Welcome to November's issue of Credit Insurance News Digest, the industry newsletter devoted to the global trade credit insurance industry. This issue is sponsored by Chubb.
Credit Insurance News
Iceland suppliers’ trade credit insurance cover is cut amid Brexit concerns. Retail Gazette has reported that according to The Sunday Times, Euler Hermes has reduced trade credit insurance cover on UK grocer Iceland's suppliers and Atradius is also considering a reduction. The decision means Iceland’s suppliers could potentially demand payment upfront. Iceland commented in a statement: “While it is true that Euler Hermes reduced the total cover available to Iceland suppliers earlier this year, as part of a general reduction in its UK exposure, this has had no effect on either the level of our creditors or our relationships with any of our suppliers." To read Retail Gazette's article go to https://www.retailgazette.co.uk/blog/2019/10/iceland-suppliers-insurance-cover-cut-amid-brexit-concerns/.
Trade credit insurance claims in Australia increase by 90% in value. New research from NCI Trade Credit Solutions has indicated that in Q3 in Australia nearly AU$50 million in trade credit insurance claims were submitted, with an average value of AU$108,000. The research also found that the value of claims has significantly increased, up 46% on the previous quarter and up 90% from Q3 2018, with the Fuel and Building & Construction sectors' the worst impacted. In terms of the number of claims, the Building & Construction, Electrical and Manufacturing registered the highest numbers. Notable business failures during the quarter included: Mega Bulk Fuels Pty Ltd, Grainpro Pty Ltd, Leimar Group Pty Ltd, Steller Lining Pty Ltd, Karen Millen Australia Pty Ltd. To see NCI's infographic go to https://nci.com.au/2019/10/29/trade-credit-risk-index-q3-2/.
Economic slowdown sparks demand for trade credit insurance. Insurance Business has reported that as the global downturn encourages more businesses to become interested in trade credit insurance, companies should be mindful that if their country - or a country they do business in - goes into recession, they may find that there is limited or no more trade credit insurance capacity. James Daly, CEO of Euler Hermes North America, commented: “At Euler Hermes, we have what’s called an acceptance ratio. When an organisation comes to us, we’ll look at their accounts receivable, we’ll score them, and then we’ll cover them on a scale of one to 100. When the economy is good, our acceptance ratio is between 80% and 85%, but when the economy goes into recession, that acceptance ratio drops." To read Insurance Business' article go to https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/uk/news/breaking-news/protecting-smes-during-times-of-economic-recession-180184.aspx.
Members of the Berne Union report a lack of growth in underlying trade volumes. At the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Berne Union, insurers of short-term trade credit (reported US$1.7 trillion aggregate credit limits issued at the end of June – no real change since the end of 2018 - reflecting a lack of growth in underlying trade volumes. Secretary-General, Vinco David commented: “The most powerful factor negatively affecting trade at present is the high degree of uncertainty facing businesses. Under these circumstances it is unsurprising that we see lower volumes of insured trade than last year. With a number of hotspots facing specific economic and political challenges we also expect to see a continuation of elevated claims." To read the Berne Union's news release go to http://cdn.berneunion.org/assets/Images/Berne%20Union%20Hyderabad%20AGM%20Press%20Release.pdf.
Coface launches CRAFT, a new tool to estimate growth in the eurozone. Coface has announced that it has developed a new forecasting tool: CRAFT (Coface Research Activity Forecasting Tool) to detect economic trends and estimate growth in the eurozone. Coface advises that CRAFT is strongly correlated with the quarterly GDP growth rate and makes it possible to predict GDP correctly for the current quarter ("nowcasting") and the following quarter (forecasting). Notable results so far include the prediction that Germany would enter recession in quarter 3 2019 (-0.1% growth with -0.1% in quarter 2), and will stagnate in the last three months of the year. To read Coface's news release go to https://www.coface.com/News-Publications/News/Coface-introduces-CRAFT-a-new-forecasting-tool-to-estimate-growth-in-the-Eurozone.
Concerns about increased insolvencies as the result of Brexit encourage interest in trade credit insurance. Reuters has published an article which discusses the increased interest and take-up of trade credit insurance products as a direct result of concerns about the impact of Brexit. Experts quoted include: Graham Bristow, Managing Director of Aon; Richard Marriage, Managing Director of Nexus Trade Credit; and Stuart Ramsden, Atradius’ head of UK & Ireland Commercial. To read the article go to https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-insurance-credit/brexit-insolvency-fears-boost-demand-for-trade-credit-insurance-idUSKBN1WV1XH.
Late payments and potential non-payments constitute a significant risk to UK businesses. The latest Western Europe Payment Practices Barometer research report by Atradius has found that 35% of the total value of UK B2B invoices over the past year remained outstanding at the due date and the proportion of write-offs has increased with 2.5% of invoices marked as uncollectable (up from 1.5% last year). For UK large enterprises, this figure rises to 3.5%. Atradius also notes that UK businesses are much more likely to feel the impact from late payments than their counterparts across Western Europe. Just one quarter (26%) of UK businesses reported no significant impact arising from late payments from customers, compared to 42% across Western Europe. They were also more likely to need to delay payments to their own suppliers due to late payments, with 45% of UK businesses saying this was the case. Click here to read Atradius' news release.
Fineon partners with Aon to provide credit insurance on export finance platform. GTR (Global Trade Review) has reported that Luxembourg-based Fineon Exchange has appointed Aon as trade credit insurance broker and advisor for its newly-launched online export finance platform.“The convergence between insurance and funding is becoming more apparent and is increasingly the direction of travel for our business,” says Stuart Lawson, CEO at Aon Credit Solutions. “More than 50% of our new business enquiries are linked to a financing motivation and objective. . . Through the Fineon platform we will see the further coming together of credit insurance and funding.” To read GTR's article go to https://www.gtreview.com/news/fintech/fineon-partners-with-aon-to-provide-credit-insurance-on-export-finance-platform/.
Euler Hermes Rating publishes SME & MidCap Rating methodology for Belgian and Dutch companies. Euler Hermes Rating GmbH has announced that TRIBRating is now being introduced in Belgium and the Netherlands - the sixth and seventh countries in its wider European rollout. The TRIBRating service aims to enable small and mid-sized businesses with revenues between €10 million and €500 million to gain a transparent and internationally comparable credit rating using the full spectrum of the ‘AAA’ to ‘D’ global scale. The service was developed by Euler Hermes in collaboration with Moody’s Investors Service and is already operational in Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland and Spain. To read Euler Hermes' news release go to https://ehrg.de/ver/presse/SME_PR_Swiss_EN_2019.pdf.
Sales on trade credit on the upswing in the UK. Insurance Business has reported that a new report from Atradius has revealed that more than half (56%) of the total value of UK B2B sales were transacted on credit this year – an increase of 45% from last year, with UK businesses managing receivables through a balanced mix of credit management techniques – including trade credit insurance. Atradius also noted that UL businesses are being increasingly stringent, requesting payment an average of just 20 days from invoicing – down from 24 days last year - considerably lower than the Western European average of 34 days. To read Insurance Business' article go to https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/uk/news/breaking-news/sales-on-trade-credit-on-the-upswing-in-the-uk--report-189831.aspx.
New report identifies the two most commonly used credit management techniques in Western Europe. A new report by Atradius has found that the most common credit management technique used in Western Europe is the assessment of the prospective customers’ creditworthiness. However, survey respondents in Greece (53%), Germany (45%), Italy (42%) and Austria (41%) use this method significantly more often than their Western European peers (35%). The second most popular credit management technique in Western Europe is the use of dunning letters (outstanding invoice reminders). On a country level, dunning is most frequently performed by respondents from Greece, Austria, Germany and Switzerland (39% of respondents on average). To read Atradius' news release go to https://group.atradius.com/publications/payment-practices-barometer-western-europe-2019.
Insolvencies are on the rise in Western Europe. CFO magazine has included an article by Atradius' Economist, Dana Bodnar, which advises that corporate insolvencies are on the rise globally, but nowhere as much as Western Europe, which is expected to see a 3% uptick in 2019. This marks the first increase in insolvencies in the region in six years. Assuming an orderly Brexit, Ms Bodnar notes that the UK and Italy are set to experience the worst insolvency deteriorations, at 7% and 6% respectively, with the UK expected to see a notable concentration of business failures in the construction and retail sectors. France, Switzerland, the Nordic countries, the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Belgium and Ireland are also expected to see insolvency increases. To read CFO.com's article go to https://www.cfo.com/risk-management/2019/10/insolvencies-are-on-the-rise-in-western-europe/.
A surge in UK profit warnings highlights the value of trade credit insurance. This month's research by InfolinkGazette has identified a higher than 4-fold increase in the number of profit warnings issued by the UK’s top companies in September 2019, compared to September 2018. Greg Connell, Managing Director of InfolinkGazette, commented: “With 33 profit warnings issued in a single month, now would be a good time to review risk management policies and in particular trade credit insurance cover.” Regarding latest unsecured creditor data, new research from InfolinkGazette has shown that four of the largest, recent UK failures (Pochin's Limited, Modern Water Services Limited, T & G Fast Foods Developments Limited and Lunar Caravans Limited), have left 500 unsecured creditors owed over £87 million. To read InfolinkGazette's analysis go to https://www.infolinkgazette.co.uk/?pid=6.
Canopius launches trade political risk unit. Canopius has announced that it has launched a trade political risk unit which will be joining Canopius’s other Profit & Loss teams within its credit, political & crisis division of excess of loss trade credit, credit & political risk and crisis management. The new unit will be headed up by new appointee, Crispin Hodges, see below, as Head of Trade Political Risk. Further new hires are anticipated shortly. To read Canopius' news release go to https://www.canopius.com/press-releases/canopius-hires-crispin-hodges-as-head-of-trade-political-risk/.
A disorderly Brexit could have a more significant impact on the UK economy than the credit crunch. Euler Hermes has published an infographic which examines the broader implications Brexit poses for business. According to Ana Boata, Euler Hermes' Senior Economist, the prospects for the UK economy in 2020 vary wildly depending on the form Brexit takes: 0.8% growth if Brexit is agreed with a two-year transition period; 1.5% if Article 50 is withdrawn and the UK remains within the EU; -1% if there is no-deal or disorderly Brexit. In the last case, scenario, Euler Hermes predicts that a disorderly exit would have a more significant impact on the UK economy than the credit crunch -potentially wiping 8% off UK GDP. To see Euler Hermes' infographic go to https://www.eulerhermes.co.uk/resources/economic-news/brexit-tips-and-advice/the-numbers-behind-brexit.html.
"We need a blank-page approach to trade credit insurance innovation". Coverager has published a Q&A with Lode Vermeersch, head of AREA42, Credendo’s innovation ecosystem. As part of the interview, Mr Vermeersch describes how traditionally the trade finance and credit insurance sector "burdened with legacy systems, hierarchy or company culture" is not good at innovating. "And yet, if the banks, the insurers and the ECAs don’t modernise their systems, they risk becoming obsolete." He notes that AREA42 was born of this realisation and is focused on growing an ecosystem of innovators and establishing a platform (Slack community) for everyone to share ideas about the future of trade finance and credit insurance. To read Coverager's article go to https://www.coverager.com/we-need-a-blank-page-approach-to-trade-credit-insurance-innovation/.
87% of German companies request payment within 60 days. According to Coface's 2019 Germany payment survey, on average, German companies saw their payment terms increase from 29.8 days in 2017 to 35.9 days in 2019, while 85% of German companies report having experienced payment delays in 2019 - a 7% increase compared to 2017. Coface also found that even if credit risks are insured, German companies' confidence in their customers has declined, with 87% of companies requesting payment within 60 days – a very short time in terms of international comparison. To read Coface's news release go to https://www.coface.com/News-Publications/News/2019-survey-on-company-payments-in-Germany-turn-of-the-tide.
Weak semiconductor industry to have a global effect. Insurance Business has reported that according to research from Euler Hermes, weakened demand from key smartphone and computer markets and an unfavourable pricing environment will lead to a 15% decline in annual sales for the global semiconductor industry. In its latest sector research report, Euler Hermes said that this will be the industry’s steepest drop in annual sales since the dot-com bubble burst in 2001 and will significantly increase risks for several types of companies in the wider electronics industry. To read Insurance Business' article go to https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/asia/news/breaking-news/weak-semiconductor-industry-to-have-global-effect--euler-hermes-190887.aspx.
Decreasing trade credit insurance appetite reported in the UK building sector. Building has reported that KPMG has found that the number of UK building firms going into administration increased by 55% in the third quarter of 2019, with problems in the sector looking set to worsen in the coming months. Blair Nimmo, KPMG’s UK head of restructuring, warned: “[With] reducing credit insurance appetite, the declining availability of skilled labour and limited options to refinance and raise funding, it’s clear to see that pressure in the sector is only likely to increase.” He added: “Unless clarity and confidence return to the sector, financial distress and increasing numbers of insolvencies are likely to prevail.” To read Building's article go to https://www.building.co.uk/news/number-of-building-firms-going-under-jumps-by-half-in-just-three-months/5102301.article.
Nexus rebrands Equinox Global as Nexus Specialty in the US. Nexus Group has announced the launch of Nexus Specialty in the US as a rebrand of Equinox Global Inc. Nexus began operating in the US in 2017 with the acquisitions of Equinox Global and Zon Re (now known as Nexus Re), and, as part of its offer, currently underwrites trade credit lines in the region. The formation of Nexus Specialty will allow the group to add new product lines to its portfolio. “We continue to see fantastic opportunity for growth throughout North America,” said Adam Kembrooke, president and CEO of Nexus US and Nexus Specialty. To read Nexus' news release go to http://www.nexusunderwriting.com/news/nexus-rebrands-equinox-global-inc.-as-nexusspecialty-inc.-in-the-us.
UK FinTech companies predict 88% growth. An analysis by QBE has noted that the lack-lustre performance of the UK economy and Brexit has weighed heavily on consumer electronics, I.T distributors and traditional office product suppliers. Average retail sales in the first half of 2019 rose by 0.5%, a record low according to the British Retail Consortium. At the same time, prices are under pressure from online retailers and costs have been rising. In particular, mobile phone sales (the backbone of the consumer electronics market), are in decline. Some technology sub-sectors are, however, enjoying strong growth; for example, UK-based FinTech companies are predicting growth of 88% between 2018 and 2021. To read QBE's news release go to https://qbeeurope.com/news-and-events/blog-articles/uk-technology-sector-enjoys-positive-outlook-despite-brexit-risks/.
Berne Union Yearbook 2019. The Berne Union has announced that it has published its latest Yearbook. Articles include: 'Business interruption cover in the political
risk insurance market' by
Dimitri Faÿsse, Group Single Risk Senior
Manager at Coface;
'Alternative finance: how insurance can help
mitigate political and trade credit risk' by
Mark Houghton, Head of Asia Pacific, Global
Political Risk, Credit & Bond Team, AXA XL;
'Public credit insurance benefits
international trade. But how much?' by
John Lorié, Chief Economist at Atradius; 'The challenges of digitalization are far
outweighed by the opportunities it offers' by Jérôme Pezé, CEO & Founder, Tinubu Square; 'Risk outlook 2020' by John Lorié, Chief Economist, Atradius Credit
Insurance, Julien Marcilly, Chief Economist at
Coface, and Alexis Garatti, Chief Economist at
Euler Hermes. To access the full publication go to https://www.berneunion.org/Publications.
Standardisation in Surety and in Trade Credit Insurance - what is holding us back? Tinubu Square has published a new paper which describes how despite a consensus in the trade credit insurance and surety bonding industry that the value of standards cannot be underestimated, they are still "woefully and widely ignored." The paper notes that on the one hand, companies want to redefine the surety bonding and trade credit insurance business process, establish standards and promote collaboration between all the partners involved in transactions. On the other hand, organisations are concerned that adhering to industry standards will compromise their unique competitive positions in the marketplace. To download a copy of Tinubu's Square's paper a copy go to https://www2.tinubu.com/lpf/industry-view-standardization-in-surety-and-in-trade-credit-insurance-.
Congratulations to . .
Coface France for being awarded the title of best credit insurance company 2019 by International Finance magazine.
Nexus for ranking at number 32 in The Sunday Times Profit Track 100 - a list of the hundred fastest-growing private companies in the UK.
Your Views and Suggestions
Now we are seven! It is now just over seven years since the sponsored publication of the first Credit Insurance News Digest in October 2012. Launching a new start-up is always a daunting task - especially a free service that requires such a high level of interest and support from the industry it serves - but I am delighted that seven years on Credit Insurance News is thriving. We now consistently achieve more than 6000 page views per month and are read in more than 50 countries, with the UK, US, Germany, France, Australia and the Netherlands being our largest audiences.
I want this service to continuously improve, remain fresh and relevant, building on the strong foundation laid over the last few years. I would be tremendously grateful if you could spare a few minutes to click here and answer a few quick questions to help me clarify what you like about this service and - most importantly - what you don't. I would also welcome any suggestions about any changes you would like to see. Alternatively, if you would like to discuss any aspect of Credit Insurance News, please call me on +44 (0)7890 235913 or email sally.brown@creditinsurancenews.co.uk.
I want this service to continuously improve, remain fresh and relevant, building on the strong foundation laid over the last few years. I would be tremendously grateful if you could spare a few minutes to click here and answer a few quick questions to help me clarify what you like about this service and - most importantly - what you don't. I would also welcome any suggestions about any changes you would like to see. Alternatively, if you would like to discuss any aspect of Credit Insurance News, please call me on +44 (0)7890 235913 or email sally.brown@creditinsurancenews.co.uk.
With thanks and best regards,
Sally (Brown) Founder and Editor
New Appointments
Chubb has recently appointed Ravi Lalji to its London trade credit team. Mr Lalji joins from AIG where he was Head of the Strategic and Multinational Accounts team in London.
Canopius has announced that it has hired Crispin Hodges as Head of Trade Political Risk, to lead its newly-created trade political risk unit. Mr Hodges most recently served as international business producer for Beazley and will be based in London. He will report to Bernie de Haldevang, Head of Credit, Political & Crisis at Canopius.
Atradius has announced two appointments and promotions:
- Gordon Cessford has been appointed as Atradius' new regional director of North America. He succeeds David Huey, who will retire at the end of this year. Mr Cessford is currently Atradius’ commercial director in Hong Kong.
- David Capdevila has been named as the new Chief Executive Officer of Atradius N.V. From 1 January 2020, replacing Isidoro Unda who has announced his departure after 12 years. Mr Capdevila has been Chief Executive Officer of Plus Ultra Seguros since 2016.
Coface has announced two new appointments:
- Kevin Major is joining Coface North America Insurance Company as Senior Vice President of US Broker Relations. For the past six years, Mr Major has served as Vice President – Head of Broker Gateway and Retention for Atradius in the US.
- Chrisna Sudarma joins Coface as Indonesia and Philippines Country Manager to replaces Andrew Toh, who has held the role on an interim basis since April last year. Ms Sudarma’s joins Coface from Bank of America, where she was Director for Corporate Banking and Global Transaction Services in Indonesia.
Euler Hermes has announced the appointment of Celine
Peredy as its Middle East portfolio director. Ms Peredy formerly led Euler Hermes' account management team for international accounts based in APAC.
UK Export Finance (UKEF) has appointed Carl Williamson as its new Head of Trade Finance. Mr Williamson joins UKEF from Lloyds Banking Group, where he most recently served as a Relationship Director,
managing and developing a portfolio of customers within the Manufacturing & Industrials sector.
Job Vacancies
Aon is currently seeking a Client Manager to join the Credit Solutions team based in either London or
About the role
As a Client Manager your key responsibilities will include working as part of a multi-skilled broking team, whilst
supporting the Client Directors in the strategic management of our global client relationships, as well as
maintaining ownership of your portfolio of clients. Furthermore, you will be interacting with Clients, Insurers
and colleagues on day to day policy management including:
- The management of the credit limit process and supporting clients on reporting of overdue buyers and liaising with insurers.
- Assisting with claims submissions and claims’ broking process.
- Negotiation of policy wordings with insurers and ensuring timely delivery of accurate policy documentation and providing clients with training and guidance on policy terms and conditions.
- Managing policy renewals within your own portfolio and supporting Client Directors on the renewal process for strategic accounts.
- Gathering and analysing relative statistical detail, submissions to market, chasing insurers for indications of cover, presenting terms and preparation of renewal reports.
- Preparation for, and attendance of, client and insurer meetings plus timely follow up of meeting notes and actions.
- Providing advice to clients on market developments and share knowledge of market trends to enhance the overall value proposition.
- Introducing and supporting the team on new business opportunities to achieve set objectives.
- Liaising with colleagues across the Aon global network on Global Client programmes.
- Responsible for adherence to business processes, systems and procedures (including usage of e.g. applicable client service model, applicable insurer online platforms) and Aon insurer security policies where relevant.
- Working in accordance with the Aon UK Limited Risk Management Framework, and compliance with the Aon UK Limited policies, including participation in the management of risks (including completion of mandatory training) that may adversely affect the business, interests or reputation of any Group Company.
About you:
As a Client Manager your skills and qualifications will ideally include;
- Experience of credit insurance, credit management or related sector a requirement
- Competent in use of Microsoft Office and IT systems
What we’re looking for in you:
- An enthusiastic and innovative team player
- Ability to handle significant workflow through efficient time management and organisation
- Ability to use IT systems to efficiently to deliver client service
- Self-motivated and willing to use own initiative
- Ability to find creative solutions to new problems as they arise
- Integrity and working in a way that positively impacts our clients, colleagues and communities
Salary and Benefits
This role offers a competitive salary and bonus, plus a comprehensive benefits package and 25 days holiday.
Through our flexible benefits, you will also have the opportunity to choose additional benefits, including
healthcare and additional holiday. We also offer tremendous potential with a growing worldwide
To apply email your CV and covering letter to katy.wilsher@aon.com.
AIG’s underwriters develop insurance solutions that address the exposures of companies and
individuals, and embody AIG’s tradition of innovation, bringing to market ground-breaking insurance
solutions for our changing world. AIG’s underwriters help to find insurance solutions for risks from a
range of areas including life insurance, aviation, financial lines, casualty, environmental, catastrophic
events, high net worth individuals, and boardroom liabilities.
As a senior member of staff you are respected for your deep technical expertise and ability to win
profitable new business.
You balance the needs of multiple stakeholders, making sound decisions using data, analysis,
experience, and judgment, along with a risk mind-set. Ultimately, you take ownership for key
Specific Duties:
- Strategic New business Non-Cancellable Risk Underwriting / a key new business underwriting function.
- Underwriting large /and often complex new business submissions for Strategic and Multi- National business.
- Supporting new business pitches with New Business Underwriters often taking a lead role.
- Analysing domestic and international corporate credits, evaluating financial information, and recommending or approving appropriate credit limits.
- Ongoing pro-active interaction with brokers and prospects to discuss attractive new business submissions, thereby demonstrating a co-operative approach to winning business.
- Working with new business developers, Technical UW’s and Risk officers to actively promote and win opportunities.
- Ongoing daily workflow management of Business Development Underwriting Team and suggestions to improve expected.
- Meeting internal operational and audit directives for the division.
- Responsibility for management reporting with regards to new business data and statistics.
- Effective On-boarding of successful new business cases to the Account Management Team.
Required Skills & Experience:
- Minimum of 5 years Trade Credit Risk underwriting experience preferred.
- Ability to write Non-Cancellable limits.
- Experience in pitching(or supporting) New Business or account retention to Strategic Customers.
- Qualified candidates should have a background in credit or financial analysis.
- Results orientated with an entrepreneurial mind-set.
- Organised and energetic.
- Able to work and excel in high pressure situations.
- Able to prioritize, manage and delegate high workload.
- Experience in conflict resolution.
- Solid organizational and communication skills are essential.
- Proficiency in Microsoft packages and Salesforce.
- Team player with a can-do attitude and winning mind-set.
To apply for this position, please email your CV and covering letter to Wesley Bates (wesley.bates@aig.com). For more information, call 0208 680 7253.
Events & Offers
GTR Africa London 2019, 13 November 2019. London
GTR’s well-known annual African-focused conference, GTR Africa London, will return once again to
London this Autumn. It has quickly become a key annual gathering for domestic and international
trade, as well as export and project finance professionals focusing on growth and sustainability
within Africa.
Over 300 delegates are expected in attendance on November 13, with a dual-stream conference agenda covering a broad range of topics focusing on creating a sustainable vision for the future of African trade. Delegates will explore these topics through multi-format sessions which will include; case studies, interactive panel discussions, break-out sessions, and a new ‘fire-side chat’ format, as well as our famous networking opportunities.
GTR Africa London will look at the pros of ECA’s, supporting infrastructure development and tech innovation and how it can benefit the European region in the global trade race for Africa as well as using the benefits of common European languages in negotiations for a sense of trust through language. The conference will also dive into the risks involved in investing into Africa alongside Chinese and UK government policies while exploring the “in’s and out’s” of the AfCFTA.
As supporting partner, we have secured a limited amount of free Corporate Rate passes to attend the event, normally £849. Corporate Rate passes are only available to those who are exporters, importers, manufactures, distributors, traders & producers of physical goods and are not valid in conjunction with other discounts and available for new registrations only.
To check your eligibility, and to register on a free Corporate Rate pass, please contact Tanya Naysmith at tnaysmith@gtreview.com.
All others, including bankers, insurers, solution providers etc., can receive a special 15% partnership discount when booking online with code: CIN15.
For more information on GTR Africa London 2019, visit the event website or download the event brochure.
Over 300 delegates are expected in attendance on November 13, with a dual-stream conference agenda covering a broad range of topics focusing on creating a sustainable vision for the future of African trade. Delegates will explore these topics through multi-format sessions which will include; case studies, interactive panel discussions, break-out sessions, and a new ‘fire-side chat’ format, as well as our famous networking opportunities.
GTR Africa London will look at the pros of ECA’s, supporting infrastructure development and tech innovation and how it can benefit the European region in the global trade race for Africa as well as using the benefits of common European languages in negotiations for a sense of trust through language. The conference will also dive into the risks involved in investing into Africa alongside Chinese and UK government policies while exploring the “in’s and out’s” of the AfCFTA.
As supporting partner, we have secured a limited amount of free Corporate Rate passes to attend the event, normally £849. Corporate Rate passes are only available to those who are exporters, importers, manufactures, distributors, traders & producers of physical goods and are not valid in conjunction with other discounts and available for new registrations only.
To check your eligibility, and to register on a free Corporate Rate pass, please contact Tanya Naysmith at tnaysmith@gtreview.com.
All others, including bankers, insurers, solution providers etc., can receive a special 15% partnership discount when booking online with code: CIN15.
For more information on GTR Africa London 2019, visit the event website or download the event brochure.
Alternative & Receivables Finance Forum, 14 November. London
Alternative & Receivables Finance Forum tracks the transformation of receivables and invoice finance; showcasing the most successful new entrants to the market, examining the future of technology-enabled funding models, and driving the conversation on alternative finance for SMEs. This is a unique gathering, where you can network with established receivables finance providers and ‘alternative’ SME funders and find out how the competitive landscape for commercial finance is changing.
The comprehensive programme provides insights into the priorities influencing SMEs’ financial choices and showcases the latest technology-enabled distribution models.
As event partners, Credit Insurance News can offer their members a 10% discount on a delegate pass rate. To register please follow this link https://bcrpub.com/events/alternative-receivables-finance-forum-1. The Credit Insurance News delegate discount code is CIN19 – please utilise the code upon booking. Alternatively you can contact yongmei.he@bcrpub.com quoting your discount code for payment via invoice.
Alternative & Receivables Finance Forum tracks the transformation of receivables and invoice finance; showcasing the most successful new entrants to the market, examining the future of technology-enabled funding models, and driving the conversation on alternative finance for SMEs. This is a unique gathering, where you can network with established receivables finance providers and ‘alternative’ SME funders and find out how the competitive landscape for commercial finance is changing.
The comprehensive programme provides insights into the priorities influencing SMEs’ financial choices and showcases the latest technology-enabled distribution models.
As event partners, Credit Insurance News can offer their members a 10% discount on a delegate pass rate. To register please follow this link https://bcrpub.com/events/alternative-receivables-finance-forum-1. The Credit Insurance News delegate discount code is CIN19 – please utilise the code upon booking. Alternatively you can contact yongmei.he@bcrpub.com quoting your discount code for payment via invoice.
GTR Nordics, 19 November 2019. Stockholm.
GTR Nordics 2019 will return to Stockholm on November 19 2019.
GTR Nordics 2019 will return to Stockholm on November 19 2019.
With an expected attendance of over 450 of the region’s top trade finance experts, insurers, bankers, ECAs, technology innovators, government bodies and corporates of all sizes.
With the Nordic business community maintaining its position at the forefront of global innovation, 2018’s gathering provided the ideal forum to discuss the latest trends and strategic developments across key trade sectors, and their impact on trade and export financing requirements.
Insight was provided on the impact of growing global protectionism on trade and the innovative business models developing across key exports sectors, from Volvo’s provision of ‘Equipment as a Service’ to the importance of Turkish EPC contractor Yapi Merkezi’s financial offering when bidding for large infrastructure contracts.
The digitisation of trade and trade finance was highlighted as a fundamental requirement for future development, posing a challenge to the trade finance market’s incumbents.
With preparations for the next GTR Nordics event already underway, ensure you join hundreds of your market peers in Stockholm in November 2019 to gain business-critical insight, create crucial contacts and get ahead of the game.
We have secured a limited amount of free and discounted passes for more information contact bhemmings@gtreview.com or click here.
Trade Credit, Bond, and Political Risk Insurance Dinner, 21 November 2019. The Tower of London.
Gordon’s Alive!
Book your tables for the London 2019 Trade Credit, Bond, and Political Risk Insurance Market Dinner and Charity Auction, hosted by Marsh.
This year’s event will be held on Thursday 21 November in the spectacular Winter Pavilion at The Tower of London.
Our master of ceremonies will be actor and adventurer Brian Blessed. Proceeds from the charity auction will go to The British Red Cross.
Tables are available seating ten people, and the ticket price includes a sparkling wine reception, a three-course meal, coffee, and petits fours for each guest. House wines, beers, and soft drinks are also included for the duration of the evening.
TXF Trade Credit and Political Risk Insurance 2019, 4 December. Institute of Directors, London.
The place for banks, corporates and traders to meet the CPRI market and forge new and deeper partnerships for distribution and risk mitigation.
Book your place on 4 December in London for the most interactive private insurance forum around. With insurance and reinsurance brokers as well as underwriters all in attendance alongside CPRI product users, this is the forum for anybody looking to meet the market to explore how to maximally leverage the private insurance product.
Book your place here.
Limited bank, corporate and trader passes available. Please contact tom.pycraft@txfmedia.com to check your eligibility.
The place for banks, corporates and traders to meet the CPRI market and forge new and deeper partnerships for distribution and risk mitigation.
Book your place on 4 December in London for the most interactive private insurance forum around. With insurance and reinsurance brokers as well as underwriters all in attendance alongside CPRI product users, this is the forum for anybody looking to meet the market to explore how to maximally leverage the private insurance product.
Book your place here.
Limited bank, corporate and trader passes available. Please contact tom.pycraft@txfmedia.com to check your eligibility.
Supply Chain Finance Summit, 30-31 January 2020. Amsterdam
The fifth annual Supply Chain Finance Summit is a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends, ideas and developments transforming working capital and supply chain management, as well as a chance to network with leaders in the industry.
This in-depth event tracks the transformation of supply chain finance (SCF); showcasing the latest innovations within the industry for both domestic and cross-border financing, examining the future of technology-enabled supply chain models, and driving the conversation on increasing access of SCF for SMEs and emerging markets.
As event partners, Credit Insurance News can offer their members a 10% discount on a delegate pass rate. To register please follow this link https://bcrpub.com/events/supply-chain-finance-summit-1.
The Credit Insurance News delegate discount code is CIN20– please utilise the code upon booking. Alternatively you can contact yongmei.he@bcrpub.com quoting your discount code for payment via invoice.
The fifth annual Supply Chain Finance Summit is a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends, ideas and developments transforming working capital and supply chain management, as well as a chance to network with leaders in the industry.
This in-depth event tracks the transformation of supply chain finance (SCF); showcasing the latest innovations within the industry for both domestic and cross-border financing, examining the future of technology-enabled supply chain models, and driving the conversation on increasing access of SCF for SMEs and emerging markets.
As event partners, Credit Insurance News can offer their members a 10% discount on a delegate pass rate. To register please follow this link https://bcrpub.com/events/supply-chain-finance-summit-1.
The Credit Insurance News delegate discount code is CIN20– please utilise the code upon booking. Alternatively you can contact yongmei.he@bcrpub.com quoting your discount code for payment via invoice.
About the Sponsor: Chubb
Chubb Global Markets (CGM) is the London Market wholesale and specialty division of Chubb European Group, part of the Chubb Group the world’s largest publicly traded property and casualty insurer.
CGM has twenty years’ experience in underwriting Excess of Loss trade credit policies, providing non-cancellable cover to companies with well-established credit management procedures, ultimately providing certainty during uncertain political and economic times.
CGM’s trade credit underwriters are experienced in all aspects of the client relationship ensuring a single point of contact and quick decisions.
CGM’s trade credit underwriters are experienced in all aspects of the client relationship ensuring a single point of contact and quick decisions.
Chubb’s core political risk and credit underwriting expertise and their ability to provide bespoke wordings delivers a flexible underwriting approach meeting the changing needs of clients.
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