than 9%. The global trade credit insurance market is then expected to grow to $15.8 billion in 2027.
The report suggests that trade expansion has increased demand for trade credit insurance. Europe was the largest region in the trade credit insurance market in 2022.
To read TFG's news release go to https://www.tradefinanceglobal.com/wire/market-update-trade-credit-insurance-market-grow-10-3bn-11-2bn-2023/.
Tokio Marine HCC International opens a broker lounge at the "Walkie-Talkie" building in London.
Following its recent move to the "Walkie-Talkie" building at 20 Fenchurch Street, London, Tokio Marine HCC International (TMHCCI) has opened a bespoke broker lounge on the 7th floor of the building.
The dedicated broker lounge is designed to provide space for everything from formal business meetings to more casual catch-ups and social events, and offers an access point for brokers to collaborate with teams across the business.
It will be open from 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday.
To read TMHCC's news release go to https://www.tmhcc.com/en/news-and-events/tokio-marine-hcc-international-opens-new-broker-lounge-at-the-walkie-talkie-building.
Allianz Trade to sell its Russian business to a local management team.
Allianz Trade has announced it has reached an agreement to sell its Russian business to a team of local managers currently employed by Euler Hermes Russia. The completion of the transaction remains subject to regulatory approvals. As of February 2022, Allianz Trade has not underwritten any new business on the Russian market and has significantly reduced exposure. Building on this position, Allianz Trade has decided to sell 100% of its shares in its Russian operation while honouring its obligations to local employees and customers. Under its new owners, and upon completion of the transaction, the company will operate independently under a different brand.
To read Allianz Trade's news release go to https://www.allianz-trade.com/en_global/news-insights/news/allianz-trade-to-sell-russian-business-to-local-management-team.html.
The Windsor Framework — a path to easier trade?
Atradius has published an article which suggests that, although the recently signed Windsor Framework will help to smooth the flow of internal UK trade, it will do little to mitigate the impact of Brexit on trade with the EU.
Atradius stresses that the data clearly indicates that Post-Brexit UK is trading less with the EU, with pronounced implications for wider economic performance.
"The economy of the United Kingdom has seemingly gone from bad to worse over the course of 2022 and will stay the worst performer in 2023 among the Group of Seven (G7) large industrial economies," commented Dana Bodnar, an Economist at Atradius.
To read Atradius' release go to https://group.atradius.com/press/atradius-news/windsor-framework-a-path-to-easier-trade.html.
Which countries are easier for collecting unpaid invoices, and which are harder?
Allianz Trade's latest report on which countries are the easiest and the hardest for collecting unpaid invoices has found that Sweden comes out on top, followed by Germany, the Netherlands, Finland and Portugal. On the other hand, USD 4.2 trillion in receivables is at risk in the most 'complex' countries. These include Saudi Arabia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Greece and Italy.
The 2022 ranking shows that collecting debt in three out of ten countries is relatively easy, with the easiest in Western Europe.
Johan Geeroms, Director of Risk Underwriting Benelux for Allianz Trade, commented: "This can be explained by government support during the COVID pandemic,
which made debt collection procedures fairly rare. But vigilance is needed now that support packages are being withdrawn."
To read Allianz Trade's news release go to https://www.allianz-trade.com/en_BE/news/latest-news/collecting-unpaid-invoices-belgium-top-10.html?.
Payment performance in the UK's food service sector is forecast to slow in 2023 while the number of business failures will rise.
A new report by Tokio Marine HCC has warned that many of the challenges faced by the UK's food service sector in 2022 are likely to persist in 2023.
Current food price inflation is at its highest rate since 1977, and costs for restaurant and café visits are also rising by an above-average speed: up by 9.4% year on year in January.
Equally worrying for the months ahead, producer price inflation (PPI) in the food sector still stands near its recent record high. Annual PPI has been positive for the past 26 months, and the 2022 average was the highest
reading since the start of the data series in 1985. As a result, the sector's payment performance is expected to become slower in 2023, while the number of business failures will rise.
To read Tokio Marine's report go to https://www.tmhcc.com/en/news-and-events/trade-credit-uk-food-service-sector-report-2023.
Allianz Trade predicts a prolonged increase in UK insolvencies for the next two years.
Allianz Trade has warned that it expects insolvencies in the UK to increase by 16% (+3,930 insolvencies) and 9% (+2,600) in 2023 and 2024 as businesses are tested by weak demand, prolonged pressure on profitability,
weaker cash buffers and tighter-for-longer financial conditions. Allianz Trade's report notes that UK insolvencies quickly bounced back in the UK after the phasing-out of state support measures — increasing
by 4% in 2021 and 51% (24,565 bankruptcies) across all sectors in 2022. Allianz Trade expects UK business insolvencies to continue to exceed the pre-pandemic level, gradually closing the gap with 2011 highs by 2024 (to 31,100 cases),
albeit still below the 2009 records.
To read Allianz Trade's news release go to https://www.allianz-trade.com/en_GB/newsroom/allianz-trade-insolvency-report.html.
Numerous challenges for companies in CEE result in an increased number of insolvencies.
A new study by Coface has reported that corporate insolvencies in Central & Eastern Europe (CEE) increased in 2022. Eight countries experienced a higher number of insolvencies (Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Serbia), and four countries recorded a decrease (Czech Republic, Estonia, Slovakia and Slovenia). The highest surge of insolvencies was recorded by Serbia and Hungary (+106% and +86%, respectively), while the largest drop was in Estonia (by -17%). Unsurprisingly, the energy-intensive sectors are the ones that suffered the most, experiencing a lengthening of payment delays compared to the prior year and an increase in insolvencies. The construction sector has also been significantly impacted.
To read Coface's news release (with a link to the report) go to https://www.coface.com/News-Publications/News/Numerous-challenges-for-companies-in-CEE-result-in-an-increased-number-of-insolvencies.
The value of trade credit insurance claims in Australia rose by 60% in Q1 2023 compared to Q4 2022. NCI Trade Credit Solutions has reported that its latest Trade Credit Index (Q1 2023) indicates an increasingly risky trade credit environment for
businesses in Australia.
NCI notes that compared to Q4 2022, the number of trade credit insurance claims in Australia increased by 36%, and the value of claims increased by 60% (although coming off a low base over the past three years).
There was also a 19% increase in the number of serious overdues reported, while the number of collections increased by 26%.
Overall, NCI registered 339 claims in Q1 with a total value of AU$34.6 million (AU$21.7 million in Q4 2022).
Overall, the trade sectors with the greatest number of claims were the Building/Hardware, Plumbing and Electrical sectors.
To see NCI's infographic go to https://www.nci.com.au/news/.
Webcast: Markel has published the 9th edition of its Class Conversation. In this edition, Simon Philpin, Head of Trade Credit at Markel International, talks to Pieter Van Ede, the new Global Head of Trade Credit at Willis Towers Watson. In this conversation, we hear why Pieter decided to make his recent move to WTW from Aon, about changes in strategy towards credit within WTW and their USP. Pieter also discusses whether trade credit insurers' global risk appetite is changing (and whether risk appetite is strong enough), the difference between underwriters,
his perception of non-cancellable excess of loss products,
and his view of trade credit insurance in the digitalised world.
To watch the video go to https://vimeo.com/823531639?share=copy.
Webcast. Marsh Trade Credit media briefing discusses trade credit insurance and risk factors linked to rising insolvencies.
Marsh recently hosted a media briefing on the current UK and global trade credit landscape with Tim Smith, Global Practice Leader — Trade Credit, and Graham Bristow, UK Trade Credit Practice Leader, Marsh.
Tim and Graham discussed the trade credit insurance market in the UK and globally, risk factors attributed to rising insolvencies and financial hardship facing businesses in the current economic climate,
and how different regions and sectors are faring. Click here to find a recording of the event. Enter Passcode @4E.3RA3 when prompted.
S-Tech Insurance Services rebrands to Alan Boswell Group.
S-Tech Insurance Services has announced that it has rebranded to Alan Boswell Group (ABG).
The insurance firm was acquired by the Group six years ago. ABG's Director, Mike Greenland, commented: "The rebrand is a change in name only — it's still the same people with the same ethos and personal service." Across the Group, ABG employs nearly 400 members of staff arranging commercial and personal insurance, including a trade credit insurance division.
To read ABG's news release go to https://www.alanboswell.com/news/s-tech-insurance-services-rebranded-to-alan-boswell-group/.
The ultimate guide to company credit scoring.
Company Watch has published a whitepaper that discusses how credit reference agencies build and apply company credit scores from the ground up. Company credit scoring has come a long way since the early days of Mercantile Agency credit reports, thanks to the growth of data sources and advanced algorithms such as machine learning and artificial intelligence.
The paper explains why not all credit scores are the same and why they differ between CRAs, and it takes a deep look into how company credit scores are put together and presented.
To read the whitepaper, go to https://blog.companywatch.net/resources/company-credit-score-ultimate-guide.
Podcast. The reopening of China carries risks and opportunities. Is the world's second-largest economy still as indispensable for businesses as it once was?
Two experts from Coface discuss the risks and opportunities in China for businesses in light of tumultuous current events.
Bernard Aw is Chief Economist for the Asia and Pacific region, and Raphaël Rousselot is Chief Underwriting Officer Asia Pacific.
To listen to the podcast (with a transcript available) go to https://www.coface.com/News-Publications/News/Reopening-of-China-carries-risks-and-opportunities-New-podcast-episode.
Export insurance: approved brokers.
UK Export Finance has published a list of approved brokers, presented alphabetically, who can help arrange trade credit insurance for exporters from organisations in the private sector in addition to UK Export Finance.
For details go to https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-export-finance-insurance-list-of-approved-brokers/export-insurance-approved-brokers.
April BUlletin: Landmark modernisation for OECD Arrangement. The Berne Union has published April's edition of its regular publication, BUlletin. This month's articles include:
- Landmark modernisation for OECD Arrangement on export credits, by Jonathan Bell, Editor in Chief, TXF.
- Do service models matter for ECAs and EXIMs? by Andreas Klasen, Visiting Professor at the University of St Gallen, and Kuno Schedler, Professor at the University of St Gallen.
- Business in wartime: Ukrainian companies in 2022 and beyond, by Dmitry Pikalov, Senior Specialist at IA Group.
- Insolvencies: Here we go, by Cinzia Guerrieri, Economist at SACE, and Valerio Ranciaro, Director General of SACE SRV.
To read the BUlletin go to https://www.berneunion.org/Articles/Details/762/April-BUlletin-Landmark-modernisation-for-OECD-Arrangement.
Credit and political risk insurance (CPRI) claims — are the dogs barking or merely growling?
Katharine Morton, Head of Trade, Treasury and Risk at TFX, has published an article which discusses whether the CPRI claims everybody has been expecting since the pandemic began are now actually happening
and examines what the future may hold for potential claims "if insolvency forecasts are anything to go by," (for example, Atradius predicts an increase of 49% in the global level of insolvencies in 2023).
Claire Simpson, Managing Director, Head of Claims Solutions at WTW, notes that 2022 claims figures for regulated financial institutions indicated another strong
CPRI industry performance with nearly US$530 million paid in full.
However, "counterintuitively, given the current political and economic landscape," the figures indicate a year-on-year reduction in claims collected of 48%, a trend which she notes is echoed in WTW data.
To read TXF's article go to https://www.txfnews.com/articles/7541/CPRI-claims-are-the-dogs-barking-or-merely-growling.
Webinar. Women in Credit Insurance. Thursday, 11th May 2023, 9:30 am - 10:30 am BST.
Atradius is sponsoring a webinar where women in the trade credit insurance world will discuss their stories of success and the challenges women face in a historically male-led industry. Moderated by Richard Webster, Non-Executive Director at Attis Credit Solutions Ltd, the panel experts are:
Atradius is sponsoring a webinar where women in the trade credit insurance world will discuss their stories of success and the challenges women face in a historically male-led industry. Moderated by Richard Webster, Non-Executive Director at Attis Credit Solutions Ltd, the panel experts are:
- Ana Dieguez, Head of Global Clients at Aon Credit Solutions
- Angela M. Duca, Managing Director, Chief Administrative Officer, Credit Specialties, at Marsh
- Özlem Ozuner, Head of E-Commerce Operations and Finance at Allianz Trade
- Martie Van Velsen, Director Global at Atradius
To register for the event go to https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3856059177105174362.
Congratulations to . . .
The following winners of GTR Leaders in Trade Awards 2023:
The following winners of GTR Leaders in Trade Awards 2023:
- UK Export Finance on winning the award for Best Export Credit Agency
- Allianz Trade on winning the award for Best Trade Credit and Political Risk Insurance Underwriter
- Aon on winning the award for Best Trade Credit Insurance Broker
- BPL Global on winning the award for Best Political Risk Insurance Broker
Nick Grindlay, Senior Account Manager at Atradius, who is celebrating 25 years with Atradius.
Allianz Trade Canada is celebrating its 100th anniversary, and Allianz Trade in the US is celebrating its 130th anniversary. Allianz Trade Canada opened its doors in 1923 as the only company in Canada to specialise
in trade credit insurance.
New Appointments
Allianz Trade has promoted Andrew Potts to the position of part-time Global Surety Consultant.
Andrew has worked for Allianz Trade for more than 34 years in various roles. He most recently held the position of Northern Europe Head of Surety.
Attis Credit Solutions has appointed Stacy Montague as Branch Director in London. Stacy joins Attis from Aon (previously Acumen).
Stacy marks Attis' first steps in developing a southern presence.
AXA XL has promoted Alexander Steiner to the position of
Senior Underwriter, Global Credit, Surety & Political Risk Reinsurance. Andrew has worked for AXA XL for more than four years, most recently as
Underwriter, Global Credit, Surety & Political Risk Reinsurance. Andrew is based in Zurich.
Chubb has appointed Tommy Jones as Assistant Underwriter, Political Risk & Trade Credit, based in London. Tommy joins Chubb from Axis Capital.
Coface has promoted Shamala Dawood to Senior Commercial Underwriter. Shamala has been with Coface for nearly four years and was previously a Commercial Underwriter.
Before joining Coface, Shamala worked for Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.
Markel International has appointed Kubra Ozturk as a Political Risk Underwriter.
Kubra joins Markel from Marsh, where she was Vice President, Credit Specialties — Political Risk & Structured Credit Insurance / Financial Institutions. Kubra is based in London.
Nexus Trade Credit has welcomed James Armitage as Senior Underwriter in its UK Non-Cancellable team based in Manchester.
James joined Nexus from Atradius, where he was
Senior Business Development Manager.
UK Export Finance has appointed Katherine Baeten as Head of Portfolio Management. Katherine was formerly Senior Manager Portfolio Management and has been with UK Export Finance for nearly five years.
WTW has appointed Todd Lynady as Multinational Trade Credit Leader in North America. Todd was previously Managing Director, Global Head of Insurance, at LiquidX. Before that, he was Head of Broker Management (Americas) at Allianz Trade in the US.
W Denis Credit Risks are pleased to announce the appointment of Ingrida Jucyte to a business development role in the North of England.
Ingrida joins from Reich Insurance Brokers.
Career Opportunities
What can you expect?
About Marsh
Marsh is the world’s leading insurance broker and risk adviser. With over 35,000 colleagues operating in more than 130 countries, Marsh serves commercial and individual clients with data driven risk solutions and advisory services. Marsh is a business of Marsh McLennan (NYSE: MMC), the leading global professional services firm in the areas of risk, strategy and people. With annual revenue approaching US $17 billion and 76,000 colleagues worldwide, MMC helps clients navigate an increasingly dynamic and complex environment through four market-leading businesses: Marsh, Guy Carpenter, Mercer, and Oliver Wyman. Follow Marsh on Twitter @MarshGlobal; LinkedIn; Facebook; and YouTube, or subscribe to BRINK.
Marsh McLennan is committed to embracing a diverse, inclusive and flexible work environment. We aim to attract and retain the best people regardless of their sex/gender, marital or parental status, ethnic origin, nationality, age, background, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.
We are an equal opportunities employer. We are committed to providing reasonable support to any candidate with a disability/health condition to allow them to fully participate in the recruitment process. We welcome candidates to contact us at TAUK@mmc.com to discuss any specific needs.
- Marsh Specialty is looking for an experienced Client Executive/Senior Account Manager to join the Trade Credit team in London.
- This is a great opportunity for you to develop further in a dynamic, collaborative environment, where you will be responsible for managing a portfolio of our Major UK and Global credit insurance clients.
- A dynamic, energetic and challenging work environment as part of a highly motivated and aspirational team of like-minded colleagues.
- Training and support to reach your full potential including the opportunity for continuous professional development within an elite organisation
- Competitive Benefits Package including: 27 days annual leave, up to 4 days flexible bank holidays, excellent pension contributions, private medical cover, life assurance, income protection, employee assistance program, plus a range of flexible benefits including the option to buy or sell up to 5 days holiday per year, cycle to work, dental insurance, health assessments plus many more.
- Generous Family Leave including: 6 months paid maternity leave, 4 months paid paternity leave, 6 months paid adoption leave plus shared parental leave options. To help ease the transition when you return to work you will be able to work 8 weeks at 80% of your normal work pattern and receive 100% of your normal salary.
- Develop and retain existing customer relations with the aim of maximising client value and ensuring portfolio growth in line with financial objectives
- Actively support and coach less experienced members of the team, acting as a mentor by providing guidance, coaching and on the job training.
- Define and implement a visit/contact plan for each client in line with existing service protocols, to ensure proactive, strategic Account Management (meetings/contacts out-with pre & post renewal times.
- Establish the decision-making process, key connections/stakeholders and reason to buy, demonstrating the added value we offer to clients.
- Manage and foster the three-tier relationship between client, broker and insurer Identify and support development of business opportunities for additional sales of services and products.
- Assist with internal reporting requirements in line with internal policy, standards, and systems.
- At least 5+ years’ experience managing large strategic accounts.
- A deep understanding of the Trade Credit market.
- Ability to communicate effectively with all key stakeholders.
- Relationship building Presentation & negotiation skills.
- Report writing skills
- Client Management.
- Product Knowledge.
- Negotiation skills
About Marsh
Marsh is the world’s leading insurance broker and risk adviser. With over 35,000 colleagues operating in more than 130 countries, Marsh serves commercial and individual clients with data driven risk solutions and advisory services. Marsh is a business of Marsh McLennan (NYSE: MMC), the leading global professional services firm in the areas of risk, strategy and people. With annual revenue approaching US $17 billion and 76,000 colleagues worldwide, MMC helps clients navigate an increasingly dynamic and complex environment through four market-leading businesses: Marsh, Guy Carpenter, Mercer, and Oliver Wyman. Follow Marsh on Twitter @MarshGlobal; LinkedIn; Facebook; and YouTube, or subscribe to BRINK.
Marsh McLennan is committed to embracing a diverse, inclusive and flexible work environment. We aim to attract and retain the best people regardless of their sex/gender, marital or parental status, ethnic origin, nationality, age, background, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.
We are an equal opportunities employer. We are committed to providing reasonable support to any candidate with a disability/health condition to allow them to fully participate in the recruitment process. We welcome candidates to contact us at TAUK@mmc.com to discuss any specific needs.
Why Tokio Marine HCC?
Standing still is not an option in the current world of Insurance. TMHCC are one of the world’s leading Specialty Insurers. With deep expertise in our chosen lines of business, our unparalleled track record and a solid balance sheet, TMHCC evaluates and manages risk like no one else in the industry. Looking beyond profit, empowering our people and delivering on our commitments are at the core of our customer values, and so is a desire to grow and provide creative and innovative solutions to our clients.
Job Purpose:
In this position, working within our friendly and relaxed Customer Relations team, you will be providing support to the Commercial Underwriting team by giving advice regarding technical queries and credit limit queries to brokers and clients and through providing administration support. You will be able to handle the day to day challenges of dealing with brokers, a wide variety of clients from all sectors of industry and with all different levels of people. Being a team player who can also work on your own initiative, excellent communication skills both telephone and by email and top quality organisation skills will ensure your success in this role. The first 6 months of the role will see you learning and understanding the products we sell, becoming familiar with our systems and processes and building relationships with Commercial Underwriters, clients and brokers. Within the first 12 months, you will be independently managing most of your workload and solving most problems that arise with the minimum of supervision.
Key Responsibilities:
Skills and Experience Specification:
The Tokio Marine HCC Group of Companies offers a competitive salary and employee benefit package. We are a successful, dynamic organization experiencing rapid growth and are seeking energetic and confident individuals to join our team of professionals.
Standing still is not an option in the current world of Insurance. TMHCC are one of the world’s leading Specialty Insurers. With deep expertise in our chosen lines of business, our unparalleled track record and a solid balance sheet, TMHCC evaluates and manages risk like no one else in the industry. Looking beyond profit, empowering our people and delivering on our commitments are at the core of our customer values, and so is a desire to grow and provide creative and innovative solutions to our clients.
Job Purpose:
In this position, working within our friendly and relaxed Customer Relations team, you will be providing support to the Commercial Underwriting team by giving advice regarding technical queries and credit limit queries to brokers and clients and through providing administration support. You will be able to handle the day to day challenges of dealing with brokers, a wide variety of clients from all sectors of industry and with all different levels of people. Being a team player who can also work on your own initiative, excellent communication skills both telephone and by email and top quality organisation skills will ensure your success in this role. The first 6 months of the role will see you learning and understanding the products we sell, becoming familiar with our systems and processes and building relationships with Commercial Underwriters, clients and brokers. Within the first 12 months, you will be independently managing most of your workload and solving most problems that arise with the minimum of supervision.
Key Responsibilities:
- Providing advice in respect of policy technical queries to clients and brokers to support the Commercial Underwriters
- Resolving day to day policy and credit limit issues promptly
- Assisting with portal queries and providing training to clients
- Liaising with Commercial Underwriters to arrange meetings
- Chasing non return of Inception and Renewal documentation
- Ensuring the issue of policy documentation and associated paperwork and the ongoing maintenance of the policy files
- Issuing policy endorsements upon instruction, within authorisation levels
- Managing the declaration of turnover process
- Liaising with Finance, clients and brokers when DD’s are cancelled or for non payment issues
- Handling the department’s incoming telephone calls and emails
- Input and retrieval of data on the company’s bespoke system
- Scanning documents into ImageRight
- Assisting with the training of new team members
- Maintaining databases and spreadsheet records
- Other reasonable duties as requested by manager
- Office based in Rearsby, Leicester with occasional visits to clients or other offices when required by the business
- Liaising with Risk Underwriting, Sales and Claims Departments and other departments
- Assisting with departmental specification for IT developments including assisting with testing.
Skills and Experience Specification:
- Minimum 5 GCSEs grades A to C or equivalent
- Passion, drive and initiative
- Good IT skills including data input, Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook
- Ability to understand policy related mathematical calculations
- Attention to detail
- Excellent customer service and telephone skills
- Strong organisation skills
- Team player
- A Level / BTEC qualifications
- Previous experience in an office environment
- Good problem solver
The Tokio Marine HCC Group of Companies offers a competitive salary and employee benefit package. We are a successful, dynamic organization experiencing rapid growth and are seeking energetic and confident individuals to join our team of professionals.
The Tokio Marine HCC Group of companies is an equal opportunity employer. Please visit www.tmhcc.com for more information about our companies.
To apply, please go to https://jobs.jobvite.com/tmhcc/job/oxfWmfwO.Events & Professional Development
Receivables Finance International Convention 2023, 23-24 May. London.
22 May Awards Dinner.
The 23rd annual Receivables Finance International Convention (RFIx23) is the industry’s leading event, attracting delegates from across the globe; bringing together market leaders and new entrants; providing an essential update on the latest invoice financing trends, market challenges, and financial innovation; as well as excellent networking opportunities.
22 May Awards Dinner.
The 23rd annual Receivables Finance International Convention (RFIx23) is the industry’s leading event, attracting delegates from across the globe; bringing together market leaders and new entrants; providing an essential update on the latest invoice financing trends, market challenges, and financial innovation; as well as excellent networking opportunities.
Keynote presentations and panel sessions include:
- The outlook for global trade and its impact on trade finance.
Marc Auboin, Economic Counsellor, Economic Research and Statistics Division, World Trade Organization. - Global zombies – an alternative type of corporate resiliency.
Professor Edward I. Altman, Director of Research, Credit and Debt Markets, NYU Salomon Center for the Study of Financial Institutions. - Panel session: Market development and business model evolution.
Moderator: Steve Box, Founder and Managing Director, Kata Executive Consulting. Panellists: James Binns, Managing Director, Global Head of Trade & Working Capital, Barclays; Mencia Bobo, Global Head Trade and Working Capital Solutions, Santander Corporate & Investment Banking; Parvaiz Dalal, Managing Director, Global Head of Payables Finance, Treasury and Trade Solutions, Citi; Ian Duffy, Founder and CEO, Accelerated Payments. - Panel session: Regulation and digitalisation – opportunities and challenges.
Moderator: André Casterman, Managing Director, Casterman Advisory; Chair of Fintech Committee, ITFA Panellists: Jon Boran, Director, Trade Innovation & Solution Development, Lloyds Bank; Jonathan Williams, Head of Transactional Legal; Demica Markus Wohlgeschaffen, Managing Director, Traxpay; Geoffrey Wynne, Partner, Sullivan & Worcester. - Fireside chat: Greensill Capital – the story behind the billion-dollar scandal.
Duncan Mavin, Editor and Columnist, The Washington Post; Author, The Pyramid of Lies: Lex Greensill and the Billion-Dollar Scandal. Interviewed by: Federico Travella, Founder & Executive Chairman, Novicap
TXF Global 2023: Export, Agency & Project Finance, 15-16 June. Lisbon, Portugal.
TXF Global 2023 returns to Lisbon for a very special 10 Year Anniversary edition!
Your largest export, agency & project finance event is returning to Lisbon for the second year running! We bring you this innovative, unique and ultimate networking gathering which is absolutely crucial if you work in this industry.
Let the festival commence! Expect:
For more information go to https://www.txfnews.com/events/266/TXF-Global-2023-Export-Agency-Project-Finance.
TXF Global 2023 returns to Lisbon for a very special 10 Year Anniversary edition!
Your largest export, agency & project finance event is returning to Lisbon for the second year running! We bring you this innovative, unique and ultimate networking gathering which is absolutely crucial if you work in this industry.
Let the festival commence! Expect:
- Exclusive networking activities from the hugely popular Lisbon walking tour, to ice-breaker drinks & cocktail reception
- ECA & DFI CEO hot seat: 1-1 fireside leadership interviews
- Corporate CEO keynote: Navigating economic turmoil to enable a greener future
- Tomorrow’s borrowers: The investment landscape & project pipeline
- Dedicated Uxolo Development & Impact Finance content stream
- TXF at 10: Legendary panelists from TXF Paris 2013 return to the stage to review the last 10 years of export finance and plot what this means for the next 10 years
- Delegate list of all those on-site so you can arrange meetings in advance + 1-to-1 dedicated meeting spaces, and separately bookable meeting rooms
- Even more time and space to network, attend private meetings and take part in intimate roundtables
- TXF Subscriber Exclusive: Watch all sessions on-demand, or enjoy the full event virtual-only from the comfort of your office chair!
For more information go to https://www.txfnews.com/events/266/TXF-Global-2023-Export-Agency-Project-Finance.
Professional Development
STECIS, the Trade Credit Insurance & Surety Academy endorsed by ICISA, offers a range of
webinars and classroom training courses.
Classroom training courses are organised once or twice per year or on demand while webinars are organised multiple times per year or on demand for groups of participants. For 2023 the following courses are scheduled)*.
** Possibility to register ends on the 16th of April 2023.
*** Registration is open until 1st of September 2023.
All classroom courses will take place in the Steigenberger Airport hotel close to Schiphol Airport/Amsterdam the Netherlands. The courses include the lunches and a dinner at the end of the first training day.
The courses are hosted by very experienced experts from the industry and there is enough opportunity for asking questions, discussions and networking.
Also there is the possibility to arrange an inhouse training: then there will be created a tailor made outline for your staff on basis the training demand of your of your company. The training will be effected at your own offices or at a venue of choice.
Details information about the webinar and classroom training courses are available on the Stecis’ website: www.stecis.org also further information can can be obtained by sending an e-mail to info@stecis.org.
Classroom training courses are organised once or twice per year or on demand while webinars are organised multiple times per year or on demand for groups of participants. For 2023 the following courses are scheduled)*.
- 14 June: Fundamentals of Trade Credit Insurance (Webinar)
- 26 & 27 September: the Trade Credit Insurance Foundation Course**
- 28 & 29 September: the Advanced Trade Credit Insurance Course**
- 15 June 2023: Masterclass TCI – Buy now, Pay later (Webinar)
- 10 & 11 October: the Surety Foundation Course***
- 12 & 13 October: the Surety Advanced Course***
** Possibility to register ends on the 16th of April 2023.
*** Registration is open until 1st of September 2023.
All classroom courses will take place in the Steigenberger Airport hotel close to Schiphol Airport/Amsterdam the Netherlands. The courses include the lunches and a dinner at the end of the first training day.
The courses are hosted by very experienced experts from the industry and there is enough opportunity for asking questions, discussions and networking.
Also there is the possibility to arrange an inhouse training: then there will be created a tailor made outline for your staff on basis the training demand of your of your company. The training will be effected at your own offices or at a venue of choice.
Details information about the webinar and classroom training courses are available on the Stecis’ website: www.stecis.org also further information can can be obtained by sending an e-mail to info@stecis.org.
About this month's sponsor: SCHUMANN
At SCHUMANN we optimise the management of risk for credit, surety, political risk insurers and export credit
agencies. Our software solutions and risk models are setting the future technological standards for the industry.
We are an open-minded and learning organisation which invests heavily in research and development, often with our partners at the University of Goettingen. We aim to stay ahead of the competition with our cutting-edge technology.
We value our independence and are happy to work with any data provider or partner of your choice. We favour long-term partnerships. We invest all of our resources into our customer relationships, and as a result, have never lost a customer in our 25-year history.
CAM Credit and Surety enables our customers to automate risk assessment and underwriting processes, while our artificial intelligence handles complex workflows with ease, enabling customers to remain compliant with their regulatory environment.
A SCHUMANN software solution is both future-proof and the most robust on the market – it will provide decades of service and will never let you down.
We are an open-minded and learning organisation which invests heavily in research and development, often with our partners at the University of Goettingen. We aim to stay ahead of the competition with our cutting-edge technology.
We value our independence and are happy to work with any data provider or partner of your choice. We favour long-term partnerships. We invest all of our resources into our customer relationships, and as a result, have never lost a customer in our 25-year history.
CAM Credit and Surety enables our customers to automate risk assessment and underwriting processes, while our artificial intelligence handles complex workflows with ease, enabling customers to remain compliant with their regulatory environment.
A SCHUMANN software solution is both future-proof and the most robust on the market – it will provide decades of service and will never let you down.
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