Welcome to issue 89 of Credit Insurance News Digest.  The industry newsletter devoted to the global trade credit insurance industry.
This issue is sponsored by our new FREE publication, Credit Management News Digest. Click here to read our first issue.

Credit Insurance News
"The chances for a new credit insurance era are good this time." A new blog by AU Group examines the reasons why trade credit insurance remains small (albeit a €6 billion premium global business) when compared to the total insurable market it seeks to address: "Even in traditional and mature credit insurance markets like Europe, the proportion of businesses which use credit insurance remains low; in the US it is used by less than 10% of all businesses." The reasons for this suggested by the blog include: the belief that credit insurance is expensive, only covers part or their risk, is an administrative burden and is antiquated. However, AU Group stresses that the digital revolution is making trade credit insurance more attractive for many more businesses and addresses many of the criticisms faced by the industry to date, with benefits including better coverage rates, seamless processes, improved integration and reduced overall costs. To read AU's Group's blog go to http://www.au-group.com/tci-not-for-me/?.
Trade credit insurer's decreasing premium level indicates a healthy competitive environment. Following their 75th annual AGM, ICISA has issued a news release which indicates that companies now increasingly appreciate trade credit insurance cover for its forward-looking ability. Furthermore, in most markets around the world, trade credit insurance premium levels are decreasing, which as ICISA's Vice President Richard Wulff notes, "shows a healthy competitive environment where our clients have alternatives to choose to cover their trade receivables.” According to ICISA's latest data, trade credit insurance has seen total premium income decrease by -3.4% to €6 billion, while claims paid in 2016 reached a total sum of €2.9 billion with a claims ratio 2016: 48.3% (2015: 50.4%). In addition, insured exposure increased by +2% with total insured exposure in 2016 at €2.3 trillion. To read ICISA's news release go to http://www.icisa.org/press-releases/files_content/ICISA%20-%20PRESS%20RELEASE%20-%20%20Industry%20Results%20-%20Annual%20Meeting%202017.pdf.
Credit Insurance Market 2017. AU Group's latest in-depth report, Credit Insurance Market 2017, has found that the overall size of the trade credit insurance market slightly decreased in 2016 (-3.4% compared to 2015), due to two key facts: strong competition between the insurers and a slowdown of the insured turnover. Furthermore, according to the report, the low sales activity of policyholders meant that of the largest trade credit insurers (although Euler Hermes' profit at €287 million (€303 million in 2015) remains the highest) only Atradius showed an increase in premium income - of 3.4% - supported by its core markets. In terms of worldwide market shares at the end of 2016: Euler Hermes remains the leader with 36.2%, followed by Atradius 26%, and Coface with 18.6%. Looking ahead, the AU Group's report notes that the industry shows an increasing interest in digitalisation, launching new products and developing partnerships with Fintechs. To read AU Group's news release with a link to the full report go to http://www.au-group.com/credit-insurance-market-2017/.
Brexit could be good news for the trade credit insurance industry. Insurance Business UK has published an article, 'The Brexit good news for insurance', which suggests that Brexit could be good news for the trade credit insurance industry. Nigel Birney,  Head of Trade Credit and Political Risk for Northern Ireland at Trade Credit Brokers, warned that businesses in the UK are likely to see an increased level of insolvency, losses, and projects put on hold as trade credit risks are exacerbated by Brexit. With negotiations already ongoing, Mr. Birney expects that enterprises will attempt to have as little risk attached to their day-to-day trading as possible and stresses that trade credit insurance is now an essential component for businesses seeking to proactively manage risk. To read Insurance Business' article go to http://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/uk/news/breaking-news/the-brexit-good-news-for-insurance-71309.aspx.
Berne Union figures indicate that Europe continues to account for 50% of the geographic distribution of new short-term trade credit insurance business. The Berne Union has published an analysis of statistics for 2012-2016, including a detailed section on short-term trade credit insurance which includes information on new business and its geographical distribution. According to the figures, the amount of short-term credit insurance business insured in 2016 by Berne Union members (US$1,633,533 million) was higher than in 2015, but fell back from a high of US$1,707,568 million in 2014. 50% of this business continued to be in Europe, while the US and East Asia, followed in joint second position - both accounting for 10% of new business. In 2016, claims paid reached US$2,783 million, having shown a progressive increase year-on-year since 2012 , when they stood at US$1,827 million, with the steepest rises occurring in the last two years. To see the Berne Union's statistics go to http://www.berneunion.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Berne-Union-2016-Year-End-Statistics.pdf.
Major global insolvencies increased by 68% during the first quarter of 2017. According to Euler Hermes’ latest Economic Outlook (Summer 2017), although the number of insolvencies is expected to stabilise over the next two years, major global insolvencies took a sharp 68% turn upward during the first quarter of 2017. Overall, some 74 companies with a turnover greater than €50 million became insolvent in the first three months of the year – 30 more than in Q1 2016. The cumulative turnover of these insolvent companies totaled €19.1 billion - an increase of +34%. While eight of these occurred in the US, Europe saw the largest increase in the number of major insolvencies - accounting for more than 1 in 3. The 20 largest failures accounted for 70% of the global cumulative turnover: eight were in the US, five were in Central and Eastern Europe, five were in Western Europe, and two were in Asia Pacific. To read Euler Hermes' news release go to http://www.eulerhermes.com/mediacenter/news/Lists/NewsDocuments/press-release-Economic-Outlook-High-Stake-06-07-17.pdf.
Growth in UK insolvency rates underlines the case for trade credit insurance. An analysis of insolvency data from InfolinkGazette reveals that the 96,200 unsecured creditors listed in the last six months incurred losses exceeding £2.2 billion, with the average overall shortfall for creditors in each insolvency standing at over £450,000. The research also found that unsecured creditor losses disproportionately impacted businesses that can least afford to cover the losses, with average losses of the weakest unsecured creditors (based on financial strength) at £51,800 - more than double the national average loss of £23,000. Greg Connell, Managing Director of InfolinkGazette, commented: "Unsecured creditor losses are not just an outcome of insolvencies, they are a driver of new insolvencies, as creditor businesses face the double whammy of lost current and future cash." He added: “This is the first time in over five years of researching unsecured creditor losses that we have seen factors pointing to potential growth in insolvency rates. This makes credit insurance more important than ever." To read InfolinkGazette's news release go to http://www.infolinkgazette.co.uk/?pid=6.
Brexit: Transition deal with EU necessary to prevent UK recession and a 15% year-on-year rise in insolvencies. Euler Hermes has warned that a transition deal - a bridge solution in which the UK will remain in the Single Market in exchange for continued EU contributions etc. - is needed to prevent a possible sharp rise in the number of UK business insolvencies, and possible recession. In the worst case scenario - a Brexit with no deal (WTO terms) - Euler Hermes predicts that leaving the EU after the two-year negotiating period finishes in 2019 could result in 3,300 additional British companies falling into bankruptcy, a 15% rise in year-on-year business insolvencies. This would be combined with export losses in 2019 of £30 billion for goods and £36 billion for services - in real terms a drop of 6% for total exports on the previous year. To read Euler Hermes' news release go to http://www.eulerhermes.com/mediacenter/news/Pages/Brexit-UK-needs-EU-transition-deal-to-prevent-increase-in-business-failures.aspx.
A gust of optimism is blowing over the world economy. A new Panorama report by Coface has noted that at the end of the first quarter of 2017,"we were wondering whether the timid global economic recovery was a flash in the pan." Three months later, however, the ongoing recovery seems to be a lasting one - even if a few rain clouds on the horizon, in the US and China, darken the picture. Coface observes that in the euro area, the good news is accumulating: the easing in credit conditions has finally boosted business investment, growth exceeds expectations, and business confidence has been at its highest for six years. With the notable exception of the UK, Coface estimates that business insolvencies will decline in Europe and has consequently upgraded its ratings of Spain (to A2 from A3), Portugal (to A3 from A4) and Russia (to B from C). To read Coface's news release with a link to the full Panorama go to http://www.coface.com/News-Publications/Publications/A-gust-of-optimism-is-blowing-over-the-world-economy.
Atradius Atrium - Atradius' new online credit management portal. Atradius has announced an upgrade to its digital platform with the unveiling of Atrium, its new credit management portal, which is being launched in Atradius' markets around the world. Atradius advises that Atrium has been designed to directly and quickly address the everyday needs of its customers, brokers, agents and account management teams. "Each Atradius customer can immediately and instantly search for and view information about buyers’ creditworthiness, such as buyer ratings, current cover and claims. Having received a clear picture of the buyer on the buyer details page the customer can directly on this page apply for a credit limit with most required information already included in the application. Credit limit decisions, in most cases, are immediate." To read Atradius' news release go to https://group.atradius.com/press-release/atradius-unveils-atrium.html.
"A further period of uncertainty” - Atradius comments on the UK election result. Atradius recently released a statement to Insurance Business which commented that the outcome of the recent UK election “casts doubt on Mrs. May’s authority and weakens the Government’s position going into the Brexit negotiations, and means that it could now be more difficult for the Conservative Party to progress Brexit-related legislation through Parliament.” Atradius has also warned that although the UK economy has been “remarkably resilient” since the unexpected referendum vote to leave the EU, one year on “growth is being increasingly challenged.” Going forward, Atradius anticipates negative effects will increase in 2017 and 2018 as negotiations intensify - especially if it remains uncertain whether a deal can be struck. To read Insurance Business' article go to http://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/uk/news/breaking-news/a-further-period-of-uncertainty-insurer-atradius-weighs-in-on-the-election-result-70062.aspx.
Once upon a time: Trade Credit Insurance in Dubai. Aurélien Paradis, CEO of AU Group Middle East Insurance Brokerage, has published a series of interesting articles in the LinkedIn group, 'Credit Insurance News', which chart the growth of trade credit insurance with a particular emphasis on the rapidly growing market in Dubai. Mr. Paradis suggests that the development of trade credit insurance needs to go through five phases of development: awareness, growth, exuberance, education, and normalisation. Trade credit insurance has already gone through these phases over the last 70 years in developed countries, but Mr. Paradis believes that it will not take more than fifteen years for Dubai to experience the same journey. Each phase of development is looked at in detail, with the second article examining the first phase of 'awareness', the third paper discussing 'growth' and the fourth paper 'exuberance'. The final two papers will follow this month. For more information go to https://www.linkedin.com/groups/5187557.
Worldwide DSO: Paying the penalty for low growth. Euler Hermes' latest Economic Report has found that the average global DSO (Days Sales Outstanding) has remained almost stable at 64 days since 2010, although the time needed to collect trade receivables is very uneven across companies, countries and sectors. In 2015, 25% of the companies Euler Hermes surveyed had to wait for 90 days or more to get paid by their clients, while only 25% collected their dues within 31 days. Euler Hermes also found that payment practices vary widely between countries, with Greece, China and Italy named as the countries where it takes the longest for companies to get paid: 91, 88 and 88 days respectively in 2015. Conversely, payment terms are the fastest in Austria, New Zealand and the Netherlands where DSO stood at 44, 46 and 47 respectively in 2015. To read Euler Hermes' Economic Report go to http://www.eulerhermes.com/mediacenter/Lists/mediacenter-documents/Economic-Insight-Worldwide-DSO-Paying-the-Price-for-Low-Growth-July2016.pdf.
The number of German company insolvencies is decreasing, but the average loss for creditors has risen significantly. Astreos Credit has published an Update which advises that although German company insolvencies, in number, reached another ten-year low in 2016 (approximately 21,700 - down 6% against 2015 according to Vereine Creditreform), this was overcompensated by the average loss for private creditors rising to €900,000. In addition, despite the overall friendly economic environment, the German textile industry (including textile retailers) were severely hit in 2016 and H1 2017. This was primarily due to a pronounced shift in customer preference away from the mid-price segment towards the upper and lower end of the price range. To read Astreos Credit's news release go to https://www.astreos-credit.com/single-post/2017/06/22/Recent-Updates-on-the-German-Credit-Insurance-Market.
Euler Hermes Digital Agency announces a partnership to boost its Single Invoice Cover using artificial intelligence. Euler Hermes has announced a new partnership with fintech credit risk analysis company, CRiskCo, to develop smart algorithms that can evolve the underwriting capabilities within Euler Hermes' recently launched Single Invoice Cover product. Based on invoice-level data, CRiskCo reviews accounting data and applies prediction analytics and machine learning algorithms to provide businesses a credit score that assesses the probability of business success or default. CRiskCo also monitors any abnormal behaviour of clients and clients’ debtors to predict fraud, and alert partners to limit their exposure. Christophe Spoerry, Euler Hermes Digital Agency (EHDA) co-founder said, "EHDA and CRiskCo are working together to evolve trade credit insurance and risk management, particularly at the transaction and single invoice cover levels. This has the potential to offer small-medium enterprises significantly more protection when doing business.” To read Euler Hermes' news release go to http://www.eulerhermes.com/mediacenter/news/Pages/press-release-Euler-Hermes-Digital-Agency-Announces-CRiskCo-Partnership.aspx.
World trade growth sees eight consecutive months of positive momentum. Atradius' latest Economic Update for July 2017 reports that the global economy, supported by a strong US economy and recoveries in large emerging markets, is forecast to pick up to 2.9% in 2017 from 2.5% in 2016. Confidence has also increased in the US and the eurozone since H2 of 2016 and world trade growth has expanded by 2.4% in the 12 months leading up to April 2017 compared to the previous 12 months. This marks eight consecutive months of positive momentum. Atradius now forecasts that full-year global trade growth will reach 3.2% in 2017, compared to 1.3% in 2016, but also cautions that policy uncertainty mainly related to potential protectionism remains a concern for the positive outlook. To read Atradius' Update go to https://atradius.us/reports/atradius-economic-update---july-2017.html.
Three tips for avoiding the Non-Disclosure defense in trade credit insurance claims. Risk Management has published an article which notes that according to a joint survey of members of the International Union of Credit Investment Insurers and the International Credit Insurance and Surety Association, more claims were filed under trade credit insurance policies in 2015 and 2016 than at any time since the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. According to the article, although there is a view that trade credit insurance claims are paid at a higher rate than other insurance claims, alleged non-disclosure is a common issue, and the article gives a series of tips to combat a non-disclosure defense. To read Risk Management's article go to http://www.rmmagazine.com/2017/06/05/three-tips-for-avoiding-the-non-disclosure-defense-in-trade-credit-insurance-claims/.
Markel to develop its Trade Credit Team in Canada. Markel has announced that it is seeking to develop its trade credit and political risk business in Canada. Business will be underwritten by Markel Canada on Lloyd’s syndicate 3000 paper. Markel advises that the move reflects the successful development of Markel’s trade credit and political risk business expansion in New York. Markel Canada, established in 1966, with offices in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver, will develop business opportunities through its network of Canadian brokers in close cooperation with its specialised trade credit and political risk underwriters in London and New York. To read Markel's article go to http://www.markelinternational.com/regions/london-market/Markel-News-July-17/Trade-credit-in-Canada/?dm_i=19BZ,515XN,C20B4B,J7IGD,1.
Greece: signs of hope for some industries? A new paper by Atradius reports that despite the ongoing fragility of the Greek economy, a GDP rebound of up to 2.7% is forecast in 2017. Sectors like tourism, packaging, food, and international transportation will rebound and grow this year, while exports of agricultural goods (olive oil, vegetables, fruit, etc.), as well as petroleum, pharmaceuticals and aluminium products are forecast to increase. In contrast, the situation for industries like construction, construction materials, textiles, and financing (banks) remains tense. Atradius also advises that although, after yearly increases since 2008, Greek Insolvencies are expected to decrease by 2% in 2017, the insolvency level remains more than five times higher than pre-crisis years before 2008. To read Atradius' paper go to https://group.atradius.com/publications/Greek-sector-performance-note-2017.html.
Russia is emerging from recession. Global Trade has published an article, 'Coface: Russia is emerging from recession', which reports that after two consecutive years of contraction of economic activity (-2.8% in 2015 and -0.2% in 2016), Coface's 2017 growth forecast for the Russian economy is once again positive - albeit weak at 1%. In particular, some sectors of the Russian economy, notably agrifood, chemicals, and automotive, are seeing an uptick in business that will contribute to a recovery in 2017. Coface also notes that Russia's competitiveness is growing: moving from 67th place in 2012-2013 to 43rd place in 2016-2017 according to the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Index. To read Global Trade's article go to http://www.globaltrademag.com/global-trade-daily/coface-russia-emerging-recession.
Tinubu Square launches a new version of its Risk Management Centre. Tinubu Square has announced that it has launched a new, completely re-designed, version of its Risk Management Centre (RMC). Amongst the updates are developments in the risk analysis dashboard on the RMC platform which will enable users to evaluate, analyse and monitor their exposure to credit risk more thoroughly. In addition, a new algorithm has been created to analyse all credit limits and indicate invoices that are covered by the credit insurance and the period that they are covered for. An automatic reminder function has been also been built which ensures customers will be notified as their invoices become due or claimable. Looking ahead, Jérôme Pezé, CEO at Tinubu Square commented: “We are also developing a set of web services and APIs to facilitate the interface with the customer, which will be another exciting step in our development.” Click here to download Tinubu Square's news release.
Markel's new Surety division to initially focus on opportunities in the UK and Ireland. An update from Markel in its regular publication TCPRMatters, notes that its recent addition of a Surety Division (launched on 4 May), and following the appointment of Damian Manning and David Chandler, has opened up new opportunities and distribution channels. Markel advises that the Surety business will initially focus on the UK, Ireland and Continental Europe, with the intention to expand to other regions outside North America. With the addition of Surety, Markel's political risk and trade credit operation in London now has 16 staff. To read Markel's article go to http://www.markelinternational.com/regions/london-market/Markel-News-July-17/Busy-first-half/?dm_i=19BZ,515XN,C20B4B,J7IGD,1.
New Publications
Global Credit Insurance Market: Trends & Opportunities (2014-2019). A new report, 'Global Credit Insurance Market: Trends and Opportunities (2014-2019)', has been published by Daedal Research and is available for $800. The report assesses the market size and trends of the global trade credit insurance market and examines the key opportunities, the factors driving growth and the challenges being faced by the players in the industry. Key players in the industry like Coface, Euler Hermes and Atradius are also profiled. For more information go to http://www.marketresearchreports.biz/analysis/234740.
Atradius Collections publishes its latest International Debt Collections Handbook. Atradius Collections has released the 11th Edition of its free International Debt Collections Handbook, an annual publication that explains in detail the diversity and complexity of country-specific debt collection. This includes the different stages of amicable settlement, financial regulations concerning collections, and legal proceedings and insolvency procedures in over 40 countries. Rudi De Greve, Global Operations Director at Atradius Collections, commented: "No business is immune to the risks associated with international trade or poor payment behaviour. The International Debt Collections Handbook consists of information gathered by our local experienced collectors and lawyers, making it a trusted debt collections navigator tool." To download a copy go to https://atradiuscollections.com/uk/publications/international-debt-collections-handbook.html.
We are hugely excited to announce that we have launched a new business information service and newsletter, Credit Management News and Credit Management News Digest.
The new Digest is designed for a broad audience of credit insurers, financial directors, credit managers - any professionals who wish to access a wide range of articles on the UK economy, trade sectors, late payment or corporate insolvencies in a succinct and easily 'digestible' format. We hope it will be an immense time-saver for readers.

Initially, content will be an expansion of Credit Insurance News Digest's former business information section. However, we will be introducing a number of useful new services.

Cost: Issues of Credit Management News Digest will be FREE. As with Credit Insurance News Digest, we intend to support the new Digest through sponsorship and advertising - all at very competitive pricing. We are very proud to have seen Credit Insurance News Digest develop successfully into a newsletter supported by the industry it serves, and are replicating this business model with our new service.

Subscribe? To sign up to receive Credit Management News Digest, please Click here or send us a blank email with 'subscribe' in the subject line.

Advertise We are now welcoming new advertisers to Credit Management News Digest and are offering extremely competitive introductory deals. Please email us for further information. Sponsorship slots will be available in Q4 2017.

To read our first issue - published on 28 June - please click here.
New Appointments
Sompo Canopius has announced the appointment of Tim Watson as credit & political risk underwriter. Mr. Watson formerly worked as a political risk and credit underwriter at AmTrust at Lloyd’s. Sompo Canopius said that the hire underlines the firm’s strategic intention to expand its underwriting in the credit and political risk and trade credit sector.
Munich Re Specialty Group has appointed Celine Ang to the new position of Head of Asia, responsible for Munich Re Syndicate offices across the region. Ms. Ang previously worked at Euler Hermes. 
Euler Hermes has appointed Melissa Dowle as Director of Customer Strategy (a newly created role) and Mike de Bresser as Commercial Director in its UK and Ireland management team. Both Ms. Dowle and Mr. de Bresser have worked for Euler Hermes for more than twenty years.
Career Opportunities
Trainee Account Executive. Location: Sevenoaks. Salary: Competitive
A leading independent trade credit insurance broker is seeking a Trainee Account Executive to assist in the management and quality servicing of customer accounts under the direction of the Associate Directors. The candidate will be required to be numerate with good communication skills and a keen eye for detail. 
The Role: 
  • Assist the Associate Directors in the administration of a portfolio of clients as directed by the Associate Director
  • Support the Associate Directors in uploading and entering client, insurer, policy information and documents onto our CRM system
  • Attend client meetings and insurer meetings alongside the Associate Directors to assist and develop knowledge 
  • Assist the Associate Directors in responding to clients day-to-day queries and requests to ensure first class and effective servicing of the client accounts
  • Develop knowledge of the policies and procedures at Financial and Credit Insurance Services Ltd to ensure a first class service is delivered to the clients
  • Develop knowledge of insurance industry, market trends and regulatory and compliance requirements in the industry
  • Undertake duties and responsibilities as instructed by the Associated Directors which reasonably relate to your position and continued professional development.
To apply for this position, in the first instance please click here to email your CV and covering letter to Credit Insurance News
Junior Account Executive. Location: Birmingham.  Salary: Competitive 
A leading independent trade credit insurance broker is seeking a Junior Account Executive to assist in the management and quality servicing of customer accounts under the direction of the Associate Director. The candidate will be required to be numerate with good communication skills and a keen eye for detail. 
The Role:
  • Assist in the management of a portfolio of clients and day-to-day administration of broking accounts as directed by the Associate Director
  • Keep the CRM up to date by uploading and entering client, insurer, policy information and documents in line with our Data Protection and Compliance procedures
  • Assist with the renewal of existing customers including attending client renewal meetings with the Associate Director
  • Attend insurer meetings with the Associate Directors and liaise with insurers regarding existing client policies
  • Respond to day-to-day queries and requests from clients promptly to ensure first class and effective servicing of the client accounts
  • Assist with prompt preparation of marketing material for submissions and placing
  • Deliver accurate advice and service to clients and act as a liaison between client and insurer •
  • Assist in the handling and procurement of new business and new client enquiries
  • Ensure all client documentation is provided in line with Financial and Credit Insurance Services Ltd Policies and Procedures
  • Develop and improve knowledge of insurance industry and market changes and trends
  • Develop knowledge of regulatory and compliance requirements for the industry
  • Develop and maintain existing and new relationships within the market.
To apply for this position, in the first instance please click here to email your CV and covering letter to Credit Insurance News.
Trade Credit Underwriter, London. Salary: up to £65,000.
How would you like to take your skills within Trade Credit to the next level?
I am working with a leading insurer who are seeking a specialist Trade Credit Underwriter based within their London office. 
Your job will be to underwrite risk in line with group standards working with brokers, direct clients and buyers by phone, email and even face to face engagement. In accordance with guidelines, you will underwrite credit limits on risks within primary delegated authority and provide support to UK and Ireland based underwriting teams. 
Could this be the role for you? 
If you have experience within trade credit as either an underwriter or credit analyst and are keen to supplement your experience by learning from some of the most reputable names in TC, then get in touch as soon as possible with Mark Keizner from Reed Insurance. mark.keizner@reedglobal.com / 0207 220 4777.
Committee Support Manager / Associate Director,  London.
The Berne Union – International Union of Credit & Investment Insurers – is the leading international trade association for the export credit and investment insurance industry; giving its members a unique forum to connect and exchange business experience since its foundation in 1934. Its membership includes 84 private credit insurers and national export credit agencies worldwide. These member organisations support international trade and foreign direct investment by providing risk mitigation products to exporters, investors and banks. 
Based in London and under the supervision of the Secretary General, the Committee Support Manager / Associate Director is a member of the Berne Union Secretariat team and will be responsible for managing meeting content and other supporting activities for, and in cooperation with, Berne Union members. The successful applicant will have primary responsibility for managing the so-called ‘Prague Club’ Committee (PCC) of the Berne Union. The PCC is a dedicated forum for credit insurance start-ups and maturing organisations, mainly from emerging markets and focuses on sharing of experience and the education of members in industry best-practice.
The grading / positioning of this role (Committee Support Manager / Associate Director) will be subject to the successful applicants’ professional qualification and specific experience. 
Roles and Responsibilities
  • Act as a Secretariat point of contact for Committee Chair(s) to ensure delivery of relevant and suitable meeting content at general and specialist member meetings; regularly and proactively communicate with a variety of stakeholders
  • Identify, develop, prepare and manage content related to export credit insurance for member events and meetings; ensure content relevance and audience suitability
  • Actively contribute to planning, preparation and execution of member events and meetings; propose creative and innovative approaches to meeting programmes, including incorporating member feedback and recommendations as appropriate
  • Co-lead and/or lead events and meetings with a focus on technical and strategic issues
  • Facilitate active engagement from participants in advance and at member events and meetings
  • Work with industry colleagues to further promote the profile of the Berne Union and its member organisations
  • Develop and implement strategies to meet the needs of both established and new generation credit and investment insurers 
  • Experience in the credit insurance industry, preferably for at least 5 years, with experience in underwriting, claims or other related lines of business
  • Relevant degree of professional / academic qualification such as international affairs, business, finance and/or economics
  • Self-motivated, resourceful, and well-organised; proactive with an ability to multi-task, and manage priorities
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a small diverse team; strong written and verbal communication skills including public speaking abilities and experience
  • Fluent in written and spoken English; fluency in other languages are an asset
  • Proficiency with the standard office software word, powerpoint, excel as well preferably experience in using intranet communication platforms
  • Qualified to work in the United Kingdom and ability to travel internationally.
 Please apply by enclosing a curriculum vitae and a covering letter by email to Vinco David, Secretary General (vdavid@berneunion.org) by Monday 7 August 2017. All applications will be treated in confidence.
Trade Credit Insurance Broker - several US locations.
Meridian Finance Group provides credit, insurance, and trade finance tools that companies use to expand their US and international sales. We arrange cross-border financing, broker trade credit insurance and political risk insurance, administer Ex-Im Bank programs, and offer a wide range of related services.
Since 1993 we’ve helped hundreds of middle-market companies and small businesses nationwide to grow their sales and obtain trade finance.
Meridian has been named Ex-Im Bank Broker-of-the-Year three times. In 2015 Meridian received the President’s “E” Award for our support of US exporters. Meridian’s president was appointed in 2016 to a new federal government trade finance advisory council.
There is a lot of potential for our services nationwide and we’re committed to growth. At this time we’re looking to fill several positions on our team.
In California, we’re looking to add a third business development person to our growing West Coast sales group.
In the Southeast, our regional sales manager accepted a position at one of our underwriters, so we’re seeking a replacement. She was based in Miami, but we would consider Atlanta or elsewhere for the right person.
In the Midwest, we have some clients already but see a lot of growth potential and are aiming to establish a new business development position.
Our business is not exactly like that of all other Credit Insurance News subscribers but it’s close enough that we would welcome the opportunity to interview any sharp candidates from this sector or similar lines.
Meridian employees in sales positions are responsible for growing our revenues by developing and maintaining relationships with referral sources, attending trade shows, making presentations, calling on prospects and clients, booking new business and renewals, partnering with fellow employees, and assuming other duties as assigned.
Meridian’s services are highly specialized and we provide comprehensive training and support for new employees.
We’re seeking serious professionals with successful track records selling sophisticated B2B financial services, people with a combination of strong technical competence and even stronger people skills, who we can develop to help us take Meridian’s sales to the next level.
For more information and to apply for these position please contact Gary Mendell at gmendell@meridianfinance.com.
Events & Offers
GTR Asia Trade & Treasury Week 2017, 5-7 September. Singapore.
Global Trade Review, bringing the trade and treasury community together for well over a decade, will return to Singapore on September 5-7, 2017 for the award-winning conference series, GTR Asia Trade & Treasury Week. Building on its world-renowned reputation as the largest and most popular trade finance gathering anywhere in the world, the conference will provide an effective and impartial marketplace for all involved in trade, commodity and export finance, to gather for lively debate, networking and timely discussion. Offering a first-class business environment based in the heart of Asian trade routes, Singapore is an ideal location in which to find top-level trade and treasury specialists and global business leaders. Attendance figures are expected to exceed the 900 plus delegates of 2016’s event, making this an essential place to be for anyone involved in international trade and treasury. Click here to register or for more information. A 15% discount is available for readers with code CIN15.
Insuring Commodity & Finance, 12 September 2017. London.
Banking regulation, geopolitical instability and volatile commodities markets are some of the key factors driving use of credit & political risk insurance amongst commodity financiers.
Join us for the first ever ExCred Commodities conference, the only conference out there dedicated to Insuring Commodity Finance, taking place 12 September in London. Hear from the world's leading insurance buyers: how are banks, traders & producers using credit risk insurance? What can insurers do to further support international trade & the supply chain?
All Credit Insurance News readers are entitled for a 10% discount off the delegate fee. Please quote VIP Code 
FKW53536CINL when registering. A limited number of free places are available for banks, traders and producers. Contact greg.gale@informa.com to apply for a free pass.
International Credit and Risk Management Summit, 10-12 September 2017, Rome.
World-class Education and Networking for International Credit and Risk Managers.
Unparalleled international professional development through 2 days of educational sessions. Outstanding networking opportunities with colleagues through open forums and social events.
Sessions on trade credit insurance, include panel members from Marsh, Equinox Global, Coface, Crion and Atradius. For more information and to register go to http://fcibglobal.com/summit-home.html.
Commodity Trade Finance Conference 2017, 26 September 2017. Switzerland.
GTR’s annual Commodity Trade Finance Conference will return to Lugano for its fourth year in September 2017. While the global trading market is facing ever more challenges, new opportunities are also arising. Targeting an even more diverse crowd, the 2017 event will act as the ultimate networking platform for the commodity trade finance community, with experts from commodity trading houses, global corporates, financiers and service providers all in attendance, all ready to give unique insights and advice. Click here for more information. A 15% discount is available for readers with code CIN15.
Indonesia Trade & Commodity Finance Conference, 5 October. Jakarta.
GTR will return to Jakarta in October to provide an update on the domestic economy and an outline of the trade challenges which lie ahead. The Indonesia Trade & Commodity Finance Conference in Jakarta is the premier platform for trade and commodity experts, domestic and international, to gather for a day of discussion, debate and networking. Dedicated networking breaks throughout the conference will give delegates the chance to gather new leads and become reacquainted with peers. Save travel, time and money by attending, and meet the largest names in the trade & commodity markets all under one roof. Click here to register or for more information. A 15% discount is available for readers with code CIN15.
Receivables Finance Masterclass, 10 October 2017. London.
Attend this advanced and comprehensive Masterclass to gain a deeper understanding of the latest receivables purchase structures, risk and legal constraints. Covering factoring, supply chain finance and forfaiting, the Masterclass enables participants to realise the value of future receivables, implement more profitable purchasing arrangements, mitigate risk, gain added value through supply chain financing, optimise insurance and reduce costs.
BCR are delighted to offer Credit Insurance News members a 10% discount on booking. Register now using code CIN17 at www.bcrconferences.com.
Trade & Infrastructure Finance Conference 2017, 25-26 October 2017. London.
Since its inception in 2015, the GTR Africa Trade & Infrastructure Finance Conference has provided a key forum for regional corporates, financiers and trade specialists to meet and discuss Africa’s trade potential, as well as infrastructure and investment opportunities available across the continent.
 With London housing a great number of institutions involved in African trade and infrastructure finance, the city acts as an ideal location for like-minded organisations to get together to assess future priorities.
The brochure will be made available in August 2017. In the meantime, please click here to download the pre-event media kit for more information. A 15% discount is available for readers with code CIN15.
Mexico Trade & Export Finance Conference 2017, 26 October 2017. Mexico City.
Returning to Mexico City for its third year, GTR’s Mexico Trade & Export Finance Conference 2017 will take place on October 26.
 Leading representatives from across the world of trade and export finance will convene at the JW Marriot to discuss challenges and opportunities within the domestic and global trading environment. Supported by an increasing number of sponsors and partners since its inception, 2017’s event is not to be missed for those looking to foster new working relationships as well as reinforce existing ties with key industry players.
Click here for more information.  A 15% discount is available for readers with code CIN15.
Trade Credit, Bond and Political Risk Insurance Industry Dinner, hosted by Tokio Marine HCC. 9 November 2017, London.
Tokio Marine HCC is honoured to announce that we are hosting this year’s dinner at the De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms. For our inaugural hosting of the dinner, we promise you a memorable evening and would be delighted if you would join us for a glass of bubbles in the Drawing Room, before taking our seats in the Grand Hall for dinner.
An important part of the evening is the opportunity it provides to support some extremely worthwhile causes through the traditional charity raffle and silent auctions. This year Tokio Marine HCC has selected two outstanding charities to receive the benefit of that support – St Mungo’s and LOROS. We are delighted to announce our auctioneer is the TV Presenter and Antiques columnist, Jamie Breese.
After dinner we can all look forward to tales and comedy quips from Miles Jupp, before returning to the Drawing Room to catch up with colleagues and friends from the industry and dancing to the sounds of Groove Instinct.
Don’t miss your opportunity to join us at this special event and book your tickets early. Visit tmhcc.com/ukcredit and follow the link to place your booking.
China Trade & Commodity Finance Conference 2017, 14 November 2017. Shanghai, China.
Following several years in Beijing, GTR returns to Shanghai for a second year to host the China Trade & Commodity Finance Conference 2017, now established as a crucial annual get-together for regional financiers, corporates and trade experts.
Themes to be covered include economic challenges and opportunities in and around the country, and a breakdown of what the future may hold for what is still the world’s leading exporter.
 Offering a first-class business environment, GTR’s conference will save you travel, time and money by providing access to the market’s key players all in one central location.
Click here for more information. A 15% discount is available for readers with code CIN15.
Nordic Region Trade & Export Finance Conference 2017, 16 November 2017. Stockholm.
Marking a decade in Sweden, the Nordic Region Trade & Export Finance Conference returns to Stockholm in November 2017.
Being the only event of its kind in the Nordic region, the conference continues to attract a huge range of international corporates, financiers, regulators, insurers, legal specialists and trade experts, providing a unique forum for those involved in Nordic trade to meet and learn from market peers.
Key drivers for discussion will include the impact of an uncertain geopolitical climate on international trade, as well as key challenges and new opportunities in emerging markets, the future role of technology in trade finance, treasury and working capital optimisation, and financial risk management featuring throughout the course of this focused one-day gathering.
Click here for more information. A 15% discount is available for readers with code CIN15.
Alternative and Receivables Finance Forum 16 November 2017. London.
BCR’s Alternative & Receivables Finance Forum has been tracking the revolution in receivables and invoice finance for the last 4 years. This is a unique gathering, where you can network with established receivables finance providers and ‘alternative’ SME funders and find out how the competitive landscape for commercial finance is changing. The comprehensive programme provides insights into the priorities influencing SMEs’ financial choices and showcases the latest technology-enabled distribution models.  Come to A&RF 2017 to engage in the debate and help define the future of working capital finance.
BCR are delighted to offer Credit Insurance News members a 10% discount on booking. Register now using code CIN17 at www.bcrconferences.com.
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