Welcome to the January 2022 issue of Credit Insurance News Digest. This issue is sponsored
by Atradius.
Credit Insurance News
Credit insurance programmes: "the current bonanza may not last."
Commercial Risk Online has reported that in the current environment of low levels of insolvencies and connected claims, trade credit insurers have regained their appetite for risk and
policyholders may now be able to achieve reduced premium rates (Willis Towers Watson, for example, suggests that "good accounts" may achieve "drops between 5-10% in the US market"). Consequently, the article suggests that policyholders consider whether now might be a good time to structure their credit insurance programmes.
As Andy Hodson, Risk Director at Euler Hermes UK, commented: "Once the claims start coming in, which they will do, then an adjustment will be inevitable."
To read Commercial Risk Online's article go to https://www.commercialriskonline.com/trade-credit-a-world-of-its-own/.
TXF advises that trade credit insurance capacity has improved but warns of "a storm brewing" between private credit insurers and ECAs.
TXF has published an article (by Catherine Morton) on the outlook for global trade in 2022, which reports that one of the key themes of its recent Global Trade event "that bodes well for next year" is
improved trade credit insurance capacity. TXF also notes that in 2020, the EU and other governments relaxed the difference between marketable and non-marketable risks. The restoration of these definitions (which will lead to a resumption of marketable risk insured by private companies and non-marketable risks by governments through their agents) could herald, as one private market player warned TXF, "a bit more of a storm brewing between probate insurers and ECA's."
To read TXF's article go to https://www.txfnews.com/News/Article/7310/Shades-of-blue-Painting-a-picture-for-global-trade-in-2022.
91% of Atradius' US policyholders cite "mitigating risk" as the top reason for purchasing a trade credit insurance policy.
Atradius US has reported that a recent survey of its policyholders found that 86% would likely renew their policy with Atradius, with more than half of Atradius' customers rating its departments as a 4 out of 5.
Atradius noted that this key finding also aligns significantly with its individual Net Promoter Score (NPS, a globally used metric of customer loyalty and satisfaction) of +62 — more than 20 points higher than the average NPS for the insurance industry.
"Mitigating risk" was cited by 91% as the top reason for purchasing a trade credit insurance policy.
Customers across the US had consistently high levels of satisfaction with Atradius' response to the pandemic.
To read about Atradius' survey go to https://resources.atradius.us/trends-and-insights/the-results-are-in-91-of-customers-trust-atradius-to-mitigate-risk-in-their-business/.
Xenia reveals plans to triple in size within four years.
Insurance Age has reported that, according to Tim Coles, its
Chief Executive Officer, trade credit broker Xenia Broking Group is aiming to triple in size over the next four years. Tim told Insurance Age that the business, which currently has a GWP of £70 million, was looking to grow both
organically and via acquisitions. The Nexus-owned broker has made a series of deals over the last few years and, in 2021 alone, bought Peter Hill Credit & Financial Risks,
Parker Norfolk & Partners Ltd, Credit Insurance Alliance Brokers and Status Credit Insurance Brokers Limited. Tim commented: "Everybody knows everybody in the trade credit market."
To read Insurance Age's article go to https://www.insuranceage.co.uk/insight/7909566/xenia-reveals-plans-to-triple-in-size-within-four-years. (Subscription may be required).
Trade credit (re)insurance during the COVID-19 crisis. SCOR has published a technical newsletter that aims to understand and quantify some of the drivers of the "remarkable disconnect" between a significant drop in global GDP —
at levels comparable to the Great Depression — and trade credit insurance loss ratios, which have stayed at non-harmful levels, and in some cases remained below pre-pandemic levels.
The report also examines the public perception that trade credit insurance can potentially amplify economic crises through significant and sudden credit limit cancellations, and that government spending/backstops
designed to alleviate this economic crisis are implicitly socialising losses that private trade Insurers would otherwise assume. SCOR notes that it does "not totally share this view" and proposes a possible way the trade credit
(re)insurance industry, jointly with the public, could help make economies even more resilient in times of systemic economic crisis.
To read SCOR's report go to https://www.scor.com/en/expert-views/trade-credit-reinsurance-during-covid-19-crisis.
UK businesses report losing £8 for every £100 billed in the last year due to the non-payment of invoices. Atradius' latest Payment Practices Barometer has revealed that 44% of the total value of UK B2B sales were reported overdue this year, and a further 8% was written off entirely as uncollectable.
This means just 48% of the total value of UK B2B sales was paid on time. Looking ahead, 39% of UK businesses expect it to take longer to collect payment next year, with 39% anticipating an
increase in the average DSO. To manage liquidity issues due to late payments, half of UK businesses have increased the time, cost and resources to chase overdue invoices,
and 41% have strengthened their credit control procedures. The Barometer report also found that businesses are relying increasingly on trade credit insurance, used by 55% of businesses this year
to manage risk compared to 39% last year. Click here to read Atradius' news release.
Coface launches a new service designed to meet the needs of multinational companies better.
Coface has announced that it is launching a new service, GlobaLiner, designed for multinationals with subsidiaries in several countries and an insurable turnover of at least €250 million.
Karine Damman, Director of Coface Global Solutions, commented that GlobaLiner provides policyholders with a "centralised management system and the possibility of benefiting from a harmonised offer worldwide.
Our clients can pool the management of their risks and benefit from Group clauses applicable in all the countries where they operate." GlobaLiner is currently available in more than 60 countries.
To read Coface's news release go to https://www.coface.com/News-Publications/News/Coface-launches-GlobaLiner-its-new-service-offer-designed-to-better-meet-the-needs-of-multinational-companies.
From the perspective of credit and political insurers, 2021 was like "being becalmed at sea." Charles Taylor and Insurance Business UK have published a report, 'What has 2021 meant for the UK insurance industry?'
in which industry experts, including Mike Holley, Senior Consultant, Trade Credit at Charles Taylor Adjusting, explore the key themes of the last 12 months and whether these can be expected to continue to
resonate into 2022. Mike notes that from the perspective of credit and political insurers, 2021 was like "being becalmed at sea, with an unprecedentedly low level of claims that has not been seen in living memory."
Given that there is no historical precedent for the current circumstances, he notes that underwriters have found it challenging to project forward. In addition, an "unusual and unwelcome" development was the withdrawal of
some significant players from the market. "It is to be hoped that new entrants will replace them."
To read the report go to https://www.charlestaylor.com/en/news/news-post/the-year-in-insurance/.
Atradius reflects on Brexit impact one year on.
As the UK marks its first anniversary of the Brexit withdrawal, Atradius reflects that while the UK has not been alone in experiencing economic fallout due to the pandemic, adding Brexit into the mix has exacerbated its impact. After a sharp recession, UK GDP is showing a gradual, slowing recovery, but the economy remains smaller than at the start of 2020. Nicola Harris, Senior Risk Underwriter at Atradius, commented: "At a time where we should be analysing the consequences of Brexit, we cannot separate its impact from that of COVID and other influencing factors, and it is near impossible to wholly attribute strains to one root cause. However, it is clear that Brexit is amplifying supply chain issues, and it is likely to do so for some time yet." Looking ahead, 2022 will continue to bring challenges for UK businesses as a result of Brexit combined with persisting inflationary pressures and rising insolvencies which Atradius economists forecast will increase 33% on pre-pandemic rates.
Click here to read Atradius' news release.
UK exports will take until 2023 to reach pre-pandemic levels. According to Euler Hermes' latest Global Trade Report, following a forecasted
£18 billion increase in 2021, UK exports will increase by £55 billion in 2022 but
won't return to pre-pandemic levels until 2023. Euler Hermes expects those firms in the UK's services (£30 billion) and automotive manufacturing (£3.4 billion) sectors to be among the biggest winners, with exports to the US,
Germany and Ireland registering the strongest growth. Euler Hermes research also suggests that, although global supply chain disruptions could remain high until H2 2022, trade growth is expected to remain strong globally through 2022
(+5.4%) and 2023 (+4%).
To read Euler Hermes' news release go to https://www.eulerhermes.com/en_global/news-insights/news/global-trade-to-grow-by--5-4--in-2022-despite-supply-chain-disru.html.
The appetite for credit insurance is growing across Europe. Citing data from
Atradius' latest Payment Practices Barometer, AccountingWEB reports that
in Western Europe, 56% of businesses say they expect to outsource credit risks through the increased use of trade credit insurance next year to help alleviate pressure on liquidity due to customer insolvency.
53% say they have already taken out a policy for 2022 (55% in the manufacturing sector and 62% in the machines industry).
In comparison,
in Eastern Europe, credit insurance is being used by 72% of businesses in Slovakia, and 69% in Turkey and, across the region, 68% of large firms use credit insurance (63% in the wholesale sector,
69% in construction materials and 68% in the steel and metals industries).
However, despite the growing appetite for trade credit insurance, 70% of businesses in Western Europe and 66% of businesses in Eastern Europe still opt to retain credit risk in-house.
To read AccountingWEB's article go to https://www.accountingweb.co.uk/business/finance-strategy/poor-payment-practices-impact-european-businesses.
Euler Hermes looks to expand its XoL solution and see huge potential in the US market. Insurance Business America
has reported that Euler Hermes is seeking to expand its presence in the US for traditional trade credit insurance, as well as developing its XoL insurance product. James Musters, Euler Hermes'
newly appointed Managing Director of XoL for the Americas region, believes that there is "huge" market potential and commented: "Obviously, we’d like to increase our market share, but more importantly, we’d like
to grow the market as a whole. We estimate that in the US credit insurance market, there are about 20,000
companies insured across all the insurance carriers, and yet, there are 20 million companies who could be buying credit insurance." To read Insurance Business' article go to https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/us/news/breaking-news/global-trade-credit-insurer-euler-hermes-looking-to-expand-xol-market-320725.aspx.
Mike Holley discusses the current trade credit insurance landscape.
Markel International has published its sixth and final 'Class Conversation' for 2021, in which Simon Philpin, Senior Underwriter & Head of Business Development Global – Trade Credit, interviews Mike Holley.
Mike is currently the Non-Executive Chair of Nexus Group, a Director at Schumann, and a Consultant at Charles Taylor. Formerly, he established and led Equinox Global (acquired by Nexus Group in 2017). The interview discusses:
- The most challenging aspects of setting up a Trade Credit MGA.
- Mike's perspective on the trade credit industry and how the market can stay fresh.
- Mike's view on the XoL market and how to promote its growth.
- What "High Performance" mean for Mike.
Rather than having reached saturation, Mike suggests that the trade credit insurance industry still does not offer enough choice of products or insurers. He notes that innovation most often comes from newer entrants and that this is an important part of keeping the market fresh, "on its toes" and moving forward.
To watch the video go to https://vimeo.com/654219257/68f287a9af.
ABL Group launches a new trade credit insurance division. ABL (Abbey Bond Lovis) Group has announced that it is now offering trade credit insurance in Northern Ireland, with a new in-house division integrated into the
company following the acquisition of Willis Towers Watson's commercial risk and broking business in Northern Ireland. Mark McAllister will head up the new specialist trade credit insurance Division (see 'Job announcements' below).
To read ABL Group's news release go to https://www.abbeybondlovis.com/news/abl-group-launches-new-trade-credit-insurance-division/.
Willis Towers Watson launches a risk and analytics model for trade credit insurance. Insurance Journal has reported that Willis Towers Watson has launched a new risk and analytics model for the trade credit market.
The model analyses clients' trade receivables to predict potential losses over a range of statistical scenarios and also facilitates credit insurance ROI calculations examining the cost of premiums
against sales and projected losses. Willis Towers Watson commented: "By identifying the unique frequency and severity of potential credit risk losses within a firm’s receivables portfolio, the model takes a data driven approach to help clients design and structure
the most appropriate solutions to help grow sales securely and with confidence." To read Insurance Journal's article go to https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/international/2021/12/22/646888.htm.
Stagflation, rising insolvencies and refinancing risk. The Berne Union's Annual Yearbook for 2021 includes an article by Julian Hudson, ST Committee Chair and Global Head of Trade
Credit at Chubb. Julian advises that he believes that stagflation, rising insolvencies and refinancing risk represent the biggest
risks facing Berne Union members in the short term
business trade credit insurance area.
Regarding refinancing risk, Julian warns that concerns regarding a potential lack of refinancing for some debt-laden companies will lead to them defaulting
on their scheduled payments in the next year
or two. "For many, that will mean that credit
insurers may be less favourable towards
short term risks." He also warns that while the trade credit insurance market currently has "as much depth of coverage as
we've ever had," if some markets choose
to restrict cover, capacity may become an
issue. To read the Berne Union's article go to https://www.berneunion.org/Articles/Details/626/2021-Berne-Union-Yearbook-Adapt-Innovate-Accelerate-Repeat (p28).
Attis Credit Solutions launches its website. Attis Credit Solutions, the specialist credit insurance broker founded in early 2021 by Paul Martin, formerly Managing Director of Acumen Credit Insurance Brokers,
and Steve Hamstead, Head of Business Development at Aon Credit Solutions, has launched its new company website. The company now has five UK offices and staff with over three hundred years of industry experience.
Forthcoming initiatives include Attis Surety Solutions. For more information go to https://www.attiscs.com/.
Concerns regarding UKEF's turnaround times and premium pricing. The British Exporters Association (BExA) has published its annual benchmarking report which praises UKEF for supporting UK exporters during the pandemic and for increasing its business volumes. However, the report suggests that concerns remain around turnaround times and premium pricing, and it further notes that during the last 11 years,
UKEF collected £2.54 billion in premium while only paying a total of £192 million in claims, giving it a cumulative premium collected to claims paid ratio of approximately 13:1.
The comparative ratio of other European ECAs over that same period is approximately 3:1. In addition, BExA found that UKEF (in common with the other ECAs) enjoyed very strong levels of recoveries vs past claims,
achieving total recoveries of £1.5 billion over the last 11 years.
To read BExA's report go to https://bexa.co.uk/BExA/Policy-and-Publications/UKEF-Annual-Benchmarking/BEXA/Policy-and-Publications/UKEF-Annual-Bencharking.aspx.
Although there are few insolvencies in Germany, they are very large.
Coface's latest economic publication reports that 2021 was a mixed year for Germany, with a 2% contraction to GDP in Q1 followed by moderately positive growth.
However, this was not enough to lift the economy back to pre-crisis levels; Germany was still 1.1% below the level of winter 2019/20 in Q3 2021, and is not expected to pick up noticeably until the second half of 2022.
The report also notes that, although German corporate payment surveys show declining insolvency rates, insolvency losses are rising.
Measured in terms of outstanding liabilities from insolvencies (published by the Federal Statistical Office), Germany had reached greater liabilities by September (€45.5 billion) than total liabilities for the whole of 2020.
This indicates that although there are few insolvencies in Germany, they are very large.
To read Coface's news release go to https://www.coface.com/News-Publications/News/Outlook-2022-peering-through-the-jungle-of-economic-news.
2021 Berne Union Yearbook: Adapt, Innovate, Accelerate, Repeat. The Berne Union has published its 2021 Yearbook, in which leading voices from across international trade and investment reflect on the key themes of 2021 and expectations for the coming year. Articles in this issue include:
- Berne Union Data in 2021: Overview and Outlook. By Jonathan Skovbro Steenberg, Economic Research Analyst, Berne Union and Paul Heaney, Associate Director.
- Berne Union World trade growth: Back to the new normal? By John Lorié, Chief Economist, Atradius Credit Insurance
- Plugging in to data: A new landscape for risk management. By Sian Aspinall, Managing Director, BPL Global
- Business insolvencies: Is it just a matter of time? By Valerio Ranciaro, Director General, SACE SRV and Cinzia Guerrieri, Economist, SACE
- Greensill: The lessons for credit insurers. By Igor Zaks, President, Tenzor.
- The outlook for structured credit and the political risk market. By Fabrizio Mazza, Managing Director, Global Public Agency Leader, Credit Specialties, Marsh Specialty and Luca Moneta, Political Risk Analysis Leader, Marsh Specialty.
To download a copy of the Yearbook go to https://www.berneunion.org/Articles/Details/626/2021-Berne-Union-Yearbook-Adapt-Innovate-Accelerate-Repeat.
Podcast: Company Watch has announced that it has given its podcast a makeover. The new 'On the Spot' podcast emerges from Company Watch's existing Coronavirus podcast. Jo Ketter, CEO of Company Watch, and Nick Hood, Business Risk Analyst
at Company Watch, will now shine the spotlight on a guest, or a specific topic, to gain a deeper understanding of what is happening in our world, or in an area of financial risk management that they feel passionate about.
This week, Peter Smith, ex-president of CIPS and former procurement director at Dun & Bradstreet, explains how he would mitigate risk if he was still working in procurement and what he believes those risks are.
He also highlights why procurement is the driving force behind the commercial capability of a company and why company-wide buy-in is the key to procurement success. Listen at https://www.companywatch.net/resources/.
Q&A with Xenia’s Business Development Executive, Mike Lawrence. Xenia Broking Group has published a Q&A, in which Mike Lawrence explains what he enjoys about his role at Xenia, his secret talent and why his all-time hero is Arsene Wenger. Take a look at https://xeniabroking.com/news-and-insights/coffee-cup-corner-a-quick-q-a-with-xenias-business-development-executive-mike-lawrence.
New Appointments
Chubb has announced the appointment of Mills Ramsay to the role of North America Manager, Country and Credit Risk Management. Mills previously worked as a Credit Risk Underwriting Manager for QBE North America.
PIB Insurance Brokers has appointed Iain Maitland as Development Director. Iain joins PIB from Aon where he was Executive Director, Aon Credit Solutions.
TL Dallas has welcomed Jonathan Grant and Sandie Cater-Wright to its Credit Insurance team in Bradford. Sandie joins from Bibby, where she worked as a Trade Credit Account Handler. Jonathan joins the team as an Account Executive.
He previously worked as a Client Manager at Aon.
ABL Group has announced that it has appointed Mark McAllister as Head of Trade Credit. Mark joins from Willis Towers Watson, where he was Head of Trade Credit Northern Ireland.
Attis Credit Solutions has announced that Peter Bell has been appointed as Branch Director of Attis' Leeds office. Peter has been with Attis Credit Solutions for eight months and previously worked as Client Director. He joined Attis from Prophet Group, where he was a Senior Client Manager.
Meridian Finance Group has appointed Ben Roberts as President. Ben was formerly Manager - Specialty Lines at Median Finance Group. He is based in New York
Career Opportunities
EFCIS is an independent Trade Credit Insurance Broker and associated financial solutions company that is
committed to making a real difference to the Credit Insurance market, we are one of the largest independent UK
Brokers with global reach in 48 countries via our ICBA network. UK HQ is in Harlow, Essex.
We are looking for a self-motivated Individual to join the growing Bexley Team as a Senior Trade Credit
Insurance Broker based in Sidcup, London. This is a great opportunity to lead a small team of people in Bexley
and run the portfolio that has a wide range of clients, including global multinationals based overseas, but with
most of the book being UK based businesses.
Applications are invited from qualified/experienced candidates where candidates are looking to broaden their horizons in a new role. Minimum 5 years’ experience in a commercial role within Credit Insurance is required. To succeed you will already be able to evidence strong customer service and communication skills as well as possessing those characteristics that fit soundly within our EFCIS Ethos.
In this position your key responsibilities will be:
Role profile:
Please send your CV and cover email stating your level of commitment to Danielle Cousins at danielle.cousins@efcis.com.
Applications are invited from qualified/experienced candidates where candidates are looking to broaden their horizons in a new role. Minimum 5 years’ experience in a commercial role within Credit Insurance is required. To succeed you will already be able to evidence strong customer service and communication skills as well as possessing those characteristics that fit soundly within our EFCIS Ethos.
In this position your key responsibilities will be:
- Negotiation and renewal of the Bexley portfolio to ensure maximum retention and develop the existing portfolio with the aim of maximising customer profitability
- Assist New Business in generating and winning new business leads
- Support and manage the day to day running of the Bexley Customer Connect Team that currently consists of 2 individuals, which will support you every day on the running of the portfolio. (Both CCs are Full Time)
- Run and attend all client meetings as required face to face and online
- Maintain strong relationships with all underwriters and internal clients
- Assist in internal projects to develop the EFCIS Brand
Role profile:
- The Candidate will need to be a confident and ambitious self-starter who can also work independently and under pressure but will also need to be a team player
- It is essential that the successful candidate is a strong communicator, organised and have an aptitude for relationship building and strong inter-personal skills
- Willing and enthusiastic about growing the portfolio through ‘in place’ lead generators and attending events in relation to this
The ideal candidate will have the following profile:
- Strong Negotiation skills
- Provide excellent customer service and support and develop a customer visit plan
- Manage and support Underwriter relationships
- Develop and retain existing customer relations with the aim of maximising income growth
- Identify and support development of business opportunities for additional sales of services and products
- Accurately complete and negotiate renewals with our renewal processes and documents
- Competent and knowledgeable in training clients in policy compliance and IT systems
- Self-Driven training supported by EFCIS in knowledge gaps as ‘a whole of market’ broker
- Handle, process and pre vet credit limit applications, ARC reports or any other necessary information required in servicing accounts. Knowledge of reading accounts is essential for this role.
- Support the Customer Connect Team in preparing all required information necessary for setting up policies, submissions, renewals or maintaining policy records according to procedures and guidelines
- Assist in obtaining documentation and pre vetting Claims
- Assist with internal reporting requirements in line with EFCIS / ICBA UK’s overall policies, standards, and systems.
Please send your CV and cover email stating your level of commitment to Danielle Cousins at danielle.cousins@efcis.com.
Events & Professional Development
TXF Americas 2022: Structured Trade & Export Finance
HYBRID EVENT: MIAMI & ONLINE (Conducted in English), 8-9 March 2022.
It's been away for far too long TXF Americas 2022: Structured Trade & Export Finance is back in-person and returns in all it's glory to sunny Miami for the first time in over 2 years on 8-9 March, and this time with a hybrid element.
We will continue to innovate in the virtual space, using the wonderful world of hybrid events to offer guests unlimited access to online content and networking. Deal makers from across the globe are already lining up to save their spot.
We will continue to innovate in the virtual space, using the wonderful world of hybrid events to offer guests unlimited access to online content and networking. Deal makers from across the globe are already lining up to save their spot.
Topics up for debate include:
Two types of participation are available for TXF hybrid events:
1. Physical Event Ticket
- ESGs and Energy transition - moving forward
- Evolution of ECA products in the region - increasing flexibility and innovation
- Identifying who's filling the finance gap (DFIs, ECAs, Alternative Financiers) - availability of new financing products
- Updates on recovery focused programmes in key LatAm Countries.
Two types of participation are available for TXF hybrid events:
1. Physical Event Ticket
- Get your feet on the ground to come together with key clients, colleagues and industry experts. Your ticket will also include:
- Additional networking features such as the poolside cocktail reception Access to the virtual event platform – reach out to virtual-only attendees and watch all sessions on-demand if you miss them
- Networking concierge service – allow us to do the leg work and introduce you to new potential clients
2. Virtual Ticket/ On-Demand (Available TXF events 365 Members Only)
From the comfort of your desk watch all sessions live or on-demand as well as use our ‘Search the Guest List’ feature to reach out to other virtual attendees and those joining the physical event in-person.
From the comfort of your desk watch all sessions live or on-demand as well as use our ‘Search the Guest List’ feature to reach out to other virtual attendees and those joining the physical event in-person.
To find out more about joining virtually as part of a TXF Membership, please email membership@txfmedia.com.
For more information go to https://www.txfnews.com/Events/Event/246/TXF-Americas-2022-Structured-Trade-Export-Finance.
Annual Receivables Finance International Convention, 9-10 March. London/Hybrid
Join BCR Publishing for their 22nd Annual Receivables Finance International Convention.
RFIx’22 will be held in London at the offices of Clifford Chance and will bring together in person, senior receivables
finance executives from around the world, with live streaming also available.
BCR will be also holding its 4th Annual Receivables Finance International Awards on 9 March 2022, on the evening of the first day of RFIx’22.
Book your place for RFIx’22 and help define the future of working capital finance: https://bcrpub.com/events/rfix-receivables-finance-international-convention-2022. Use the Early Bird rate before 4 February to receive £200 off the full price.
To apply for free to receive RFIx22 Award, download your info pack today: https://bcrpub.com/awards/rfix22-awards-and-gala-dinner.
BCR will be also holding its 4th Annual Receivables Finance International Awards on 9 March 2022, on the evening of the first day of RFIx’22.
Book your place for RFIx’22 and help define the future of working capital finance: https://bcrpub.com/events/rfix-receivables-finance-international-convention-2022. Use the Early Bird rate before 4 February to receive £200 off the full price.
To apply for free to receive RFIx22 Award, download your info pack today: https://bcrpub.com/awards/rfix22-awards-and-gala-dinner.
World Trade Symposium, 31 March. London.
The past 18 months have seen the rules on global trade rewritten. The profound digital transformation that was already underway has accelerated, slashing costs and reforging supply chains - with innovative shippers, banks, trading blocs, and fintechs leading the way.
As a result, all governments, businesses, and trade practitioners now face the urgent task of understanding the technology trends and practical and policy challenges involved in grasping the opportunity of digital trade.
Alongside this, policymakers and non-governmental organisations forecast that digital technologies and standards will open trade to millions more small and micro-enterprises across the world, cementing a new path to global prosperity.
Digital tracking and provenance solutions could also boost sustainability and help reduce carbon emissions.
These “tech-tonic” shifts are a significant opportunity for all stakeholders in trade, but many obstacles still need to be overcome.
The World Trade Symposium 2022 will bring together top executives and leading global policymakers for a day of rigorous discussion and debate on these critical issues.
The event will reassess the new “trade lines” created by the pandemic, explore the scope and impact of digital trade technologies and evaluate the opportunities and challenges ahead.
For more information and to book tickets go to https://www.tradefinanceglobal.com/conferences/world-trade-symposium-03-2022/.
The past 18 months have seen the rules on global trade rewritten. The profound digital transformation that was already underway has accelerated, slashing costs and reforging supply chains - with innovative shippers, banks, trading blocs, and fintechs leading the way.
As a result, all governments, businesses, and trade practitioners now face the urgent task of understanding the technology trends and practical and policy challenges involved in grasping the opportunity of digital trade.
Alongside this, policymakers and non-governmental organisations forecast that digital technologies and standards will open trade to millions more small and micro-enterprises across the world, cementing a new path to global prosperity.
Digital tracking and provenance solutions could also boost sustainability and help reduce carbon emissions.
These “tech-tonic” shifts are a significant opportunity for all stakeholders in trade, but many obstacles still need to be overcome.
The World Trade Symposium 2022 will bring together top executives and leading global policymakers for a day of rigorous discussion and debate on these critical issues.
The event will reassess the new “trade lines” created by the pandemic, explore the scope and impact of digital trade technologies and evaluate the opportunities and challenges ahead.
For more information and to book tickets go to https://www.tradefinanceglobal.com/conferences/world-trade-symposium-03-2022/.
TXF Global 2022: Export, Agency & Project Finance
HYBRID EVENT: LISBON & ONLINE, 7-8 June 2022. Lisbon, Portugal.
TXF Global Export is back for 2022 and this time, *drumroll*... we’re taking the global export roadshow to Lisbon!
Join us on the 7th & 8th June 2022 for another unmissable hybrid event. Deal makers from across the globe are already lining up to save their spot. Topics up for debate include:
For more information go to https://www.txfnews.com/Events/Event/249/TXF-Global-2022-Export-Agency-Project-Finance.
HYBRID EVENT: LISBON & ONLINE, 7-8 June 2022. Lisbon, Portugal.
TXF Global Export is back for 2022 and this time, *drumroll*... we’re taking the global export roadshow to Lisbon!
Join us on the 7th & 8th June 2022 for another unmissable hybrid event. Deal makers from across the globe are already lining up to save their spot. Topics up for debate include:
- Financing the goals of COP 26
- Mega borrowers of the future
- Mega borrowers of the future
- Guardians of Export Credit - The Government perspective
The Green ECA CEO panel
Two types of participation are available for TXF hybrid events:
1. Physical Event Ticket
1. Physical Event Ticket
- Get your feet on the ground to come together with key clients, colleagues and industry experts. Your ticket will also include:
- Additional networking features such as the poolside cocktail reception Access to the virtual event platform – reach out to virtual-only attendees and watch all sessions on-demand if you miss them
- Networking concierge service – allow us to do the leg work and introduce you to new potential clients
2. Virtual Ticket/ On-Demand (Available TXF events 365 Members Only)
From the comfort of your desk watch all sessions live or on-demand as well as use our ‘Search the Guest List’ feature to reach out to other virtual attendees and those joining the physical event in-person.
To find out more about joining virtually as part of a TXF Membership, please email membership@txfmedia.com. email membership@txfmedia.com.From the comfort of your desk watch all sessions live or on-demand as well as use our ‘Search the Guest List’ feature to reach out to other virtual attendees and those joining the physical event in-person.
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