Welcome to the March 2022 issue of Credit Management News Digest. This issue is sponsored
by Tinubu Square.
PLUS:This month's featured article: UK 'Spotlight: Credit Insurance in a Cautious Economy'
UK and Ireland: Late Payment, Business Distress & Insolvencies
25% of UK small businesses feel that they are continually chasing late payment.
The annual 2022 business challenges report carried out by takepayments Limited, has reported that 25% of the UK small businesses it surveyed feel that they are continually chasing late payments. 25% also suggest that late payments
have a worrying impact on their cashflow. The issue of late payment is of most concern to IT, leisure, sports/tourism and media/internet businesses. The report also found that financial challenges are the biggest concern facing one in
ten businesses in 2022,
with cash flow a common theme. Over a fifth (21%) have relied on financial support from the UK government during the last year of the pandemic and over a quarter (28%) are worried about the impact of Brexit on cash flow.
To see takepayment's report go https://www.takepayments.com/small-business-challenges/.
Major companies are permanently removed from the UK's Prompt Payment Code for failing to pay their bills on time.
Five UK companies — Diageo Scotland Limited, Diageo Global Supply IBC Limited, Diageo Northern Ireland Limited, Diageo Great Britain Limited and Unilever UK Limited — have been formally removed from the
Prompt Payment Code after failing to honour their commitments. The voluntary code requires companies to pay 95% of invoices within 30 days to their small suppliers and pay 95% of all invoices within 60 days.
Small Business Minister, Paul Scully, said: "As our small businesses recover from the pandemic, the last thing they need is for some big firms to hold back the cash that is owed to them."
To read the Small Business Commissioner's news release go to https://www.smallbusinesscommissioner.gov.uk/ppc/press_releases/major-companies-are-permanently-removed-from-the-prompt-payment-code-for-failing-to-pay-their-bills-on-time/.
Licensed under the terms of Open Government. Licence v3.0.
Licensed under the terms of Open Government. Licence v3.0.
UK corporate insolvencies increased by 105.8% compared to January 2021.
Latest data from the insolvency service has shown that UK corporate insolvencies increased by 4.8% in January 2022 (to 1,560) compared to December 2021 and by 105.8% compared to January 2021 (758). Corporate insolvencies were also 3.4% higher
than in January 2020 (1,508).
Christina Fitzgerald, Vice President of R3, commented: "The increase in corporate insolvencies is being driven by a rise in compulsory liquidations,
which were 131.4% higher than this time last year. This suggests that creditors are now starting to take action over unpaid debt, having been legally prevented from doing so since the start of the pandemic."
She also noted that numbers of Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidations have remained similar compared to last month, which suggests that many company directors are continuing to choose to close
their businesses rather than attempting to carry on trading. To read R3's news release go to https://www.r3.org.uk/press-policy-and-research/news/more/31156/page/1//.
Insolvencies in the UK have tended to be 35% higher than in Ireland.
New analysis by PwC has found that the insolvency rate (liquidations and receiverships) per 10,000 Irish companies was 14 in 2021 — down 87% from its peak in 2012.
PwC's research also revealed that, in terms of insolvencies per 10,000 companies by industry, the Arts and Entertainment sector was the worst sector impacted by far — with 85 insolvencies per 10,000 companies in 2021.
In contrast, Retail, Hospitality, and Construction had a much lower than expected level of insolvencies per 10,000 companies. Overall, Ireland's insolvency rate for 2021 was 11 liquidations per 10,000 companies,
while the UK's comparable rate is 26 liquidations per 10,000 companies — nearly double Ireland's rate.
Over the past 17 years, PwC found that the UK has historically tended to be 35% higher than Ireland in terms of insolvencies per 10,000 companies.
To read PwC's news release go to https://www.pwc.ie/media-centre/press-releases/2022/4500-companies-saved-going-bust-during-pandemic.html.
UK Economy
UK economic growth to halve this year. The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has downgraded its expectations for UK GDP growth in 2022 to 3.6% (from 4.2% in its previous forecast in December 2021) —
less than half the growth of 7.5% recorded last year. The downgrade largely reflects a deteriorating outlook for consumer spending and a weaker than expected rebound in business investment.
UK economic growth is also expected to slow sharply again to 1.3% in 2023, before easing to 1.2% in 2024.
In addition, the BCC predicts that UK exports will remain 13.7% (£25.5 billion) lower than their pre-pandemic level by the end of the forecast period in Q4 2024.
To read the BCC's news release go to https://www.britishchambers.org.uk/news/2022/03/bcc-forecast-uk-economic-growth-to-halve-this-year-as-domestic-global-headwinds-soar.
UK economy sees 7.5% growth for the full-year 2021. Latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicates that UK GDP increased
by 1.0% in Q4 2021 but fell by 0.2% in December 2021.
This meant that despite GDP in Q4 being 0.4% below its pre-COVID level in Q4 2019, the UK economy had recovered to be in line with its pre-COVID level growth (February 2020) in December.
For the full year 2021, the ONS also found that GDP increased by an estimated 7.5%, following a 9.4% fall in 2020. Not only does this figure mark faster growth than the US, France, Spain, Italy, Canada and Germany,
it was also widely reported by multiple news sources as the fastest annual growth rate since the Second World War.
To read the ONS's analysis go to https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp/bulletins/gdpfirstquarterlyestimateuk/octobertodecember2021.
The UK economy is expected to grow by 1% in Q1 2022. The National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR)
has advised that recent ONS estimates that the UK economy grew by 1.0% in the fourth quarter of 2021 were slightly weaker than it had anticipated. As a result, NIESR now forecasts GDP growth of 1.0% in the first quarter of 2022, with
the service sector (80% of GDP)
expected to see 0.9% growth in Q1, the production sector and manufacturing sector (14% and 10% of GDP, respectively) predicted to both grow by 1.1%, and construction output (6% of GDP) forecast to see 2.2% growth.
NIESR's analysis also notes that UK GDP in the three months to December 2021 was still around 0.5% below pre-pandemic levels.
To see NIESR's news release and a link to the full report go to https://www.niesr.ac.uk/publications/omicron-effect-gdp-small?type=gdp-trackers.
7 March Update: The impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on the UK.
The National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) has published a Policy Paper on the economic costs of the Russia-Ukraine war that estimates that the conflict in Ukraine could reduce
UK GDP growth by around 0.8% to 4.0% in 2022 and to 0.5% in 2023.
NIESR also suggests that, as a result of the war, the UK economy could experience up to 2 percentage
points higher inflation this year and the next, and now estimates that UK inflation will average 7% in 2022 (with a peak of 8.1% in Q3) and 4.4% in 2023, up
from 5.3% and 2.7%, respectively, in NIESR's February Outlook.
To read NIESR's report go to https://www.niesr.ac.uk/blog/what-economic-impact-russia-ukraine-conflict.
Wide-ranging exposure to the war between Russia and Ukraine will likely cause a surge in UK listed company profit warnings.
A new article by InfolinkGazette warns that the impact of financial sanctions, commodity price rises and supply chain issues will impact thousands of UK businesses that rely on Russian and Ukrainian suppliers and customers. Greg Connell, Managing Director of InfolinkGazette, commented:
"There will be literally 100's of UK listed companies currently working out how their profit expectations will be impacted by the loss of revenue from Russia/Ukraine
and the knock-on effects of a seriously disrupted supply chain in everything from rare earth metals to wheat." As a result, Greg predicts that a surge of listed company profit warnings will result directly from wide-ranging exposures to the war. To read InfolinkGazette's article go to https://www.infolinkgazette.co.uk/?pid=6.
UK Trade Sectors & Exports
Over 10,000 chain store branches disappeared from the UK's retail locations in 2021.
According to new PwC research compiled by the Local Data Company, 7,160 shops opened in 2021 compared to 17,219 closures — a net decline of 10,059. Although the rate of closures has been growing since the mid-2010s,
as more retail and service categories have shifted online, the impact had previously been offset by the rapid rollout of leisure operators, such as coffee shops, food-to-go and restaurants.
On a more positive note, the report notes that while the last two years have seen "a shakeout" of some large fashion and department store chains that were on the brink of collapse,
with these stores now closed closures should begin to level off. PwC also suggests that bigger chain retailers are more likely to negotiate with landlords proactively,
so the end of the rent moratorium in March 2022 is less likely to affect them. To read PwC's news release go to https://www.pwc.co.uk/press-room/press-releases/store-openings-and-closures.html.
The retailers pulling out of Russia. Retail Gazette has published an article that lists (with live updates) some of
the high street retailers pulling out of Russia. As of 4 March:
- The John Lewis Partnership is removing all products made in Russia from Waitrose and John Lewis stores.
- JD Sports has ceased all trading in Russia across both its brand websites and wholesale channels.
- Sainsbury’s is removing all products that are 100% sourced from Russia.
- Marks & Spencer has suspended shipments to its Turkish franchisee’s Russian business and will support the UN Refugee Agency and UNICEF UK’s Ukraine appeal with a £1.5 million package.
- Mango, ASOS, Boohoo and H&M are among the fashion brands temporarily closing their doors on Russian operations.
- Curry's has stopped selling products made in Russia. The company's virtual mobile network, iD Mobile, has joined other large mobile telecoms providers to provide free-rated text and call charges to Ukraine for UK customers and provide free-rated calls, texts, and unlimited data for iD Mobile customers in Ukraine.
- Ikea is temporarily suspending its business in Russia and will also stop all exports and imports in and out of Russia and Belarus.
- Apple has stopped both product sales and services. Apple Pay and other services have also been limited.
- Net-a-Porter, Mr Porter and Yoox have all suspended shipping to Russia.
To read Retail Gazette's article go to https://www.retailgazette.co.uk/blog/2022/03/live-updates-the-retailers-pulling-out-of-russia-from-apple-to-ikea/.
Unseasonal discounting spurs UK retailers to strong February sales growth.
According to BDO’s High Street Sales Tracker, total like-for-like sales, combined in-store and online, increased by +49.6% in February from a base of -3.1% for the equivalent month in 2021 when the country was in full lockdown.
Total like-for-like sales saw substantial increases across all categories, although fashion saw the biggest growth, with total like-for-like sales increasing by +68.1% for the month (from a base of -3.6% for the same time last year).
This month marked twelve consecutive months of growth for this sector. BDO also noted that while non-store like-for-like sales fell by -19.4% — the biggest fall ever recorded by BDO —
the decline was relative to elevated non-store like-for-like sales (+167.3%) recorded during lockdown. To read BDO's news release go to https://www.bdo.co.uk/en-gb/news/2022/unseasonal-discounting-spurs-retailers-to-strong-february-sales-growth.
Sharpest UK manufacturing price growth since 1976. According to the latest monthly CBI Industrial Trends Survey, UK manufacturing output growth picked up in the three months to February,
but the balance of manufacturers expecting price rises in the next three months was at its highest since December 1976. The survey also found that growth in output volumes accelerated in the
three months to February compared with the same period one month earlier (+26% from +14%), and output increased in 13 out of 17 sectors, with growth driven by the chemicals and food, drink and tobacco sub-sectors.
In addition, total order books were strong in February (+20%, from +24% in January), while export order books improved slightly and remained above their long-run average (-7%, from -10% in January; average of -19%).
To read the CBI's news release go to https://www.cbi.org.uk/media-centre/articles/sharpest-manufacturing-price-growth-since-1976-monthly-industrial-trends-survey/.
Costs and prices grow at record levels - UK Service Sector Survey.
According to the latest CBI Service Sector Survey, though UK businesses remain optimistic about the general business situation, in the three months to February, volumes growth eased in consumer services and stalled
in business & professional services. In tandem, costs grew rapidly at a survey record pace (+62% from +56%), with expectations the highest on record for next quarter (+74%). Average selling prices also continued to
grow at the fastest rate on record (+20% from +17%), while profitability dropped after three quarters of solid growth (-19% from +20%), with a continued fall expected next quarter (-13%).
To read the CBI's news release go to https://www.cbi.org.uk/media-centre/articles/costs-and-prices-grow-at-record-levels-service-sector-survey/.
Key UK Export Statistics. The Department for International Trade has published the latest issue of its 'Trade and Investment Core Statistics Book'. Some key takeaways include:
To find a copy of the book go to https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1055630/dit-trade-and-investment-core-statistics-book.pdf.
- The total value of UK exports was £619 billion in 2021, up 2.3% on 2020.
- Between 2011 and 2021, UK exports increased by 20.7% (around 1.8% per year on average) driven by an increase in services exports of 41.8%. Over the same period, goods exports increased by 6.0%.
- Between 2019 and 2020, exports to the non-EU decreased by 13.3%, while exports to the EU decreased by 13.6%.
- The UK’s top five UK export markets (for goods and services) in the year ending September 2021 were: the US (21.4%), Germany (7.8%), Ireland (6.6%), Netherlands(6.4%), France (5.1%).
- The UK's top five goods exports in 2021 were: cars (7.3%), mechanical power generators (intermediate) (6.7%), medicinal and pharmaceutical products (6.5%), non-ferrous metals (5.0%), crude oil (4.8%).
- In 2020 the UK ranked: 6th in the world for exports of goods and services (no change from 2019) and 3rd in Europe for exports of goods and services, behind Germany and France (no change from 2019).
- In 2019, 245,200 registered Great Britain businesses (10.2%) exported either goods or services or both.
Global Economy
The global impact of the Russia-Ukraine war. The National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) has published a Policy Paper on the economic costs of the Russia-Ukraine war that estimates that the conflict in Ukraine
could reduce the level of global GDP by 1% by 2023 —
about $1 trillion off global GDP.
Russia and Ukraine are important suppliers of commodities, including titanium, palladium, wheat,
and corn, and NIESR envisages that supply chain problems will intensify for users of such commodities,
including car, smartphone, and aircraft makers. Europe also has a reliance on Russian energy and food supplies. For Russia, NIESR estimates that the sanctions costs are partly offset by higher prices for gas and oil exports, although the net
effect on the economy will be negative with Russian GDP expected to contract by 1.5% this
year and more than 2.5% by the end of 2023. Russian inflation is also expected to soar above 20% this year.
To read NIESR's report go to https://www.niesr.ac.uk/events/economic-costs-russia-ukraine-conflict.
Economic indicators signal diminished growth momentum at the start of the year. The IMF had advised that although the economic recovery continues, the pace of the recovery has slowed.
As a result, the IMF's global growth forecast was lowered in January to a still-healthy 4.4% expansion this year — down from an October projection of 4.9% — amid reduced growth prospects for the US and China.
The IMF also noted that in some economies, the purchasing managers’ index (PMI) indicated a slower pace of expansion in January compared with the prior two months. A few PMI gauges, including Australia and Spain,
even swung below 50 — the threshold signaling a contraction.
To read the IMF's article go to https://blogs.imf.org/2022/02/24/economic-indicators-signal-diminished-growth-momentum-at-start-of-year/.
GDP growth has slowed in many European economies.
The OECD has reported that GDP growth in the G7 accelerated to 1.2% in Q4 2021 from 0.9% in Q3, driven by increases in the US (1.7% growth Q4 compared with 0.6% in Q3),
Canada (1.6% Q4, 1.3% Q3) and Japan (1.3% Q4, -0.7% Q3).
However, GDP growth slowed markedly in many major European economies, including France (to 0.7% in Q4, compared with 3.1% in the previous quarter), Italy (0.6% compared with 2.6%) and Germany (0.7% compared with 1.7%). In the UK, GDP growth stabilised at 1.0% in Q4 2021. The OECD also reported that Canada has now exceeded its pre-pandemic level of GDP by 0.2% compared with Q4 2019, joining the US and France which regained their pre-pandemic levels in Q2 2021 and Q3 2021 respectively.
GDP in other G7 countries remained below pre-pandemic levels, with the largest gap in Germany. To read the OECD's news release go to https://www.oecd.org/newsroom/gdp-growth-fourth-quarter-2021-oecd.htm.
The global recovery continues in 2022, but "a bumpy road" lies ahead. Coface's latest Barometer suggests that although the global economy continues
to recover, it still faces significant challenges.
As a result, Coface has lowered its 2022 GDP growth forecasts for several European countries, as well as for the US and China, and warns that although the number of insolvencies is still very low for the moment in most countries,
2022 will see a gradual rise in 2022 in business failures, "as it is already the case in the United Kingdom."
Coface's latest Barometer for Q4 2021 has also upgraded four country risk assessments (including Denmark) and downgraded two (Sri Lanka and Turkey).
To read Coface's news release go to https://www.coface.com/News-Publications/News/Barometer-Q4-2021-The-global-recovery-continues-in-2022-but-a-bumpy-road-lies-ahead.
Credit Management News & Tools
CICM creates new Professional Standards to champion and benchmark excellence in credit management. A new set of Professional
Standards to define the unique skills and contribution that credit professionals deliver in protecting and growing business and the economy has been launched by the Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM),
the largest recognised professional body in the world for the credit management community.
The new Professional Standards establish a benchmark and help demonstrate the enormous variety of roles within credit at every level, local and global, to attract new employees into the industry and define what skills
they need to succeed. For more information go to https://www.cicm.com/ceoblog/cicm-creates-professional-standards/.
Russia: Sanctions guidance.
The UK government has produced a webpage with guidance on sanctions with Russia — https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/uk-sanctions-on-russia.
An online form is also available for UK businesses to obtain more information and specific advice about trading with Russia or Ukraine at https://www.get-help-selling-goods-services-abroad.service.gov.uk/russia-ukraine-enquiry/russia-ukraine-enquiry.
Events & Professional Development
GTR Africa, 10-11 March 2022. Cape Town.
GTR Africa is returning to Cape Town, South Africa on March 10-11, 2022 as we once again provide a one of a kind event for the trade and export finance community.
GTR Africa is returning to Cape Town, South Africa on March 10-11, 2022 as we once again provide a one of a kind event for the trade and export finance community.
Long recognised as the leading industry event for Sub-Saharan Africa, we’re hugely excited to bring the region’s trade, commodity and export finance community together once again for a much-anticipated return to in-person discussion and networking.
Offering unrivalled insights into the latest trends and developments impacting African trade, export and infrastructure financing through an extensive programme of expert speakers and interactive discussion, the event will include a full exhibition and provide the invaluable opportunity for participants to network and connect with industry leaders, peers and potential clients.
We look forward to welcoming you back!
For more information about this event go to https://www.gtreview.com/events/africa/gtr-africa-2022/. Credit Insurance News readers can receive 15% off any pass to this event with code: PARTNER15.
We also have 20 complementary corporate rate passes available to Credit Insurance News readers who are exporters, importers, manufacturers, distributors, traders, and producers of physical goods. To apply, please email Sally (sally.brown@creditinsurancenews.co.uk) with your full details (full name, job title, organisation, email, country, and phone number) and we will pass on your details for approval.
World Trade Symposium, 31 March. London.
The past 18 months have seen the rules on global trade rewritten. The profound digital transformation that was already underway has accelerated, slashing costs and reforging supply chains - with innovative shippers, banks, trading blocs, and fintechs leading the way.
As a result, all governments, businesses, and trade practitioners now face the urgent task of understanding the technology trends and practical and policy challenges involved in grasping the opportunity of digital trade.
Alongside this, policymakers and non-governmental organisations forecast that digital technologies and standards will open trade to millions more small and micro-enterprises across the world, cementing a new path to global prosperity.
Digital tracking and provenance solutions could also boost sustainability and help reduce carbon emissions.
These "tech-tonic" shifts are a significant opportunity for all stakeholders in trade, but many obstacles still need to be overcome.
The World Trade Symposium 2022 will bring together top executives and leading global policymakers for a day of rigorous discussion and debate on these critical issues.
The event will reassess the new "trade lines" created by the pandemic, explore the scope and impact of digital trade technologies and evaluate the opportunities and challenges ahead.
For more information and to book tickets go to https://www.tradefinanceglobal.com/conferences/world-trade-symposium-03-2022/.
The past 18 months have seen the rules on global trade rewritten. The profound digital transformation that was already underway has accelerated, slashing costs and reforging supply chains - with innovative shippers, banks, trading blocs, and fintechs leading the way.
As a result, all governments, businesses, and trade practitioners now face the urgent task of understanding the technology trends and practical and policy challenges involved in grasping the opportunity of digital trade.
Alongside this, policymakers and non-governmental organisations forecast that digital technologies and standards will open trade to millions more small and micro-enterprises across the world, cementing a new path to global prosperity.
Digital tracking and provenance solutions could also boost sustainability and help reduce carbon emissions.
These "tech-tonic" shifts are a significant opportunity for all stakeholders in trade, but many obstacles still need to be overcome.
The World Trade Symposium 2022 will bring together top executives and leading global policymakers for a day of rigorous discussion and debate on these critical issues.
The event will reassess the new "trade lines" created by the pandemic, explore the scope and impact of digital trade technologies and evaluate the opportunities and challenges ahead.
For more information and to book tickets go to https://www.tradefinanceglobal.com/conferences/world-trade-symposium-03-2022/.
8th Annual Supply Chain Finance Summit, 26 April. London.
We are proud to become a media partner for the Supply Chain Finance Summit hold on 26 April in London. This in-depth event tracks the transformation of supply chain finance. Book your Early Bird tickets now: https://bcrpub.com/events/supply-chain-finance-summit-2022.
Supply chain finance continues to accelerate, with global volumes growing by nearly 50% from the pre-pandemic period and utilisation also increasing dramatically. It is expanding faster than ever for new business as well as existing. Corporates are now fast-tracking their decision-making when it comes to approving supply chain finance programmes.
BCR’s SCF Summit will examine:
To register please follow this link https://bcrpub.com/events/supply-chain-finance-summit-2022.
As an event partner Credit Insurance News has negotiated a 20% discount for all its members.
The 20% delegate discount code is MEDIA-20 – please utilise the code upon booking.
For more information on the Summit and to book your Early Bird tickets, please click the link below:
We are proud to become a media partner for the Supply Chain Finance Summit hold on 26 April in London. This in-depth event tracks the transformation of supply chain finance. Book your Early Bird tickets now: https://bcrpub.com/events/supply-chain-finance-summit-2022.
Supply chain finance continues to accelerate, with global volumes growing by nearly 50% from the pre-pandemic period and utilisation also increasing dramatically. It is expanding faster than ever for new business as well as existing. Corporates are now fast-tracking their decision-making when it comes to approving supply chain finance programmes.
BCR’s SCF Summit will examine:
- The impact of the pandemic and other macro-economic issues on SCF?
- How much longer these spectacular rates of growth can continue?
- What are the latest innovations and trends in the sector?
- How did SCF become a driver for sustainability and how to carry ESG principles and alignment through to supply chains?
- The challenges of realising SCF’s potential to deliver ESG objectives?
- Risk management strategies - changes due to the pandemic
To register please follow this link https://bcrpub.com/events/supply-chain-finance-summit-2022.
As an event partner Credit Insurance News has negotiated a 20% discount for all its members.
The 20% delegate discount code is MEDIA-20 – please utilise the code upon booking.
For more information on the Summit and to book your Early Bird tickets, please click the link below:
Annual Receivables Finance International Convention, 26-27 May (new dates). London/Hybrid
Join BCR Publishing for their 22nd Annual Receivables Finance International Convention.
RFIx’22 will be held in London at the offices of Clifford Chance and will bring together in person, senior receivables
finance executives from around the world, with live streaming also available.
BCR will be also holding its 4th Annual Receivables Finance International Awards on 26 May 2022, on the evening of the first day of RFIx’22.
Book your place for RFIx’22 and help define the future of working capital finance: https://bcrpub.com/events/rfix-receivables-finance-international-convention-2022.
To apply for free to receive RFIx22 Award, download your info pack today: https://bcrpub.com/awards/rfix22-awards-and-gala-dinner.
BCR will be also holding its 4th Annual Receivables Finance International Awards on 26 May 2022, on the evening of the first day of RFIx’22.
Book your place for RFIx’22 and help define the future of working capital finance: https://bcrpub.com/events/rfix-receivables-finance-international-convention-2022.
To apply for free to receive RFIx22 Award, download your info pack today: https://bcrpub.com/awards/rfix22-awards-and-gala-dinner.
TXF Global 2022: Export, Agency & Project Finance
HYBRID EVENT: LISBON & ONLINE, 7-8 June 2022. Lisbon, Portugal.
TXF Global Export is back for 2022 and this time, *drumroll*... we're taking the global export roadshow to Lisbon!
Join us on the 7th & 8th June 2022 for another unmissable hybrid event. Deal makers from across the globe are already lining up to save their spot. Topics up for debate include:
For more information go to https://www.txfnews.com/Events/Event/249/TXF-Global-2022-Export-Agency-Project-Finance.
HYBRID EVENT: LISBON & ONLINE, 7-8 June 2022. Lisbon, Portugal.
TXF Global Export is back for 2022 and this time, *drumroll*... we're taking the global export roadshow to Lisbon!
Join us on the 7th & 8th June 2022 for another unmissable hybrid event. Deal makers from across the globe are already lining up to save their spot. Topics up for debate include:
- Financing the goals of COP 26
- Mega borrowers of the future
- Mega borrowers of the future
- Guardians of Export Credit - The Government perspective
The Green ECA CEO panel
Two types of participation are available for TXF hybrid events:
1. Physical Event Ticket
1. Physical Event Ticket
- Get your feet on the ground to come together with key clients, colleagues and industry experts. Your ticket will also include:
- Additional networking features such as the poolside cocktail reception Access to the virtual event platform – reach out to virtual-only attendees and watch all sessions on-demand if you miss them
- Networking concierge service – allow us to do the leg work and introduce you to new potential clients
2. Virtual Ticket/ On-Demand (Available TXF events 365 Members Only)
From the comfort of your desk watch all sessions live or on-demand as well as use our ‘Search the Guest List’ feature to reach out to other virtual attendees and those joining the physical event in-person.
To find out more about joining virtually as part of a TXF Membership, please email membership@txfmedia.com. email membership@txfmedia.com.From the comfort of your desk watch all sessions live or on-demand as well as use our ‘Search the Guest List’ feature to reach out to other virtual attendees and those joining the physical event in-person.
For more information go to https://www.txfnews.com/Events/Event/249/TXF-Global-2022-Export-Agency-Project-Finance.
Stecis is getting back on track with Webinars, Classroom courses and Masterclasses.
As we all hope that the Covid-19 pandemic is under control after the summer, STECIS has planned again a number of classroom courses in November 2021. For Trade Credit Insurance and Surety Bonds, at each Foundation and Advanced courses will be offered in the vicinity of Amsterdam Schiphol. In case still necessary, all applicable Covid-19 restrictions will be in place during the classroom training courses. During the classroom trainings real, practical cases will be discussed. Additionally, various webinars on both Trade Credit Insurance and Surety Bonds have been already scheduled throughout the year. These webinars are interesting to all individuals who are starting their career in the TCI and/or Surety Bonds industry, but also for all other interested parties like brokers, re-insurers´ employees, lawyers, credit managers etc.
To expand our offering STECIS is currently developing three masterclasses on Trade Credit Insurance that will address the following topics: TCI and Digitalisation, Non-traditional TCI products and TCI and Finance. These masterclasses will be hold by top experts from the TCI industry presenting the recent developments and trends in the field of TCI. Joining these masterclass will be not only be an excellent way to keep up to date with important developments in the TCI world. The courses are also an excellent means to increase your professional network as you will meet other participants and top experts from the industry.
When the outlines of the three masterclasses are available, they will be shared via Credit Insurance News and the website of Stecis.
More information can be found on the Stecis’ website: www.stecis.org.
All courses will run at the Steigenberger Hotel at Amsterdam-Schiphol.
Further information can be obtained by sending an email to: info@stecis.org.
As we all hope that the Covid-19 pandemic is under control after the summer, STECIS has planned again a number of classroom courses in November 2021. For Trade Credit Insurance and Surety Bonds, at each Foundation and Advanced courses will be offered in the vicinity of Amsterdam Schiphol. In case still necessary, all applicable Covid-19 restrictions will be in place during the classroom training courses. During the classroom trainings real, practical cases will be discussed. Additionally, various webinars on both Trade Credit Insurance and Surety Bonds have been already scheduled throughout the year. These webinars are interesting to all individuals who are starting their career in the TCI and/or Surety Bonds industry, but also for all other interested parties like brokers, re-insurers´ employees, lawyers, credit managers etc.
To expand our offering STECIS is currently developing three masterclasses on Trade Credit Insurance that will address the following topics: TCI and Digitalisation, Non-traditional TCI products and TCI and Finance. These masterclasses will be hold by top experts from the TCI industry presenting the recent developments and trends in the field of TCI. Joining these masterclass will be not only be an excellent way to keep up to date with important developments in the TCI world. The courses are also an excellent means to increase your professional network as you will meet other participants and top experts from the industry.
When the outlines of the three masterclasses are available, they will be shared via Credit Insurance News and the website of Stecis.
More information can be found on the Stecis’ website: www.stecis.org.
All courses will run at the Steigenberger Hotel at Amsterdam-Schiphol.
Further information can be obtained by sending an email to: info@stecis.org.
About the Sponsor: Tinubu Square
Tinubu® Square is the industry-leading SaaS platform vendor, enabling credit insurance & surety digital transformation.
For 20 years, Tinubu® Square has provided credit & surety insurers across the globe with software and services allowing them to offer best-in-class customer experience, as well as significantly reduce their exposure to risk and their financial, operational and technical costs.
Tinubu® Square has an international footprint with customers in over 20 countries, including 30 of the top 60 worldwide credit & surety underwriters.
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