Welcome to the October 2020 issue of Credit Insurance News Digest. This issue is sponsored
by Chubb.
PLUS: This month's featured article: Q&A with Julian Hudson,
Global Head of Trade Credit at Chubb & Short-Term Committee Chairman at Berne Union
Credit Insurance News
Trade credit insurance claims are expected to rise towards the year-end.
According to new research by the Berne Union, the impact of the pandemic has not yet increased the number of export credit insurance claims; in fact, export credit claims paid in H1 2020 were 16% lower overall than in the same period in 2019. The Berne Union attributes this to a decline in new commitments concurrent with a general decline in exports, a drop in aggregate credit limits issued under short-term export credit insurance policies, various forms of fiscal support from governments, and the quick reaction of lenders and insurers in restructuring deals when necessary. However, looking ahead, as Berne Union President, Beatriz Reguero, commented: "The consensus amongst the industry is that we can expect to see a more obvious change in claims trends towards the end of the year." To read the Berne Union's news release go to https://www.berneunion.org/Articles/Details/516/2020-H1-Data-No-increase-in-claims-paid-but-contraction-in-new-commitments.
Curtailed trade credit insurance is stalling US supply chains. Insurance Business America has advised that a recent Wall Street Journal
article recently commented that trade credit insurance has been severely curtailed for US companies, choking some supply chains.
The article notes that US insurers have become increasingly hesitant to write policies for some trade sectors due to problems in the industries that purchase them; and gives the example of Imperial Zinc Corp,
which sells aluminium to the auto industry - a sector in which many insurance policies have been reduced or cancelled. It is “an incredibly difficult predicament,” Jay Sandler, resident of Imperial Zinc Corp., told WSJ.
“Credit insurance is an extremely important tool
for our business”, without which Imperial Zinc Corp is unwilling to sell its products. To read Insurance Business' article go to https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/us/news/breaking-news/credit-insurance-freeze-stalls-supply-chains-234634.aspx.
The US saw a 13% growth in short-term trade credit insurance business in 2019 (pre-pandemic). According to the Berne Union's latest 'Export Credit and Investment Insurance 2019 Industry Report', short-term export trade credit insurance turnover increased marginally (+0.7%) to US$2.26 trillion in 2019 (pre-COVID-19), with the increase mainly due to commitments from ECAs. Europe remains by far the largest destination market for short-term insured exports, with 50% of the total, although the largest growth in new business was recorded in North America (+13%), Sub-Saharan Africa (+12%) and Russia/CIS (+11%). The research also found that short-term claims increased by 8% in 2019, and, for the first time in Berne Union data, were higher than for medium-and-long-term business. The rise was primarily driven by increasing claims paid by private insurers for risks in Western Europe. To read the Berne Union's full report go to https://www.berneunion.org/Articles/Details/515/Just-Published-2019-Industry-Data-Review-provides-a-valuable-pre-COVID-benchmark.
Firms in Northern Ireland are urged to take advantage of the UK Government's Trade Credit Insurance Scheme. According to Nigel Birney, Head of Trade Credit at Willis Towers Watson, businesses in Northern Ireland may be to able leverage the competitive advantage afforded to them by the UK government's Trade Credit Insurance Scheme, by offering extended credit terms to ROI businesses who wouldn't otherwise get credit from local suppliers because insurers have been forced to cancel cover. Mr Birney commented: “Now that the UK’s scheme has been signed off and approved by the European Union, and a similar support scheme for the Republic of Ireland’s credit insurance market looks unlikely to be forthcoming, local firms should be acting swiftly and searching for business and export opportunities across the border as soon as possible." Click here to read Willis Towers Watson's news release.
VIDEO: "An unprecedented partnership between public and private": conference discusses trade credit insurance in the era of Coronavirus.
Schumann's recent virtual conference (1 October) included a panel discussion which examined how trade credit insurers are coping with the COVID-19 crisis, current threats and opportunities for credit insurers and their customers,
the availability of cover in 2021, as well as credit insurance as a tool of Government - compared with loan guarantees. Mike Holley (Nexus Underwriting), Stuart Lawson (Aon Credit International EMEA), Rob Nijhout (ICISA),
and Paul Cannon (Swiss Re) took part. The panel noted that, unlike the last recession when some companies withdrew from the market, trade credit insurers - supported by extensive support from governments - are in a strong position, the industry has been able to keep credit lines in place, and digitisation has accelerated. To watch the video go to https://prof-schumann.com/conference-video-tci-panel.
A “growing demand” for trade credit insurance in the UK. The International Credit Brokers Alliance (ICBA) has published two articles on the current UK trade credit insurance market. In the first, Andy Moylan - Managing Director of EFCIS Trade Credit Insurance Brokers and UK Member of ICBA, notes that despite the worst recession on record, there has been a rise in enquiries from businesses looking for trade credit insurance and predicts that "as we work through this pandemic" trade credit insurance "will become more important than ever.” In a second article, Louise Garden, founding Director of EFCIS, reports that contrary to "headline hype", it’s EFCIS' experience that a good proportion of limits in the UK are being pulled for no other reason than there being no current requirement for that limit. She notes: "In context, we estimate that in the UK, for the overall limits being underwritten, only 5% are being pulled." To read ICBA's articles go to https://icba.com/news/.
Trade Credit Insurance: A time of critical importance. Global Trade and Finance Review has published an article by Fabrice Desnos, Head of Northern Europe Region at Euler Hermes, in which Mr Desnos notes that, despite current challenges, the trade credit insurance industry "has chosen to place the interests of its clients and the economy ahead of other considerations." Mr Desnos also suggests that as the current government support schemes will not exist in the long term, it is time for trade credit insurers and their clients to prepare for a "new normal"; a time in which the level and cost of credit risk will be heightened and where identifying the right counterparts and insuring credit risk will be of paramount importance for businesses. To read Global Trade and Finance Review's article go to https://www.globalbankingandfinance.com/tci-a-time-of-critical-importance/.
Trade credit insurance practitioners underscore their support for a US trade credit reinsurance scheme. (Bernard Goyder reports on the search for US trade credit capacity). Inside P&C has reported that US trade credit insurance professionals (Ascot's Head of Trade Credit, Doug Collins, is quoted) have underscored their support for a US trade credit reinsurance scheme, which, they say, could be administered through the US Export-Import Bank. The article notes that the failure of businesses across the US economy, and the threat of more insolvencies to come, has already caused trade credit rates to surge by more than 20-30% for accounts renewing in recent months. To read the article on Inside P&C's website go to https://insuranceinsider.com/p-and-c/articles/134536/trade-credit-specialists-point-to-exim-bank-as-potential-support-avenue-for-sme-market. (Subscription required, free trials available).
Trade credit insurance will be a powerful tool in supporting countries as they recover from the COVID-19 crisis. Tinubu Square has published a paper, 'New Development Opportunity for the Trade Credit Insurance Industry', in which Marc Meyer (Tinubu Square's Senior Vice President, Subject Matter Expert Insurance) examines some of the current challenges and opportunities facing the trade credit insurance industry. Mr Meyer notes that trade credit insurance still has significant potential to be developed globally (some of the cultural barriers are examined) and to increase awareness of its benefits - especially among SMEs. He concludes that now is an important time for everyone in the industry to focus their efforts at promoting trade credit insurance as "powerful tool" in supporting both developed and developing countries as they recover from the COVID crisis." Click here to download a copy of the report.
VIDEO: The case for XoL trade credit insurance. Aon has published a recording of its recent webinar, 'Global Credit Insurance, Excess of Loss (XoL) and Non-Cancelable Credit Limits in times of COVID-19', in which Burkhard Wittgen - Member of the Executive Board at Aon Credit Solutions (Germany) and Stuart Lawson - CEO at Aon Credit Solutions (EMEA) discuss XoL trade credit insurance. The webinar notes that XoL trade credit Insurance is most suited to corporations with strong internal global credit management procedures, who, in exchange for bearing more risk, are given a greater level of autonomy to run their business affairs. The insurer gets involved only for higher credit limit approvals on a non-cancelable basis. As a case study, Wibke Kuhnert, Corporate Director Finance at Henkel AG & Co, discusses how this works in practice for her company. To listen to the webinar go to https://vimeo.com/user104243551/review/456916336/d94aeb27ce.
Euler Hermes predicts that the global recovery will lose steam in Q4 2020. Euler Hermes has published a new report which notes that Q2 data confirmed an unprecedented contraction in global GDP of -6.1%; close to four times worse than in 2009 and double the contraction seen in Q1 2020.
Some countries were hit much harder than others, with France (81% of pre-crisis GDP level), Italy (83%), the UK (78%) and Spain (77%) more impacted than the US and The Netherlands (both 90%), and Germany (88%).
Looking ahead, and despite some degree of an economic rebound in Q3, Euler Hermes predicts that the recovery will lose steam again in Q4 2020 and Q1 2021, and consequently has lowered its GDP growth forecasts for 2021 as
a whole to +4.6% (from +4.8% expected in June) following a contraction of -4.7% in 2020. To read Euler Hermes' news report go to https://www.eulerhermes.com/en_global/news-insights/economic-insights/Living-on-with-a-Covid-19-hum.html.
VIDEO: Short-term Credit Insurance – challenges and opportunities. ExCred New York (5-6 October) featured a panel discussion on the challenges and opportunities of trade credit insurance, the impact of COVID-19 crisis on the market, the role of ECAs, government support, cancellable vs. non-cancellable limits – experience through the crisis and policy structure evolution. Amy Shinkman – Vice President, Export Credit Insurance, Export-Import Bank of the United States, Todd Lynady – Managing Director and Global Head of Insurance Sales and Business Development at LiquidX, Igor Zaks – President of Tenzor Ltd, and Gary Mendell – President of Meridian Finance Group, took part. The moderator was Diana Smallridge – President, International Financial Consulting. To watch the video go to http://tenzor.ca/2020/10/09/1848/.
UK SMEs are worried that their customers will become insolvent before the end of 2020, yet only 4% have trade credit insurance.
New research from Nimbla has found that 38% of UK SMEs are waiting to be paid an average of £59,013 for work they completed before the lockdown, with a 21% believing they will never be paid for this work
and a quarter struggling with bad debt.
In addition, a quarter of respondents have already had to write off invoices exceeding £25,000 due to customer insolvencies, and 40% are worried that some of their customers will become insolvent by the end of the year. However, despite this high rate of loss and fears for the future, Nimbla's research also found that only 4% of the 2000 business owners surveyed currently take out trade credit insurance to protect themselves.
To read Nimbla's news release go to https://www.nimbla.com/blog/uk-smes-could-lose-ps2-2-bn-due-to-customer-insolvencies.
German companies have switched to "crisis mode" and are offering reduced payment terms. According to the fourth edition of Coface's survey on corporate payment experience in Germany, German companies have switched to "crisis mode" and are becoming more cautious in providing payment terms to their clients, with fewer companies offering payment terms overall. The average payment term decreased by three days to 34 days in 2020, with only 62% of the companies surveyed now offering payment terms. This compares to over 80% in the four previous years. Coface also found that short-term credit periods (0 to 30 and 30 to 60 days) now dominate the German business landscape. To read Coface's news release go to https://www.coface.com/News-Publications/News/German-companies-have-switched-to-crisis-mode-and-offer-less-payment-terms.
Leveraging trade credit insurance for the textile industry in emerging markets.
AU Group has reported that it has recently noted an increase in demand for credit insurance protection coming from clothing manufacturers in emerging markets. Although AU Group stresses that
"credit insurance has never been so important for businesses worldwide", it also warns prospective policyholders that trade credit insurance is a complex product and compliance with the
conditions of the contract is of paramount importance. Trade credit insurance is also, AU Group notes, very different from other lines of insurance products, and requires the support of a specialised broker to structure the contract properly.
According to a survey of AU Group clients, 70% of businesses who originally had credit insurance without the support of a specialised broker experienced some issues when filing claims. To read AU Group's news release go to https://www.au-group.com/leveraging-credit-insurance-textile-industry/.
Three recent UK Administrations highlight the value of trade credit insurance.
New research from InfolinkGazette has identified that just three recent Administrations have resulted in 851 creditors being owed nearly £105 million. All three businesses are well-known, established names:
TML Realisations Limited - formerly menswear retailer T.M Lewin & Sons (£19,990,000 owed to 446 unsecured creditors), the Casual Dining Group of Companies (£39 million owed to 300 unsecured creditors), and Wigan Athletic A.F.C Limited (£45,695,700 owed to 105 unsecured creditors). Greg Connell, Managing Director of InfolinkGazette, commented:
“The UK Government-backed Trade Credit support Scheme has been helping to ensure continuity of trade insurance cover in the UK; and, it isn’t just existing policyholders that benefit. With insolvencies set to spike, uninsured trade supplier looking for increased peace of mind might want to take another look at trade credit insurance." To read InfolinkGazette's news release go to https://www.infolinkgazette.com/?pid=6.
Watch out for the massive trend reversal in global business insolvencies. Euler Hermes has warned that, although the temporary
adjustments made to countries' insolvency frameworks and temporary business support measures have - so far - resulted in decreases in business failures, the overall outlook remains that of a sharp increase
in global insolvencies by 2021 (+31% by 2021 compared to 2019). In most countries, this reversal will begin in Q4 2020 and accelerate in H1 2021 amid the withdrawal of various support measures and as the result of the "zombification" of many companies.
Euler Hermes expects all regions to post a double-digit increase in insolvencies by 2021, but with an "uneven tempo" ranging from +21% in Asia to +64% in
North America. In 2020, the larger increases are expected in North America, Latin America and Central Europe, while Western Europe and Asia will post larger increases in 2021.
To read Euler Hermes' report go to https://www.eulerhermes.com/en_global/news-insights/economic-insights/Living-on-with-a-Covid-19-hum.html.
Credendo announces its intention to merge all its speciality lines in one company. Credendo has announced that a merger between its
two specialised trade credit insurance entities, Credendo – Excess & Surety, and Credendo – Single Risk, is planned for the first semester of 2021.
Credendo notes that by combining three strategic business lines for trade credit, surety and single risk in one entity, the merger will aim to create a new major player in the trade credit insurance market. Eckhard Horst, General Manager of Credendo – Excess & Surety, commented: "Becoming a bigger player supports our business strategy of developing further capabilities to address growing demand from large corporates and SMEs,
notably for surety business."
To read Credendo's news release go to https://www.credendo.com/press/credendo-intends-merge-all-its-speciality-lines-one-company.
COVID-19: A catalyst for political risks. Coface has advised that the annual update of its Political Risk Index, published in Coface's Q3 Barometer, highlights a dual trend: on the one hand, a decrease in the risk of conflict at a global level, but on the other, an increase in the risk of political and social fragility. The latter is exacerbated in the countries most exposed to the Coronavirus pandemic. Coface notes that among mature economies, the degree of dissatisfaction of public opinion with the management of the health crisis is highest in Spain, the US, the UK and France. In the emerging world, Iran and Turkey are among the countries with the highest level of social risk. Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Colombia and South Africa, present both a high political and social risk and high exposure to the COVID-19 crisis. To read Coface's news release go to https://www.coface.com/News-Publications/News/COVID-19-a-catalyst-for-political-risks.
Overview of COVID-19 policy developments. The International Credit Insurance and Surety Association (ICISA) has published a detailed document containing key information (as on 21 September) on policy developments from domestic, international and supranational authorities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Individual countries covered include: France, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Norway, the UK, the US, Canada, Singapore. To download a copy go to https://www.icisa.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/2020055-Overview-of-Covid19-policy-developments-September.pdf.
13,000 apparel and textile companies could disappear by 2021. FashionUnited has reported that a recent Euler Hermes publication, 'Bruised but not beaten, Europe's textile industry is a perfect candidate for a greener and digital recovery', warns that the current unprecedented disruption of retail, production and trade could send the European textile and apparel industry into a tailspin. Euler Hermes predicts turnover will fall by 19% in 2020 and that 6% of companies - about 13,000 European companies - could disappear by the end of 2021. The report notes that it is the fashion sector, which relies on consumer spending and consumer confidence, that is affected the most. To read FashionUnited's article go to https://fashionunited.uk/news/business/study-158-000-jobs-and-13-000-apparel-and-textile-companies-could-disappear-by-2021/2020092551063.
Sub-Saharan Africa faces a challenging and uncertain outlook. A new report by Atradius has predicted that the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region is heading for a
challenging year, with most countries facing a severe economic downturn or contraction and with hardly any fiscal room to soften the impact of COVID-19 on their economies. Atradius predicts that the
most affected countries (tourism dependent and oil-exporting), will see a particularly slow recovery, while economies such as Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire and Uganda - that recorded high growth rates in the years before the
COVID-19 crisis - will recover more strongly. Overall, the deep recessions in the largest economies in SSA, Nigeria, South Africa, and Angola account for a large share of the regional growth decline.
To read Atradius' news release, with a link to the full report, go to https://group.atradius.com/publications/economic-research/covid-19-aggravates-sub-saharan-african-debt-problems.html.
Euler Hermes Group announces CEO leadership change. Euler Hermes Group has announced that Wilfried Verstraete, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Management, has decided to step down from his operational duties after twelve years in the role. Clarisse Kopff will succeed him as CEO and Chairperson of the Board of Management as of 1 January 2021. Ms Kopff is a graduate from ESCP and holds a postgraduate degree from Université Paris Dauphine and the German Diplom Kaufmann. She is currently Chief Financial Officer of Allianz France. To read Euler Hermes' news release go to https://www.eulerhermes.com/en_global/news-insights/news/euler-hermes-group-announces-ceo-leadership-change.html.
Not "a great year" for trade credit reinsurers . . . but the outlook is 'okay'.
Intelligent Insurer has reported that during a recent pre-renewals panel discussion, Benoît des Cressonnières, CEO of Euler Hermes Reinsurance, agreed with other panellists that while he "does not expect this year to
be great for the reinsurer", he doesn't believe it will be negative. Mr des Cressonnières commented: "It will probably not meet the return expected on capital for the reinsurer, but if you balance this with the profit seen over the last few years, it should
be okay." To read Intelligent Insurer's article go to https://www.intelligentinsurer.com/news/don-t-call-it-a-hard-market-buyers-set-their-stalls-out-ahead-of-renewals-23349. (Subscription may be required).
BPL Global continues expansion with Israeli partnership.
BPL Global has announced the signing of a partnership with TCS - Trade Credit Solutions. TCS,
the first brokerage firm exclusively focusing on Israeli trade credit and political risks, was
founded in 2010, and provides tailored solutions to its clients – banks and financial institutions, global
corporates and multinationals with subsidiaries around the globe, as well as public and private
corporates, exporters, and domestic market players.
Muki Sharir, the founder of TCS, said: “The partnership will allow us to further strengthen our capabilities and lead the
Israeli CPRI brokerage industry.” To read BPL Global's news release go to https://bpl-global.com/2020/09/24/bpl-global-continues-expansion-with-new-york-appointments-and-israeli-partnership/.
Euler Hermes Singapore announces a tie-up with Western Union. Insurance Business Asia has reported that Euler Hermes Singapore and Western Union Business Solutions are teaming up to facilitate import-export trading operations. Western Union will provide customers with payment outreach for 130+ currencies across 200 markets, which will aim to help minimise operating costs incurred from processing payments and mitigate volatilities in the foreign exchange market. Euler Hermes will provide global non-payment protection. To read Insurance Business' article go to https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/asia/news/breaking-news/euler-hermes-western-union-tie-up-for-singapore-risk-management-deal-235201.aspx.
The second edition of the Catalogue of Credit Insurance Terminology in German. The International Credit Insurance and Surety Association (ICISA) has announced that it has published a new edition of its Catalogue of Credit Insurance Terminology in German and English. The publication aims at clarifying most of the terms used in the industry and is for the benefit of anyone not familiar with credit insurance, but also as an easy reference manual for those working with or in the industry. To download a copy go to https://www.icisa.org/documents/icisa-catalogue-of-credit-insurance-terminology-german-2/.
Webinar: SME webinar will discuss trade credit insurance. The CBI has announced that it will be holding a webinar on 15 October from 10-10.45 (BST) to discuss the latest issues impacting UK SMEs. This includes the latest on the government loan schemes and their revised terms, including Pay as You Grow, as well as an update on trade credit insurance and the CBI’s push for an extension of the current backstop. The webinar is free for both CBI members and non-members. For further details and to register to attend go to https://www.cbi.org.uk/events/sme-webinar-76818/.
Congratulations to
Kirk Cheesman, Managing Director at National Credit Insurance (Brokers) Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia, on his 30th anniversary with the company.
Kirk Cheesman, Managing Director at National Credit Insurance (Brokers) Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia, on his 30th anniversary with the company.
New Appointments
BPL Global has announced the appointment of Gabe Mansky and Andrea Friedman. Both join BPL New York from Arthur J. Gallagher and will be primarily focused on Israeli-based corporations and banks, as well as their US affiliates. Mr Mansky held the position of Executive Vice President at Gallagher for 12 years. Ms Friedman was formerly Client Relationship Manager at Gallagher.
Euler Hermes has announced the appointment of Florence Lecoutre, current Group Head of Human Resources, as a Member of the Board of Management. Ms Lecoutre succeeds Virginie Fauvel, who is leaving Euler Hermes.
W Denis Credit Risks Ltd has announced that Janine Reasbeck, Lee Hargreaves and Luke Watts have been appointed as Account Executives in Leeds and the Midlands. Ms Reasbeck and Mr Hargreeves were formerly employed in similar positions at Marsh and Aon
Xenia has announced that Terry Kingston has been appointed as an Account Manager. Mr Kingston joins Xenia from Towergate Insurance Brokers where he was also an Account Manager. Prior to that Mr Kingston spent 32 years with Gallagher where he was most recently employed as an Account Director.
Atradius has appointed Damien Dawson as Regional Manager. Mr Dawson was formerly Head of New Business and Broker Development at Tokio Marine HCC. Prior to that, he worked for both Euler Hermes and Marsh.
Euler Hermes has advised that Chris Partington has been promoted to Major & Strategic New Business Underwriter, Euler Hermes UK & Ireland. Mr Partington has worked for Euler Hermes for nearly four years and formerly worked as New Business Underwriter.
HDI Global Specialty SE has announced that it has hired senior underwriters Ed Arghand and James Morrell to its new political and credit risk team in London. Launched earlier this year (see Credit Insurance News Digest, June 2020) the unit is led by Nick Robinson.
Career Opportunities
Our organisation
Atradius provides trade credit insurance, surety and collections services worldwide through a strategic presence in 50 countries. Atradius has access to credit information on 200 million companies worldwide. Its credit insurance, bonding and collections products help protect companies throughout the world from payment risks associated with selling products and services on trade credit. Atradius forms part of Grupo Catalana Occidente, one of the leading insurers in Spain and worldwide in credit insurance.
Unit / Team
Located across the UK and Ireland our key responsibility within the Atradius group is to ensure profitable and sustainable growth of the Regional portfolio and to manage customer satisfaction, retention and distribution strategy. Within the team of around 70 people are sales, account management, customer service & support, project management and control teams who work together to oversee and implement the Commercial strategy in order to achieve their targets. Atradius has its UK and Ireland HQ in Cardiff Bay, and a network of offices throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, so that our customers can be assured of our personal services.
Job description
As the Senior Sales Manager in the Commercial UK & Ireland Unit, based in the London office, you will be responsible for prospecting, structuring and closing UK based Commercial Business. You will be a key entry point into Atradius for the London Broker community and work on a dedicated portfolio of Brokers. You will promote our products to UK based companies and together with the Broker and other areas within Atradius you will be responsible for designing, presenting and negotiating credit insurance deals. Building a strong but productive Broker network is essential and critical to this role.
Main responsibilities
Job requirements
What we offer
Office Location
10 Fenchurch Street
Contact Person and Contact Details
Interested? Please send your CV and motivation letter to ukjobs@atradius.com.
Only successful candidates will be contacted.
Closing date 19th October 2020.
Atradius provides trade credit insurance, surety and collections services worldwide through a strategic presence in 50 countries. Atradius has access to credit information on 200 million companies worldwide. Its credit insurance, bonding and collections products help protect companies throughout the world from payment risks associated with selling products and services on trade credit. Atradius forms part of Grupo Catalana Occidente, one of the leading insurers in Spain and worldwide in credit insurance.
Unit / Team
Located across the UK and Ireland our key responsibility within the Atradius group is to ensure profitable and sustainable growth of the Regional portfolio and to manage customer satisfaction, retention and distribution strategy. Within the team of around 70 people are sales, account management, customer service & support, project management and control teams who work together to oversee and implement the Commercial strategy in order to achieve their targets. Atradius has its UK and Ireland HQ in Cardiff Bay, and a network of offices throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, so that our customers can be assured of our personal services.
Job description
As the Senior Sales Manager in the Commercial UK & Ireland Unit, based in the London office, you will be responsible for prospecting, structuring and closing UK based Commercial Business. You will be a key entry point into Atradius for the London Broker community and work on a dedicated portfolio of Brokers. You will promote our products to UK based companies and together with the Broker and other areas within Atradius you will be responsible for designing, presenting and negotiating credit insurance deals. Building a strong but productive Broker network is essential and critical to this role.
Main responsibilities
- Developing business relationships with a variety of intermediaries; broker and customer, and seeking new ways of driving profitable growth
- Responsible for raising awareness of the company in the market place and securing new clients
- Confident, ambitious self-starter with a desire to succeed in a competitive market
- A team-player, able to work alongside & with other team members to progress / enhance our offering to provide the optimum solution for our prospects & Brokers
- Identification of new prospects, assessment of client needs and selection of suitable / potential clients
- Designing appropriate policy structures balancing the key risk elements
- Negotiating business: either at an individual or board level, also internal negotiating with other departments to gain a competitive offering
- Has a responsibility to manage relationships and deliver against regional Broker operational plans
- Strong understanding of Policy structures and an excellent appreciation of negotiating and closing a sale
- Right to work in the UK
Job requirements
- Experience within Credit Insurance desirable but not essential
- Proven ability to achieve financial targets
- Relevant business experience or degree
- Right to work in the UK
What we offer
- A great and challenging place to work - dynamic, transparent and informal
- An environment for our people where they can realise professional growth
- Work in a very international working place
- Good career opportunities
- Attractive terms and conditions: salary in line with market conditions, commission scheme, pension scheme etc.
Office Location
10 Fenchurch Street
Contact Person and Contact Details
Interested? Please send your CV and motivation letter to ukjobs@atradius.com.
Only successful candidates will be contacted.
Closing date 19th October 2020.
The Berne Union – International Union of Credit & Investment Insurers – is the leading international trade
association for the export credit and investment insurance industry, giving its members a unique forum to connect
and exchange business experience since its foundation in 1934. Its membership includes 84 private credit
insurers, national export credit agencies and multilateral institutions worldwide. These member organisations
support international trade and foreign direct investment by providing risk mitigation products to exporters,
investors and banks.
Based in London and under the supervision of the Secretary General, the Committee Manager / Associate Director is a member of the Berne Union Secretariat team and will be responsible for managing meeting content and other supporting activities for, and in cooperation with, Berne Union members. The BU includes four committees, primarily relating to lines of business. The Investment Insurance (INV) Committee is the forum for public and private political risk and medium/long-term credit insurers. The grading / positioning of this role (Committee Manager / Associate Director) is subject to the successful applicants’ professional qualification and specific experience.
Roles and Responsibilities
Please apply by enclosing a curriculum vitae and a covering letter by email to Vinco David, Secretary General (vdavid@berneunion.org) by Monday 19 October 2020. All applications will be treated in confidence.
Based in London and under the supervision of the Secretary General, the Committee Manager / Associate Director is a member of the Berne Union Secretariat team and will be responsible for managing meeting content and other supporting activities for, and in cooperation with, Berne Union members. The BU includes four committees, primarily relating to lines of business. The Investment Insurance (INV) Committee is the forum for public and private political risk and medium/long-term credit insurers. The grading / positioning of this role (Committee Manager / Associate Director) is subject to the successful applicants’ professional qualification and specific experience.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Act as a Secretariat point of contact for Committee Chair(s) to ensure delivery of relevant content at general and specialist member meetings; regularly and proactively communicate with a variety of stakeholders
- Identify, develop, prepare and manage content related to export credit and political risk insurance for online and in-person member events and meetings; ensure content relevance and audience suitability
- Actively contribute to planning, preparation and execution of online and in-person member events and meetings; propose creative and innovative approaches to meeting programmes, including incorporating member feedback and recommendations as appropriate
- Co-lead events and meetings with a focus on technical and strategic issues
- Facilitate active engagement from participants in advance and at member events and meetings
- Work with industry colleagues to further promote the profile of the Berne Union and its member organisations
- Develop and implement solutions to meet the needs of both established and new generation credit and investment insurers
- Experience in the credit or political risk insurance industry, preferably for at least 4 years, with experience in underwriting, claims or other related lines of business
- Relevant degree of professional / academic qualification such as international affairs, business, finance and/or economics
- Self-motivated, resourceful, and well-organised; proactive with an ability to manage priorities
- Demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a small diverse team; strong written and verbal communication skills and experience including public speaking
- Fluent in written and spoken English; fluency in other languages is an asset
- Proficiency with the standard Office software Word, Powerpoint, Excel as well preferably experience in using intranet communication platforms
- Qualified to work in the United Kingdom and ability to travel internationally
Please apply by enclosing a curriculum vitae and a covering letter by email to Vinco David, Secretary General (vdavid@berneunion.org) by Monday 19 October 2020. All applications will be treated in confidence.
Events & Training
New Stecis’ courses in Trade Credit Insurance and Surety.
After having cancelled all April courses in 2020, Stecis’ has picked up the pieces again.
All classroom courses in various levels of Credit Insurance and Surety are led by professionals from the industry. The courses are meant for starting and experienced professionals who are working in the Trade Credit Insurance and Surety industry and for all other interested parties like reinsurers, brokers and lawyers. There are courses on offer that will cater for the level of knowledge you are looking. Also it is a perfect way to enhance your network within the industry.
All classroom courses in various levels of Credit Insurance and Surety are led by professionals from the industry. The courses are meant for starting and experienced professionals who are working in the Trade Credit Insurance and Surety industry and for all other interested parties like reinsurers, brokers and lawyers. There are courses on offer that will cater for the level of knowledge you are looking. Also it is a perfect way to enhance your network within the industry.
So please check the course descriptions and course dates on our website www.stecis.org – where
you are able to register for the Stecis’ courses.
GTR US 2020, 28 October 2020. Chicago.
GTR US 2020 will return to Chicago for its fourth year, where US companies and their financing partners will meet to discuss the evolution of the trade, supply chain and working capital space. Featuring a host of expert speakers, the event will provide the latest business intelligence required to navigate trade-related risks, and the practical know-how enabling those tasked with facilitating US commerce to form resilient, agile trade financing and risk management strategies. With leading corporates, banks, financiers, insurers and digitization specialists in attendance, this event is not to be missed for those looking to create crucial industry contacts and optimize their trade business.
GTR US 2020 will return to Chicago for its fourth year, where US companies and their financing partners will meet to discuss the evolution of the trade, supply chain and working capital space. Featuring a host of expert speakers, the event will provide the latest business intelligence required to navigate trade-related risks, and the practical know-how enabling those tasked with facilitating US commerce to form resilient, agile trade financing and risk management strategies. With leading corporates, banks, financiers, insurers and digitization specialists in attendance, this event is not to be missed for those looking to create crucial industry contacts and optimize their trade business.
Don’t miss your chance to join leading corporates and trade specialists for a day of discussion, debate and networking. Limited amounts of complementary corporate passes are available to those who are exporters, importers, manufacturers, distributors, traders & producers of physical goods only. For more information, visit here.
GTR UK 2020. 2 November. London.
GTR UK 2020 will take place in London in November bringing the trade community together to discuss the potential implications for corporates, financiers and policymakers alike. The event will also consider the important role that all stakeholders have to play in promoting British businesses abroad and seizing on the huge opportunities to secure the UK’s future prosperity, with a strong focus on the role of the financial services community and the UK Government in developing a global network to support trading companies.
GTR UK 2020 will take place in London in November bringing the trade community together to discuss the potential implications for corporates, financiers and policymakers alike. The event will also consider the important role that all stakeholders have to play in promoting British businesses abroad and seizing on the huge opportunities to secure the UK’s future prosperity, with a strong focus on the role of the financial services community and the UK Government in developing a global network to support trading companies.
Don’t miss your chance to join leading corporates and trade specialists for a day of discussion, debate and networking. Limited amounts of complementary corporate passes are available to those who are exporters, importers, manufacturers, distributors, traders & producers of physical goods only. For more information, visit here.
GTR Nordics 2020, 12 November 2020. Stockholm.
After many consecutive years of attendance growth we are delighted to announce that GTR Nordics 2020 will take place on November 12, moving to the larger event space at the Radisson Blu Waterfront, Stockholm. While offering a more comfortable space to mingle, this also provides the opportunity to add some exciting new event features. GTR Nordics 2020 promises to be the biggest and best yet: Watch this space for more details as we move towards the conference date! Last year GTR Nordics returned to Stockholm and welcomed another record-breaking audience of over 500 trade finance experts, insurers, bankers, ECAs, technology innovators and corporates of all sizes.
After many consecutive years of attendance growth we are delighted to announce that GTR Nordics 2020 will take place on November 12, moving to the larger event space at the Radisson Blu Waterfront, Stockholm. While offering a more comfortable space to mingle, this also provides the opportunity to add some exciting new event features. GTR Nordics 2020 promises to be the biggest and best yet: Watch this space for more details as we move towards the conference date! Last year GTR Nordics returned to Stockholm and welcomed another record-breaking audience of over 500 trade finance experts, insurers, bankers, ECAs, technology innovators and corporates of all sizes.
Don’t miss your chance to join leading corporates and trade specialists for a day of discussion, debate and networking. Limited amounts of complementary corporate passes are available to those who are exporters, importers, manufacturers, distributors, traders & producers of physical goods only. For more information, visit here.
About the Sponsor: Chubb
Chubb Global Markets (CGM) is the London Market wholesale and specialty division of Chubb European Group, part of Chubb Group - the world’s largest publicly traded property and
casualty insurer.
CGM has twenty years' experience in underwriting Excess of Loss trade credit policies, providing non- cancellable cover to companies with well-established credit management procedures, offering certainty during uncertain political and economic times.
CGM’s trade credit underwriters are experienced in all aspects of the client relationship ensuring a single point of contact and quick decisions.
Chubb’s core political risk and credit underwriting expertise and its ability to provide bespoke wordings deliver a flexible underwriting approach to meet the changing needs of clients.
CGM has twenty years' experience in underwriting Excess of Loss trade credit policies, providing non- cancellable cover to companies with well-established credit management procedures, offering certainty during uncertain political and economic times.
CGM’s trade credit underwriters are experienced in all aspects of the client relationship ensuring a single point of contact and quick decisions.
Chubb’s core political risk and credit underwriting expertise and its ability to provide bespoke wordings deliver a flexible underwriting approach to meet the changing needs of clients.
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