Welcome to December's issue of Credit Insurance News Digest, the industry newsletter devoted to the global trade credit insurance industry. This issue is sponsored by SCHUMANN.
Credit Insurance News
Coface launches a new broker portal. Coface has announced that, following a lengthy period of beta-testing, it has launched a new digital platform for its brokers which is now available in forty-two of the countries covered by the Coface group. Coface advises that the new multi-platform portal aims to enable brokers to obtain a better overview of, and more knowledge of, their clients while providing them with enhanced support from Coface's teams. "This means that a broker who has negotiated a global program will be able to access all the information in his portfolio in nearly 100 countries around the world. This is a first in the credit insurance sector!" For more information, including videos describing the Portal and its development, visit https://www.coface.com/News-Publications/News/Broker-Portal-Coface-s-new-digital-interface-for-its-brokers.
The European Commission to re-admit Greece back to the list of 'marketable risk' countries for short-term export credit insurance.
Due to the difficult economic situation and a lack of insurance capacity for credit risks related to exports to Greece, the Commission in 2013 decided to remove Greece from the list of marketable risk countries
and to consider short-term export credit risks towards Greece temporarily 'non-marketable'. However, the Commission has now completed its consultation and has decided to admit Greece
back on the list of marketable risk countries. This means that, as of 1 January 2020, short-term export credit risks towards Greece will be considered as marketable to be covered by
private insurers. To read the European Commission's statement go to https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/MEX_19_6354.
Insurance’s digitalisation journey and the challenge for the trade credit insurance industry. GTR (Global Trade Review) has published an article that examines tech investment in the insurance sector and discusses the challenges the trade credit insurance industry is facing as trade becomes more platform-based and the traditional model risks becoming obsolete. Christophe Spoerry, Head of Financial Services at Marjory, a tech startup backed by Credendo, commented: "Most insurers are not very good at real-time decisions and real-time connections with systems. They are very good at meetings, writing policies and processing risks as a batch – basically calculating the profits and losses of entire portfolios and seeing what they need to payout. A platform with machine-to-machine logic is frightening for them because it is new, and quite technically challenging too." To read GTR's article go to https://www.gtreview.com/supplements/gtr-insurance-2019/insurances-digitalisation-journey/.
Chubb invests in Africa's leading multilateral political risk and credit insurance agency. Chubb has announced that it has made a US$10 million equity investment in African Trade Insurance Agency (ATI). ATI supports trade and investment in African member states by providing comprehensive risk solutions, such as political risk and credit insurance products. On average, ATI currently supports trade and investments in its member states equivalent to between 1 and 2% of GDP annually. "Insurers play a crucial role in helping to drive growth and infrastructure improvements in the developing world," said Evan G. Greenberg, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Chubb. "We see our investment in ATI further advancing their important mission to promote investment, trade and economic growth throughout Africa."
To read Chubb's news release go to http://news.uk.chubb.com/2019-12-10-Chubb-Makes-Equity-Investment-in-African-Trade-Insurance-Agency.
PIB buys credit insurance specialist CMR Insurance Services. PIB Group Limited has announced that it has acquired CMR Insurance Services Ltd (CMR). CMR, founded in 1985, provides clients with insurance protection against bad debts for UK and export sales through
managed credit insurance policies, as well as claims and debt collection services. The team of twelve is led by husband and wife, Christian and Kim Hoy, who will remain with the business following completion of the sale. The terms of the deal were not disclosed. To read PIB's news release go to https://www.pibgroup.co.uk/news/pib-acquires-cmr-insurance-services-and-sue-smith-ltd/.
Euler Hermes launches a new customer portal. Following the announcement at the beginning of 2019 of plans to develop a new online customer portal to eventually replace Eolis, Euler Hermes has now launched MyEH. In January 2019, Euler Hermes' CEO, Milo Bogaerts, commented: “it will be much more than Eolis in terms of functionality. We’re developing it in an agile way in close cooperation with some
of our customers and will add functionality in steps. The MyEH portal aims to provide customers of Euler Hermes with a simple way to manage their policies, easily track the status of pending requests and identify if the
clients they are trading with are covered. The service is accessible from any device." For more information and a video describing the new portal go to https://www.eulerhermes.co.uk/support/services/myeh.html.
Global economy set to experience a "remarkable slowdown". Atradius' latest Global Economic Outlook reports that the global economy is losing steam, and forecasts that global GDP growth will increase by 2.5% in both 2019 and 2020 – compared to 3.2% measured in 2018. Key results also indicate that eurozone GDP growth is slowing - from 1.9% in 2018 to 1.1% in 2019/2020, the US economy is losing momentum with GDP growth easing from 2.2% in 2019 to 1.6% in 2020, while the UK is expected to see 1.3% growth in 2019 and 1.1% in 2020. Emerging markets are also facing a slowdown.
Atradius notes that the world trade slowdown, made worse by the US-China trade conflict, is behind the deceleration.
To read Atradius' news release go to https://group.atradius.com/publications/economic-research/economic-outlook-november-2019.html?
Canada, Hong Kong and the US have the best business environment for SMEs. Euler Hermes has published a new report 'SMЕ Businеss Climаtе Index', which assesses the business environment for SMEs in 13 countries according to six key components: red tape, tax policy, labour market flexibility, financing, export opportunities and competition. The counties ranked from best to worst were as follows: Canada, Hong Kong, US, the Netherlands, Singapore, Belgium, UK, Germany, Poland, Ireland, France, Slovakia and Czechia. According to the report, SMEs worldwide account for about 90% of businesses, and in Europe represent more than 99% of all non-financial corporates. To read Euler Hermes' news release go to https://www.eulerhermes.com/en_global/media-news/news/which-countries-are-best-for-smes-.html.
Can you trust your customer’s filed accounts? A new LinkedIn article by Mike Stott of Rycroft Associates warns that the examples of Ted Baker and M&C Saatchi, both of which recently reported serious accounting errors, highlights the potential danger for suppliers to invest in companies whose financial position may not be as it appears. One such cautionary tale is Patisserie Valerie, which looked well run and profitable until a black hole of £40 million was picked up in its balance sheet and it went into administration a matter of weeks later. With such risks and a question mark of whether you can or should trust a company's filed accounts, Mr Stott notes that the only sure-fire way a supplier can protect themselves is by taking out trade credit insurance. To read the article on LinkedIn go to https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/can-companies-trust-customers-filed-accounts-mike-stott/.
Great American Insurance Company joins LiquidX network. Great American and its subsidiary FCIA Management Company, Inc. (FCIA) have announced they have joined the LiquidX network as the third insurer on the trade credit insurance marketplace. Phil Lally, President of FCIA, commented: “the insurance market will continue to move toward digital solutions such as the LiquidX trade credit marketplace and we are excited to be one of the first participants. Through the LiquidX platform, we can offer clients a streamlined way to purchase trade credit insurance.” Since launching in early 2019, the platform has facilitated insurance on over US$1 billion of assets across 1,000+ credits. To read LiquidX's news release go to https://www.liquidx.com/news/.
Global exporters look set to experience losses of US$420 billion in 2019. According to Euler Hermes’ latest report, 'Trade Wars: May the Trade Force be with you in 2020 and beyond', higher uncertainty and higher global tariffs are taking a toll on trade. Euler Hermes warns that in 2019 the volume of global trade of goods and services looks likely to have grown at its slowest pace in a decade (+1.5%) and, as a result, exporters are likely to see US$420 billion in losses this year. The report adds that China (-US$67 billion), Germany (-US$62 billion) and Hong Kong (-US$50 billion) are the main victims of the trade recession. Among sectors, electronics (-US$212 billion), metals (-US$186 billion) and energy (-US$183 billion) are likely to have suffered the most. To read Euler Hermes' news release go to https://www.eulerhermes.com/en_global/media-news/news/global-trade-to-grow-at-its-slowest-pace-in-a-decade--and-no-hop.html.
Competition in the trade credit insurance market in Singapore is mainly down to price. Astreos Credit has published a brief overview of the trade credit market in Singapore, which advises that because insurance products generally are standard and can easily be replicated, competition is mainly down to price. As a result larger, established companies in the market (Coface, Euler Hermes, Atradius, AIG, QBE, and Lloyds Asia are all named) find it easier to maintain low prices and still make a profit and, consequently, dominate the market. The article also adds that while the lacklustre economic outlook has generated an increased demand for trade credit insurance, the insurers themselves are very cautious in their underwriting. To read Astreos Credit's news release go to https://www.astreos-credit.com/2019-country-focus-singapore/.
Unsecured creditors are 3.5 times more likely to become insolvent than the general corporate population. This month's research by InfolinkGazette has identified that between them the insolvencies of UK construction company, Marcus Worthington, AV Cargo Airlines Limited and small energy supplier Eversmart Energy have left 775 unsecured creditors owed over £38 million. According to InfolinkGazette's research, such is the contagion effect of insolvency that unsecured creditors are now 3.5 times more likely to become insolvent themselves than the general corporate population. Recent examples include the otherwise healthy Proline Group which lost its fight for survival after being left with over £1 million of unpaid bills when Herbert T Forrest went into Administration. To read InfolinkGazette's news release go to https://www.infolinkgazette.com/?pid=6.
Insolvencies in the UK metals and steel industry look set to increase by approximately 5% in 2020. Atradius' latest Market Monitor for UK Metals and Steel indicates the extent to which domestic metals and steel demand is increasingly affected by subdued investment in the construction sector, as well as a marked slowdown in demand from automotive. Energy costs also remain an issue, with British steel producers paying 50% and 110% more for electricity than their German and French peers. Atradius cautions that it expects insolvencies in the UK metals and steel industry to increase by about 5% in 2020. To read Atradius' Market Monitor, go to https://group.atradius.com/publications/market-monitor-metals-steel-united-kingdom-2019.html.
Country specific Market Monitor reports for the Metals and Steel industry are also available for Germany, US, China, France, Italy, Canada, Netherlands, Belgium, India, Spain, and Poland. Go to https://group.atradius.com/publications/ for details.
Country specific Market Monitor reports for the Metals and Steel industry are also available for Germany, US, China, France, Italy, Canada, Netherlands, Belgium, India, Spain, and Poland. Go to https://group.atradius.com/publications/ for details.
A condensed view of country risk assessments published by Atradius, Coface, Credimundi and Euler Hermes. AU Group has released its latest AU 'G Grade' for 41 2019. The AU 'G-Grade' is based on the individual assessment of a country by each of the four main credit insurers and is calculated according to the real risk taken by these major insurers collectively. Also, seven key indicators provided by the IMF Statistics Department give a view of the key trends and the level of risk per country. In this issue, the counties seeing the largest downgrades are Hong Kong and Tunisia, followed by Argentina, Cameroon, Haiti, Saudi Arabia. Ukraine and Macedonia see the highest upgrades. To download a copy of AU Group's free report go to http://www.au-group.com/how-to-monitor-country-risks/?.
Euler Hermes offers single invoice trade credit insurance to users of online marketplace Seafoodportal.com. Further to our news story about B2B marketplaces in July's issue of Credit Insurance News Digest (see Credit Insurance News Digest, July 2019), JET Seafood and Euler Hermes have announced that they have now finalised their partnership through which Euler Hermes will offer credit checks and instant single invoice trade credit insurance to customers on Seafoodportal.com - a newly launched digital marketplace for the seafood industry. The first insured transaction has already taken place.
For more information go to https://www.seafoodportal.com/partners.
For more information go to https://www.seafoodportal.com/partners.
Germany narrowly avoids recession. Atradius has advised that while Germany has narrowly avoided a recession in Q3 of 2019, it still faces the biggest slowdown this year among the major eurozone markets German industrial production is forecast to contract by more than 3% in 2019, followed by a limited rebound in 2020, with the automotive, machines, metals, and steel sectors most impacted and likely to see insolvencies increase by 2%-3% year-on-year in 2020. Furthermore, downside risks remain high and could potentially lead to a higher increase in insolvencies in the short-term future. To read Atradius' news release with a link to the full report go to https://group.atradius.com/press-releases/recession-avoided-but-credit-risk-is-looming-in-Germany.html.
Surety made easy: Credendo launches a blockchain-powered platform. Credendo, through its innovation vehicle AREA42 (launched by Credendo earlier this year as part of efforts to “recode” trade credit insurance for the digital era), has announced the launch of a blockchain-powered platform which aims to facilitate Surety by ensuring that all information included in the bond is 100% trustable and verifiable. Eckhard Horst, General Manager of Credendo, commented: “With this implementation we added a blockchain layer underneath a running application, resulting in an additional layer of easily verifiable trust.” Credendo aims to open its platform to all Germany-based brokers by the end of the year and deploy the platform to additional European countries in the next two years. To read Credendo's news release go to https://www.credendo.com/press/credendo-innovating-blockchain.
BPL Global launches UK Branch of French subsidiary. BPL Global has announced that it has opened a UK Branch of its French subsidiary, Berry Palmer & Lyle SAS, to service its existing European Economic Area (EEA) business and be fully ready for Brexit - whatever final form it takes. While new and existing EEA business will be serviced by the new UK Branch from 1st November 2019, BPL Global’s UK entity, Berry Palmer & Lyle Ltd, will continue to handle all UK and non-EEA based business as usual. To read BPL Global's news release visit https://bpl-global.com/2019/11/01/bpl-global-launches-uk-branch-of-french-subsidiary/.
French insurance regulatory body approves Coface’s Solvency II Partial Internal Model. Coface SA has announced that it has received authorisation from the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority
to use the group’s Partial Internal Model for calculating its regulatory capital
requirement under the Solvency II Directive.
This model covers the insurance underwriting risk module. The other modules (market risk, underwriting risk, operational risk) use the parameters of the standard formula.
Coface reports that its solvency ratio, as defined by the Partial Internal Model, was 187% at 31 December 2018, an 18 point improvement versus the standard formula.
To read Coface's news release go to https://www.coface.com/News-Publications/News/COFACE-SA-Partial-Internal-Model-approved-Solvency-ratio-at-187-as-of-31-December-2018.
Congratulations to...
Marsh for superbly hosting this year's Trade Credit, Bond, and Political Risk Insurance Dinner 2019 on 21 November at the iconic setting of The Tower of London. The event raised an incredible £38,500 for the British Red Cross, with Marsh topping up to a grand total of £45,000.
The CrewStudio video to the right captures some of the tremendous buzz and excitement of a great evening.
The CrewStudio video to the right captures some of the tremendous buzz and excitement of a great evening.
BPL Global for being named Broking Firm of the Year at Insurance Day's London Market Awards.
Atradius for winning the award Best Credit Insurance Solutions Provider – The Netherlands at The European's Global Business Awards 2019.
Aon, Willis Towers Watson and Lloyds of London for being recognised in the Financial Times Diversity Leaders list of 2020 for their commitment to an inclusive workplace.
Bibby Financial Services for being named Factor & Invoice Finance Discounter of the Year at the NACFB Gala Dinner and Industry Awards 2019.
The industry's review of 2019 and expectations for 2020
Now that we are nearly at the end of 2019, Credit Insurance News asked some of the experts from our community of readers, sponsors and advertisers, for their thoughts on the trade credit insurance industry in 2019 and expectations and hopes for 2020. Here are some of their comments:
"In 2019 we have seen a coalescence of risk which we expect to continue into 2020. What is noteworthy in the current environment is the broad range of different risks simultaneously at work and the complex interaction between these. Challenging economic conditions are sustained by political and social instability and amplified by trade wars and conflicts. These traditional risks manifest and interact in novel ways in part due to changing technology which can be at once an opportunity and a threat. This kind of uncertainty requires a careful and holistic understanding of risk across sectors, geography and cultures."
Vinco David, Secretary General of the Berne Union
Vinco David, Secretary General of the Berne Union
"2019 has certainly proved the value of credit insurance to the supply chain. Whether down to structural changes in Retail or weak investment affecting Construction, insolvencies and claims continue to remain high. Nonetheless, the risk environment has also provided opportunities. The pricing cycle has seen a definite upturn and, as an industry, we should not be afraid to value the product and protection it brings to clients and price it accordingly. Whilst the 2020 outlook remains extremely uncertain both in the UK and globally we can build for the long term by supporting clients through these times."
Ian Selby. Commercial Director, Nexus Trade Credit
Ian Selby. Commercial Director, Nexus Trade Credit
"It has been a difficult environment for business in the UK; insolvencies increased in number for the 3rd consecutive year, many of our core industrial sectors could point to high-profile failures, and the never-ending ‘Brexit uncertainty’ continues to constrain investment.
As underwriters, we have still managed to increase premium rates across-the-board for the first time in a decade, our risk underwriting is minimising losses for clients whilst continuing to provide reasonable risk appetite and there seems to finally be a desire - or perhaps a weariness - to ‘move on’ from Brexit.
Cheers to 2019, and please close the door behind you....."
Ray Massey. Underwriting Director ‑ Credit, Tokio Marine HCC
Ray Massey. Underwriting Director ‑ Credit, Tokio Marine HCC
“2019 has been a challenging year in the industry, with insurers trying to navigate the choppy economic waters. Two delayed Brexit deadlines and a snap General Election only serve to illustrate the uncertainty that abounds. However, such uncertainty and confusion in the short to medium-term, has helped to put Trade Credit insurance at the forefront of corporate decision makers’ minds, and we have seen a large increase in the number of policies placed this year.
At QBE we expect this heightened interest to continue into 2020, as businesses seek to invest in protecting themselves with the right insurance partner.”
Seb Rice. Manager - New Business, QBE Trade Credit
""As political risk insurers, although it is impossible to predict how technology will change trade fundamentals and the essence of our business, it will certainly result in some interesting developments. In my view, the current geopolitical situation we face with trade protectionism, retaliation measures and global trade slowdown will create opportunities for credit insurers.The greatest issues facing the CPRI market are much more likely to result from the internal constraints posed by Solvency II regime (2020 a right time for assessment? ) and from the challenges of turning the new realities posed by advancing technology into opportunities that will sustain our business."
Christian Hendriks. Deputy General Manager, Credendo
Christian Hendriks. Deputy General Manager, Credendo
"2019 has been an interesting year, underlying insolvencies on the rise highlighting the fragility of the economy and the slowing of key European economies. The mood has not brightened with hesitant investment due to Brexit uncertainties and sector weaknesses. So many facets interplaying the consumers decisions and after all, it is the consumer that drives the demand and until confidence and direction is given across all these areas (if possible!) then the uncertainty and weakness will continue for some time to come. We expect 2020 to be more of the same if not even more challenging! "
Andrew Share. Chief Operating Officer & Commercial Director, Coface UK & Ireland.
Andrew Share. Chief Operating Officer & Commercial Director, Coface UK & Ireland.
“2019 has been dominated by uncertainty with negative consequences for the economic environment and we are seeing a slowdown in both global trade and GDP growth as well as a rise in insolvencies. However, as businesses know only too well, risk is inherent to trade and success is borne out of the ability to manage those risks, and so managing the current challenges positively is imperative. Businesses should be proactive using all the tools at their disposal to mitigate risk and capitalise on the many opportunities still available.“
Stuart Ramsden. Head of Commercial, Atradius
Stuart Ramsden. Head of Commercial, Atradius
"Enhancing ethical and sustainability awareness in our sector by implementing sustainable underwriting practices and relevant sustainability goals while at the same time maintaining adequate cover at fair rates with excellent service standards will be one of the industry’s most important challenges for 2020 and beyond."
Rob Nijhout. Executive Director, International Credit Insurance & Surety Association (ICISA)
Rob Nijhout. Executive Director, International Credit Insurance & Surety Association (ICISA)
"Cover is available for every individual trade credit risk, somewhere, at the right price.
In 2020 we will finally see a shift in the credit insurance industry similar to what iTunes did to the music industry 17 years ago: a substantial increase in services which insure individual trade transactions, specifically tailored to business' real needs. Digital platforms will enlarge the market, providing companies transparency and choice for transactional credit insurances."
Gerard van Kaathoven. CEO, Trade Cover Exchange
Gerard van Kaathoven. CEO, Trade Cover Exchange
"The market has seen challenges in the past and particularly in the last 12 to 18 months, and these challenges will continue into 2020 with losses continuing, the potential for UK and US recession, demands for increased capital and the possible imposition under Basel IV of a higher Loss Given Default floor. Faced with these challenges, the market needs to ensure that it maintains its relevance to corporates and financiers to continue to support business growth."
Iain Gunn. Account Executive, TradeRisk Solutions - PIB Insurance Brokers
"2019 has been a year of elevated risk for trade suppliers with questionable accounting practices, revealed in a stream of quoted company profit warnings, placing in doubt the future viability of many businesses presumed to be low risk. Combined with surprise insolvencies that were not predicted by the mainstream Credit Reference Agencies, trade suppliers who have decided against using trade credit insurance would be wise to reconsider their position in 2020."
Greg Connell. Managing Director, InfolinkGazette
“I think 2019 was the year of change. We see new initiatives across all the areas - technology, products, players and channels.
There were new investments and industry-changing M&A deals. The Credit insurance industry is becoming more integrated with the rest of financial markets and what used to be a cottage industry
is becoming an important building block of overall financial architecture.
The external risk environment is changing at the same time. We are likely to see the new models testing through the next few years and 'survivors' are likely to go mainstream.”
Igor Zaks. President, Tenzor Ltd - Corporate Restructuring and Working Capital Management
New Appointments
Aon Reinsurance Solutions has appointed Ewa Rose as its new Managing Director from early 2020. Ms Rose has been Managing Director of Trade Credit, Political Risk and Surety at Markel International for the last nine years.
Liberty Mutual Surety and Liberty Specialty Markets, both subsidiaries of Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, have named Stéphane Lizeray as head of their surety department,
Mr Lizeray joins from Zurich’s Paris office where he most recently worked as senior surety underwriter.
Charles Taylor Adjusting (CTA) has appointed Roxanne Thornhill as Associate Director in its Property, Casualty, Technical and Special Risks Team, dealing with non-payment and political risk claims. Ms Thornhill joins from Nexus Claims, where she was Senior Claims Adjuster for trade credit.
Job Vacancies
Vacancy of the Month
Surety Underwriter, Senior Surety Underwriter
Based in the heart of the City of London, t&g is a well-established Hiscox MGA has a fantastic opportunity for an underwriter with specialist knowledge of either Credit, Construction or Surety.
t&g is renowned for it’s expertise in providing financial protection insurance for the travel industry and have more recently expanded into other areas, including bonds for construction projects and credit insurance which has proven extremely successful. As such, t&g is looking for underwriters to assist the business to continue on this trajectory.
We are looking for candidates with:
- For the Surety Underwriter role - A minimum of two years’ experience in credit insurance or as a surety underwriter
- For the Senior Surety Underwriter role - A minimum of five years’ experience in credit insurance or as a surety underwriter
- Sound knowledge of the construction or travel industry
- Strong numerical and analytical skills
- A high level of commercial awareness, negotiation skills and an ability to maintain strong broker relationships
For more information call Caroline on 0207 065 5300. To apply for either vacancy, please email your CV and covering letter to Caroline Burrells (Caroline.Burrells@travel-general.com).
Aon is currently seeking a Client Manager to join the Credit Solutions team based in either London or
About the role
As a Client Manager your key responsibilities will include working as part of a multi-skilled broking team, whilst
supporting the Client Directors in the strategic management of our global client relationships, as well as
maintaining ownership of your portfolio of clients. Furthermore, you will be interacting with Clients, Insurers
and colleagues on day to day policy management including:
- The management of the credit limit process and supporting clients on reporting of overdue buyers and liaising with insurers.
- Assisting with claims submissions and claims’ broking process.
- Negotiation of policy wordings with insurers and ensuring timely delivery of accurate policy documentation and providing clients with training and guidance on policy terms and conditions.
- Managing policy renewals within your own portfolio and supporting Client Directors on the renewal process for strategic accounts.
- Gathering and analysing relative statistical detail, submissions to market, chasing insurers for indications of cover, presenting terms and preparation of renewal reports.
- Preparation for, and attendance of, client and insurer meetings plus timely follow up of meeting notes and actions.
- Providing advice to clients on market developments and share knowledge of market trends to enhance the overall value proposition.
- Introducing and supporting the team on new business opportunities to achieve set objectives.
- Liaising with colleagues across the Aon global network on Global Client programmes.
- Responsible for adherence to business processes, systems and procedures (including usage of e.g. applicable client service model, applicable insurer online platforms) and Aon insurer security policies where relevant.
- Working in accordance with the Aon UK Limited Risk Management Framework, and compliance with the Aon UK Limited policies, including participation in the management of risks (including completion of mandatory training) that may adversely affect the business, interests or reputation of any Group Company.
About you:
As a Client Manager your skills and qualifications will ideally include;
- Experience of credit insurance, credit management or related sector a requirement
- Competent in use of Microsoft Office and IT systems
What we’re looking for in you:
- An enthusiastic and innovative team player
- Ability to handle significant workflow through efficient time management and organisation
- Ability to use IT systems to efficiently to deliver client service
- Self-motivated and willing to use own initiative
- Ability to find creative solutions to new problems as they arise
- Integrity and working in a way that positively impacts our clients, colleagues and communities
Salary and Benefits
This role offers a competitive salary and bonus, plus a comprehensive benefits package and 25 days holiday.
Through our flexible benefits, you will also have the opportunity to choose additional benefits, including
healthcare and additional holiday. We also offer tremendous potential with a growing worldwide
To apply email your CV and covering letter to katy.wilsher@aon.com.
AIG’s underwriters develop insurance solutions that address the exposures of companies and
individuals, and embody AIG’s tradition of innovation, bringing to market ground-breaking insurance
solutions for our changing world. AIG’s underwriters help to find insurance solutions for risks from a
range of areas including life insurance, aviation, financial lines, casualty, environmental, catastrophic
events, high net worth individuals, and boardroom liabilities.
As a senior member of staff you are respected for your deep technical expertise and ability to win
profitable new business.
You balance the needs of multiple stakeholders, making sound decisions using data, analysis,
experience, and judgment, along with a risk mind-set. Ultimately, you take ownership for key
Specific Duties:
- Strategic New business Non-Cancellable Risk Underwriting / a key new business underwriting function.
- Underwriting large /and often complex new business submissions for Strategic and Multi- National business.
- Supporting new business pitches with New Business Underwriters often taking a lead role.
- Analysing domestic and international corporate credits, evaluating financial information, and recommending or approving appropriate credit limits.
- Ongoing pro-active interaction with brokers and prospects to discuss attractive new business submissions, thereby demonstrating a co-operative approach to winning business.
- Working with new business developers, Technical UW’s and Risk officers to actively promote and win opportunities.
- Ongoing daily workflow management of Business Development Underwriting Team and suggestions to improve expected.
- Meeting internal operational and audit directives for the division.
- Responsibility for management reporting with regards to new business data and statistics.
- Effective On-boarding of successful new business cases to the Account Management Team.
Required Skills & Experience:
- Minimum of 5 years Trade Credit Risk underwriting experience preferred.
- Ability to write Non-Cancellable limits.
- Experience in pitching(or supporting) New Business or account retention to Strategic Customers.
- Qualified candidates should have a background in credit or financial analysis.
- Results orientated with an entrepreneurial mind-set.
- Organised and energetic.
- Able to work and excel in high pressure situations.
- Able to prioritize, manage and delegate high workload.
- Experience in conflict resolution.
- Solid organizational and communication skills are essential.
- Proficiency in Microsoft packages and Salesforce.
- Team player with a can-do attitude and winning mind-set.
To apply for this position, please email your CV and covering letter to Wesley Bates (wesley.bates@aig.com). For more information, call 0208 680 7253.
Events & Offers
Supply Chain Finance Summit, 30-31 January 2020. Amsterdam
The fifth annual Supply Chain Finance Summit is a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends, ideas and developments transforming working capital and supply chain management, as well as a chance to network with leaders in the industry.
This in-depth event tracks the transformation of supply chain finance (SCF); showcasing the latest innovations within the industry for both domestic and cross-border financing, examining the future of technology-enabled supply chain models, and driving the conversation on increasing access of SCF for SMEs and emerging markets.
As event partners, Credit Insurance News can offer their members a 10% discount on a delegate pass rate. To register please follow this link https://bcrpub.com/events/supply-chain-finance-summit-1.
The Credit Insurance News delegate discount code is CIN20– please utilise the code upon booking. Alternatively you can contact yongmei.he@bcrpub.com quoting your discount code for payment via invoice.
The fifth annual Supply Chain Finance Summit is a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends, ideas and developments transforming working capital and supply chain management, as well as a chance to network with leaders in the industry.
This in-depth event tracks the transformation of supply chain finance (SCF); showcasing the latest innovations within the industry for both domestic and cross-border financing, examining the future of technology-enabled supply chain models, and driving the conversation on increasing access of SCF for SMEs and emerging markets.
As event partners, Credit Insurance News can offer their members a 10% discount on a delegate pass rate. To register please follow this link https://bcrpub.com/events/supply-chain-finance-summit-1.
The Credit Insurance News delegate discount code is CIN20– please utilise the code upon booking. Alternatively you can contact yongmei.he@bcrpub.com quoting your discount code for payment via invoice.
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Academy’s 9th Supply Chain Finance Summit, 4-5 March 2020. Singapore.
Now in its 9th edition, the ICC Academy, the educational arm of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), is set to host the next chapter of its annual Supply Chain Finance Summit. Marked by its year-on- year success, the event returns to Singapore on 4-5 March 2020, highlighting the island city-state’s standing as a pivotal trade and financial hub that continues to shape the development of Asia’s supply chain.
Blending a more global perspective with regional highlights, the 2020 agenda will focus on some of the most in-demand subjects in the supply chain process. Topics of discussion to include the evolving role of corporate treasurers; alternative finance as the mainstay of SCF; innovative SCF and financing the digitized supply chain; managing the cross-border supply chain, ‘Green Supply Chain’ and a debate on Banks vs Fintech.
This two-day flagship event will bring together over 300+ of the most influential global trade and supply chain finance experts, banking professionals, business leaders, lawyers and government officials from over 20 countries to debate the critical issues affecting the physical supply chain and supply chain finance industry.
The signature event will aim at providing a platform for global professionals, practitioners, and institutionalists to exchange insights and ideas on the latest developments and challenges in the supply chain industry. Participants will be able to gain valuable knowledge from in-depth panel discussions, examine key case studies and enjoy an array of dedicated networking opportunities. In addition to the formal sessions, this summit will also be a valuable platform for informal dialogue among the fellow delegates and experts to share ideas and experiences and enjoy a good networking. For more information about the summit, login to the official event website.
Get 20% off with our early bird offer using code scf2020-earlybird until 31 Dec!
Now in its 9th edition, the ICC Academy, the educational arm of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), is set to host the next chapter of its annual Supply Chain Finance Summit. Marked by its year-on- year success, the event returns to Singapore on 4-5 March 2020, highlighting the island city-state’s standing as a pivotal trade and financial hub that continues to shape the development of Asia’s supply chain.
Blending a more global perspective with regional highlights, the 2020 agenda will focus on some of the most in-demand subjects in the supply chain process. Topics of discussion to include the evolving role of corporate treasurers; alternative finance as the mainstay of SCF; innovative SCF and financing the digitized supply chain; managing the cross-border supply chain, ‘Green Supply Chain’ and a debate on Banks vs Fintech.
This two-day flagship event will bring together over 300+ of the most influential global trade and supply chain finance experts, banking professionals, business leaders, lawyers and government officials from over 20 countries to debate the critical issues affecting the physical supply chain and supply chain finance industry.
The signature event will aim at providing a platform for global professionals, practitioners, and institutionalists to exchange insights and ideas on the latest developments and challenges in the supply chain industry. Participants will be able to gain valuable knowledge from in-depth panel discussions, examine key case studies and enjoy an array of dedicated networking opportunities. In addition to the formal sessions, this summit will also be a valuable platform for informal dialogue among the fellow delegates and experts to share ideas and experiences and enjoy a good networking. For more information about the summit, login to the official event website.
Get 20% off with our early bird offer using code scf2020-earlybird until 31 Dec!
About the Sponsor: SCHUMANN
SCHUMANN is the solution provider and marketplace enabler in the area of credit and surety.
SCHUMANN software CAM Credit & Surety is the industry-leading underwriting and risk management platform in the area of trade credit insurance and surety bonds. It offers an advanced workflow management system, tools for comprehensive reporting and analytics, billing, numerous software modules and interfaces, and can be integrated with insurers' web portals.
CAM Credit & Surety enables our customers to meet both current challenges and prepare for the future. By replacing outdated, legacy systems, SCHUMANN's modern, state-of-the-art solution automates tasks, promotes efficiency and thereby reduces costs and risks. By leveraging the platform integration capabilities of CAM Credit & Surety, insurers will be able to offer the dual goals of excellent customer service and brilliant customer experience. In terms of compliance, our intelligent software makes it straightforward and easy to handle complex workflows and monitor the ever-changing regulatory framework.
SCHUMANN software CAM Credit & Surety also enables customers to have a clear overview and full control of their business operating costs and provides standardised or customised management information to aid strategic decision-making.
SCHUMANN software CAM Credit & Surety is the industry-leading underwriting and risk management platform in the area of trade credit insurance and surety bonds. It offers an advanced workflow management system, tools for comprehensive reporting and analytics, billing, numerous software modules and interfaces, and can be integrated with insurers' web portals.
CAM Credit & Surety enables our customers to meet both current challenges and prepare for the future. By replacing outdated, legacy systems, SCHUMANN's modern, state-of-the-art solution automates tasks, promotes efficiency and thereby reduces costs and risks. By leveraging the platform integration capabilities of CAM Credit & Surety, insurers will be able to offer the dual goals of excellent customer service and brilliant customer experience. In terms of compliance, our intelligent software makes it straightforward and easy to handle complex workflows and monitor the ever-changing regulatory framework.
SCHUMANN software CAM Credit & Surety also enables customers to have a clear overview and full control of their business operating costs and provides standardised or customised management information to aid strategic decision-making.
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