"I subscribe to both Credit Insurance News and Credit Management News. The UK market is the most competitive credit insurance market in the world and some might say the most innovative. Credit Insurance News is essential reading for Trade and Political Risk Insurers, Brokers and anyone who operates in this space to ensure they are aware of developments in their market. It has a global appeal.
Mike Feldwick: Head of UK & Ireland at Tinubu Square.
"Credit Insurance News provides me with a one-stop shop for all of the issues surrounding our industry and draws together all of those important announcements made by insurers, brokers and industry into one place that you might otherwise miss in the daily to and fro of business. The information contained is always relevant and presented in a way that allows me to understand the issue at hand and delve deeper into the detail if I need to. I would recommend the publication to anyone in the field of credit insurance whether you are an underwriter, a broker or a user of the product."
Kevin Finch: Executive Director at Aon Credit Solutions. 
"Few people in the Trade Credit Insurance industry are able to lay claim to such a wealth of knowledge as Sally. When she set up Credit Insurance News and the excellent Digest, it made a significant difference to the landscape of an industry which had historically been poor at sharing information and generating further awareness. With her publications, Sally has achieved both - a tribute not only to her knowledge, but also to her lovely interpersonal style and her commitment to high quality editorial content."
Joanne Lilford: Managing Director of Run Jump Fly Ltd.  Former Senior Manager, Corporate Communications & Marketing at Atradius.
"If you are a provider, user or seller of credit insurance then subscription to Credit Insurance News Digest is simply a must. It's a great place to see what is on offer, what is new, and being discussed or developed. A wonderfully unique focal point in garnering information and service offerings, translating these into a language we all understand. There is no other place like and delivery of updates remains fresh and hugely interesting."
Eddie Pacey: EP Credit Management and Consultancy. 
"Having retired from the Industry I enjoy reading Credit Insurance News Digest. It keeps me in touch with what is going on. I like its style and i like the layout. Sally has done a great job in filling a gap. She always had drive and determination when we worked together as underwriters and as broker/underwriter. Good to see her doing so well but then she always worked hard to get results."
George Loggie: Retired - Former Sales Director at Atradius and Euler Hermes. 
"Sally Brown's Credit Insurance News Digest has become a excellent publication for trade credit insurance professionals. Within a very short period of time the Digest has secured a large group of followers that continues to grow. With the ongoing global development of the trade credit insurance industry, it is expected that it will continue to move into a true global digest for the industry."
Pieter Van Ede: Managing Director, & Head of Global Clients at Aon Credit Solutions
"I am a regular reader of Credit Insurance News Digest. Sally has conceived it as an Internet source of information. You find there a synthesis of what is being moving in the trade credit insurance industry, but also links with sites of companies or brokers which allow for going more in depth into the information. Useful indeed."
Xavier Denecker: Retired, Former Managing Director of Coface UK & Northern Ireland. 
"I enjoy reading Sally's Newsletter, Credit Insurance News Digest, and it really provides a terrific overview of the Credit Insurance marketplace on a global level. Residing in Indiana, I am attuned to U.S. Credit Insurance environment. Credit Insurance News Digest allows me to understand and share a world view with my clients and business partners."
Rick McNamar: Commercial Banking Relationship Manager at PNC Financial Services
"I've been an admirer of Sally's professionalism and a supporter of her venture since she set up on her own. She provides unbiased, accurate information with a minimum of fuss and waffle. Just what the market needs - and it's free!"
Robert (Bob) Frewen: NED Insurance, Reinsurance & SPV Vehicles. Trade Risk Consultancy.
"The News Digest is excellent, it is informative, well written and is just what we needed as it is so industry specific. It is a great platform to highlight new ideas or products and lets all see what is happening and where. I look forward to receiving the Digests and do recommend it to everyone."
Steve Parsons: Associate Partner at Rycroft Associates.
"Credit Insurance News has come at the right time to address the need of the credit insurance community for a magazine that talks about them. I really enjoy reading it and I highly recommended for those interested in the credit insurance industry."
Mohamed Azzam: Director of Risk, Claims & Collections - Executive Board Member at Euler Hermes Middle East.
"Credit Insurance news is a fantastic and unique publication, which the entire Markel team subscribes to. The selection of articles is comprehensive and relevant. Sally is an extremely reliable partner and we enjoy working with her." 
Ewa Rose: Divisional Managing Director at Markel International.
"Credit Insurance news is an insightful and thought-provoking read. It always includes relevant topics and articles that are up to date and provide a real picture of what is happening within the Credit Insurance Industry. Well done Credit Insurance News!"
Andy Moylan: Managing Director of EFCIS Limited.
"I find Credit Insurance News Digest of great and unique value in our niche industry. I would strongly recommend Credit Insurance News for anyone working in the Credit Insurance and/or Reinsurance industry." 
Didier Lacan: Senior (Reinsurance) Underwriter for Credit, Surety & Political Risks at SCOR Global P&C SE.
"Sally founded Credit Insurance News, which has become a first-class information and news source for those engaged within the credit insurance and trade finance market. Research is first class and topical to the events of the day. The fact that this publication is still free is remarkable in itself, but I think bears tribute to the excellent sponsorship and support that Sally has from the market overall. Well done Sally."
Bryan Gibbons: Retired - Former Executive Director at RK Harrison, Financial Risks.
"Sally is hugely respected in the world of credit insurance, and is always happy to share her knowledge of the finer points of the market with me. Sally’s assistance has been directly responsible for several placements – Thanks Sally! Furthermore, her publication and website are invaluable tools for anyone looking to trade and make contacts within the credit niche."
Richard Jones: Director at Aston Charles (Insurance Recruiter).
 "I really credit Sally with founding CIN. It is very valuable to me keeping in touch with the trade credit insurance market both globally and in the UK."
Amy Shinkman: Vice President, Export Credit Insurance at Export-Import Bank of the United States.
"I regard Sally's Credit Insurance News Digest as valuable reading matter for anyone in the credit insurance industry."
Jerry Friend: Trade Credit and Political Risk Consultant.
"Sally is an expert on the topic of credit insurance. Her professionalism and flexibility make her a pleasure to deal with. As an organisation our alignment with Credit Insurance News is invaluable." 
Colleen Bowman: Marketing Manager at Markel International.
"Sally provides an invaluable source of information regarding credit insurance matters within the Credit Insurance News that she compiles. Always very informative and up to date."
Andrew Coakley: Account Executive at Atlas Risk Management.
"I really appreciate the Digest. Since I'm not based in the UK, it gives me a very good idea of the happenings in the largest market for trade credit insurance. I find myself reading each issue entirely. It is very well presented and covers the most important latest developments."
David Tawil: President of Maglan Capital. 

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