For information on any of our services please call 0208 337 2171 or email us.

If you receive our free publication, Credit Insurance News Digest, you will appreciate the breadth and depth of our background and experience in the trade credit insurance industry as well as our encyclopedic knowledge of business information sources. 
Our offer includes: 

A bespoke news alert service
If your company would like to be alerted on an ongoing basis of all news on a specific topic we provide a highly-directed and tailored service, which is a cost-effective alternative to standard news monitoring services. An added benefit is that you pay only for the items we alert you to and alerts can be changed/amended or stopped at any time by email for no additional charge. No annual contract, hidden costs, simple and immediate to set up with a basic cost per alert search term.

A bespoke news monitoring service 
This differs from our alert service as copies of full articles are provided. This service works well combined with our alert service, giving you the option of keeping your information costs down.  Costs vary depending on the article, but, in all instances, you are advised by email up-front. No annual contract or hidden costs. 

A research service
If you have a specific area that you would like us to research on your behalf, we provide a service which will give you the raw data - information (with sources). This is an ideal service if you are writing a report, but would benefit from someone else researching and compiling the appropriate background information. Our fixed cost for this service is £55 per hour.

A report writing service
We provide a research and report writing service (also GAP reports and SWOTS) for a fixed cost of £125 per hour. 


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